Gospel at Columnus?

Angel Dumott Schunard
#0Gospel at Columnus?
Posted: 5/7/05 at 12:21am

Has anyone seen or listen to this? Is it worth buying?

#1re: Gospel at Columnus?
Posted: 5/7/05 at 1:11am

It's "Gospel at Colonus." A truly wonderful, uplifting gospel score. I recommend it.

"What a story........ everything but the bloodhounds snappin' at her rear end." -- Birdie [http://margochanning.broadwayworld.com/] "The Devil Be Hittin' Me" -- Whitney

#2re: Gospel at Columnus?
Posted: 5/7/05 at 1:34am

There is only one number of note, Angel--NUMBERLESS ARE THE WORLD'S WONDERS. The rest of the score is rather banal and static. It may work as gospel but fails as theater music.

sweetiedarlinmia Profile Photo
#3re: Gospel at Columnus?
Posted: 5/7/05 at 1:37am

Get the cast recording. It's great!
