elaine stritch's speech

#0elaine stritch's speech
Posted: 9/20/04 at 5:22pm

Does anyone have the text of the speech? I missed it and want to hear everything she said, so I can giggle.

"Fundamentalism means never having to say 'I'm wrong.'" -- unknown

#1re: elaine stritch's speech
Posted: 9/20/04 at 8:15pm

I dont have it, but I can tell you it was hilarious.

#2re: elaine stritch's speech
Posted: 9/20/04 at 8:18pm

I'm just now watching the Emmys on Tivo and Stritch just finished -- hysterical.

"What a story........ everything but the bloodhounds snappin' at her rear end." -- Birdie [http://margochanning.broadwayworld.com/] "The Devil Be Hittin' Me" -- Whitney

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#3re: elaine stritch's speech
Posted: 9/20/04 at 8:20pm

Words cannot describe how much I enjoyed her speech! I thought she was brilliant, very funny and just so full of confidence and poise, all the while having a great time! It was much more refreshing to see her have a good time with it all than watch someone stand there and read 509865 names off a little piece of paper.

KittyDarling Profile Photo
#4re: elaine stritch's speech
Posted: 9/20/04 at 8:50pm

T.M.I.T.M, in other words, NO. As you can see here.

But there is a lot of "Nyahh Nyahh Nyahh, We Saw it and YOU didn't!"
