Meeting Sutton Foster

#0Meeting Sutton Foster
Posted: 8/5/04 at 1:23am

I met Sutton tonight in Pittsburgh. She is performing in "Me and My Girl." She was excellent. She was also super sweet and gracious following the performance. She signed autographs and took picture in the rain. Truly a class act. My respect for her is great. She is what every B-Way star should be like.

VaudevilleVixen Profile Photo
#1re: Meeting Sutton Foster
Posted: 8/5/04 at 1:36am

I saw "Me and My Girl" in Pittsburgh last night, which was opening night. There were surprisingly a lot of people at the stage door afterward...even Chris Sieber was there. I do agree that she is a little too nice to her fans! She is a very sweet woman and I am always amazed by her talent.

<3 Katie

George67 Profile Photo
#2re: Meeting Sutton Foster
Posted: 8/6/04 at 6:24pm

I guess Christopher Sieber was there because I belive his boy friend Kevin Burrows is in the cast

webmaster for (the official site)

VoiceofReason Profile Photo
#3re: Meeting Sutton Foster
Posted: 8/6/04 at 7:34pm

She is wodnerful- I was at Carnegie mellon Pre-College this summer, and she came and spoke to all of us. She is lovely and energetic, just a joy to watch, and her stories are so vivid. Afterwards she spent a good hour or two signing and taking pictures with us even though she had come off of a day long rehearsal for Me and My Girl. She is completely modest, and incredibly insecure, but a complete delight, and such an incredible talent.

For heaven's sake, don't try to be cynical. It's perfectly easy to be cynical. ~The Importance of Being Earnest~

#4re: Meeting Sutton Foster
Posted: 8/6/04 at 7:50pm

my friend was at the Carnegie Melon thing. I'll have to ask her about that. What courses did you take there? cause it may have been different.

GretchaSketch Profile Photo
#5re: Meeting Sutton Foster
Posted: 8/6/04 at 8:35pm

How long will she be in Me and My Girl?? Ok, odd question, but I've been wanted to write to her for a little while and missed her in Millie. I have the address to her agent but would it be inappropriate if I wrote to her while she is in Me and My Girl or should I just write to her at the agents address? If you don't think it's inappropriate to write to her at Me and My Girl, does anyone know the address to the theatre:)

"I'm through accepting limits, 'cuz someone says they're so, some things I cannot change but till I try I'll never know."

#6re: Meeting Sutton Foster
Posted: 8/6/04 at 8:38pm

She's done with the show in Pittsburgh after tomorrow. So writing to her there would unsuccessful.

If you can wait, wait 'til late November when she'll be at the Virginia Theatre rehearsing for Little Women.

GretchaSketch Profile Photo
#7re: Meeting Sutton Foster
Posted: 8/6/04 at 9:48pm

Oh that's a good idea. I figured I'd have to wait till next season when Little Women started but she and the rest of the cast will start rehearsing in Nov?? Good to know. Thanks:)

"I'm through accepting limits, 'cuz someone says they're so, some things I cannot change but till I try I'll never know."
