Eden Espinosa

#0Eden Espinosa
Posted: 8/5/04 at 7:47pm

Hello all. I know this question has been asked b4 but I have to ask. Where can I find clips of Eden in Wicked. I found her website but I don't see any clips. Anyone know?


If I were only meant to tend the nest,then why does my imagination sail Across the mountains and the seas,beyond the make-believe of any fairytale?

WiCkEDrOcKS Profile Photo
#1re: Eden Espinosa
Posted: 8/5/04 at 7:54pm

Its on her fansite in multimedia. I lost the link but Ill look for it.

GretchaSketch Profile Photo
#2re: Eden Espinosa
Posted: 8/5/04 at 9:11pm

Here is her Website. You can find sound clips there.
Eden E!!

"I'm through accepting limits, 'cuz someone says they're so, some things I cannot change but till I try I'll never know."

Gypsy2 Profile Photo
#3re: Eden Espinosa
Posted: 8/5/04 at 9:53pm

I took the clips down because they were taking up all my bandwidth. Once I move the website to it's own domain, I promise I will let you all know.

You know it and you want it... you just can't believe you've got it.
