
Posted: 4/23/05 at 1:21pm

Anyone know the true story behind the Woman in White in London I was told Crawford was fired. I thought he was sick since Jan. with the flu and viral colitis and just was to weak to come back. What is the truth and I guess crawford will not come to NY to star in the show. I really dislike Anthony Andrews, Micheal Ball I can put up with. But the new cast no.

MAKE SOMEONE LAUGH!!!!!*******************

kec Profile Photo
#1re: Crawford
Posted: 4/23/05 at 1:54pm

The OFFICIAL word is that MC left because he had been laid low with acute flu which then developed into viral colitis. The announcement made by MC's fan club, which appears on that site and over on Really Useful about his not returning on May 2 as planned is due to the fact that he just isn't healthy enough to play Fosco the way he should be played. Given that he'd have to get back into the fat suit, I can understand that reasoning. I have seen rumors elsewhere about bad feelings, but these are from unnamed sources which really aren't reliable.

If, in fact, there are some issues between MC and the producers and cast, it's very unlikely they will be made public.

Will Crawford do the show in Chicago/NY? No one knows at this point. Some people seem to think that he still has a chance at it, given the excellent reviews he received. But Michael Ball has also gotten excellent reviews for his portrayal of Count Fosco.

We can only wait and see.
Updated On: 4/23/05 at 01:54 PM

#2re: Crawford
Posted: 4/23/05 at 2:20pm

Thanks for answering....It is not only the fat suit... Michael has fought with illness since he was a child but this flu and viral colitis took hold of him. He is 63 and I don't think Michael would want to play Count Fosco if he can't give 100% he is not 54 anymore when I saw him in Phantom and that took a lot of energy out of him. I can only wish him the best to recovery and hopes he does come to New York.

MAKE SOMEONE LAUGH!!!!!*******************

#3re: Crawford
Posted: 4/23/05 at 5:53pm

"Will Crawford do the show in Chicago/NY? No one knows at this point."

Well some people seem to know and if what they're saying is correct, one of the Michaels will be doing the show in Chicago and NY but it won't be Crawford!

kec Profile Photo
#4re: Crawford
Posted: 4/23/05 at 6:14pm

Michael B did a radio interview a couple of days ago, and was asked about reprising the role on Broadway. His response was that he didn't know -- he hadn't been asked.

I would certainly love to see him reprise the role, and hope the rumors are true. But someone here on another thread mentioned that there were some American names" being looked at as well.

As I said, all we can do is wait...
Updated On: 4/23/05 at 06:14 PM

#5re: Crawford
Posted: 4/23/05 at 6:40pm

You can put up with Michael??? Are you sick?? re: Crawford

Coimhéad fearg fhear na foighde.

#6re: Crawford
Posted: 4/23/05 at 6:40pm

Well what did you expect him to say?! Of course he's going to say he doesn't know until it's officially announced. American actors are being looked at for other roles, not for Count Fosco.

#7re: Crawford
Posted: 4/23/05 at 7:05pm

I went to London recently just to see Michael Ball perform in the role of Count Fosco - and it was well worth the long flying hours!

Michael's singing and acting were excellent and his interpretation gave the show such an uplift. I hope he gets invited to reprise the role in Chicago and on Broadway!

kec Profile Photo
#8re: Crawford
Posted: 4/23/05 at 7:15pm

MB Fan, the message I was referring to, which can be found here,

was referring to the Fosco role. It's the sixth message down.

Naturally Michael isn't going to say whether or not he's going to do the role in NY until the casting is officially announced. People are saying a lot of different things, but that doesn't mean what they say is official. I hope it is though.
Updated On: 4/23/05 at 07:15 PM

#9re: Crawford
Posted: 4/23/05 at 7:35pm

Yes, people are saying a lot of things, just like the message you're referring to.

Jo, glad you got to the show. It would be interesting to hear from someone who saw both Michaels in the role - I wonder what they would say the differences are, because it's these differences that will bring Michael Ball to the US instead of Michael Crawford. (No disrespect meant to Mr. Crawford - I just think Mr. Ball is better for this role.)

#10re: Crawford's and Ball's singing
Posted: 4/23/05 at 7:51pm

I didn't see the Michael Crawford interpretation but I have the CD of the show, so I can compare the singing.

Michael Ball is not only the better singer but he also has the accent and the bombastic style required for the personality of Count Fosco down pat. And those booming opera tenor-like notes are a great treat! ( On an aside, Michael B should record an album of Neapolitan songs!)...I guess that was why ALWebber has paid Michael B the supreme compliment when he told him ( on a TV program, where both were present) that he "completely commanded the role so musically well".

Updated On: 4/23/05 at 07:51 PM

#11re: Crawford's and Ball's singing
Posted: 4/23/05 at 8:48pm

Too bad they won't be releasing a second cast recording with Michael in the role! Unless they decide to release an American cast recording!

midtowngym Profile Photo
#12re: Crawford's and Ball's singing
Posted: 4/23/05 at 10:15pm

I was lucky enough to see Michael Crawford in WIW. He was delicious. On-spot comic timing, charming and in good voice (this was early in the run, long before his illness.)

'The Devil be hitting me!'--Whitney Houston

kec Profile Photo
#13re: Crawford's and Ball's singing
Posted: 4/24/05 at 4:40am

"Michael Ball is not only the better singer but he also has the accent and the bombastic style required for the personality of Count Fosco down pat. "

On my last visit to London, I was on one of the London Walks tours, and got into a conversation with someone about WiW, which I had seen the day before. The tour guide heard me mention it and said that she, too, had seen the show. I asked if she had seen Michael Crawford or Michael Ball. She had seen the show in previews, so had seen MC. She thought he was good, but then said, "Michael Ball has a far superior voice."

I'm rather sorry I missed seeing MC in the role, as he does sound good on the OCR, although it sounded like he had trouble keeping the Italian accent. I was very glad that I got to see Michael Ball in the role though, especially after hearing so much about his interpretation. He was excellent when he was the jovial guest at Limmeridge, but when his evil side came out, he gave me chills, especially when he sang "old maid!" with such venom in his voice and echoed in his face.

Mr Roxy Profile Photo
Mr Roxy
#14re: Crawford's and Ball's singing
Posted: 4/24/05 at 11:53am

After POTO, it was all downhill

If I were Mr Crawford, approaching 70 I believe, I would rest & relax. I don't think he needs the money & every stage performance is worse or a disappointment until the next one comes along

He has had a great career. It is time to talk of retirement & maybe do concerts - if his voice is still there

Poster Emeritus

#15re: Crawford's and Ball's singing
Posted: 4/24/05 at 12:08pm

Mr.Roxy That makes me angry Michael C is only 63 when he wants to retire he will, that doesnot make him ready for the coffin. Michael just had bad luck with this flu as you get older you have trouble fighting off these things Micheal C is a trooper.

MAKE SOMEONE LAUGH!!!!!*******************

#16re: Crawford's and Ball's singing
Posted: 4/24/05 at 12:49pm

PLUS there were many a day when I was stressed out I would put on one of Michael's tape and it soothed me and I would listen before I went to bed. He has a great voice. I don't think we heard the last from Michael Crawford!!!!!!!!

MAKE SOMEONE LAUGH!!!!!*******************
