audition help

#0audition help
Posted: 11/15/04 at 9:27pm

Everyone is probably sick of all the posts about Into the Woods, but does anyone know a good audition song for that play for a female with an alto-mezzo soprano range? I'd appreciate any suggestions. Oh, and we can't sing any Rodgers and Hammerstein either. Thanks.

My Fair Lady Profile Photo
My Fair Lady
#1re: audition help
Posted: 11/15/04 at 9:29pm

I'm guessing you're suditioning for the Baker's Wife or Little Red, right?

#2re: audition help
Posted: 11/15/04 at 9:34pm

yup, any suggestions?

My Fair Lady Profile Photo
My Fair Lady
#3re: audition help
Posted: 11/15/04 at 9:49pm

*bump* Sorry, I can't really help. But for Little Red, My New Philosophy is good.

The Distinctive Baritone Profile Photo
The Distinctive Baritone
#4re: audition help
Posted: 11/16/04 at 12:19am

Just sing something that shows you off. They're going to see you however they see you, and there's not much you can do. That's the nature of the beast.

Type_A_Tiff Profile Photo
#5re: audition help
Posted: 11/16/04 at 12:20am

Well, just what makes your baritone so distinct? That might give Rachel some ideas. re: audition help

"It's not always about you!!!" (But if you think I'm referring to you anyway, then I probably am.)

"Good luck returning my ass!" - Wilhemina Slater

"This is my breakfast, lunch and f***ing dinner right here. I'm not even f***in' joking." - Colin Farrell

#6re: audition help
Posted: 11/16/04 at 12:45am

hehe, thanks Type_A_Tiff
