Altar Boyz Cast Recording

ButtonstheClown Profile Photo
#0Altar Boyz Cast Recording
Posted: 5/9/05 at 6:11pm

Anyone have it yet?

Is it good?

Silence seemed the only way. Now I understand it's cost.
Updated On: 5/9/05 at 06:11 PM

#1re: Altar Boyz Soundtrack
Posted: 5/9/05 at 6:13pm

It is a CAST RECORDING. I would change that before you get a parade of insults and comments.

ButtonstheClown Profile Photo
#2re: Altar Boyz Cast Recording
Posted: 5/9/05 at 6:14pm

I don't really care, but if you insist.

The question remains the same.

Silence seemed the only way. Now I understand it's cost.
Updated On: 5/9/05 at 06:14 PM

Juliet2170 Profile Photo
#3re: Altar Boyz Cast Recording
Posted: 5/9/05 at 6:19pm

They're selling it at Dodger and I know this is a shocker but...I actually don't have the CD yet! Despite that, I've listened to the tracks from a friend who went and it's really top notch. The lyrics are clear and a good chunk of the show (i think close to half) is represented. If you "pre-ordered" they are in the mail and should arrive shortly.

#4re: Altar Boyz Cast Recording
Posted: 5/9/05 at 6:19pm

*Whines* Nooooo. I pre-ordered it from Amazon, so I still have at least a week to wait. Ergh. I think some people have bought it from the theater already, though. Also, they have complete sound clips of "We Are the Altar Boyz" and "(God Put) The Rhythm in Me" that they link to on their website ( Oh, and the website also plays clips from La Vida Eternal, We are the Altar Boyz, The Rhythm in Me, Number 918, The Calling, and Everybody Fits.

If you're interested...

#5re: Altar Boyz Cast Recording
Posted: 5/9/05 at 6:20pm

How Rude! I was just trying to be helpful. Many people are picky about it. Soundtrack is the track that plays behind a movie. Most movies would still be okay without the soundtrack.

The CAST RECORDING is a recording of the original cast.

I know it may sounds b**chy but ya know if you are goin gto respect the great white way you should get it right.

ButtonstheClown Profile Photo
#6re: Altar Boyz Cast Recording
Posted: 5/9/05 at 6:27pm

I wasn't trying to be rude. I just don't care if people insult me over such a silly little thing.

Silence seemed the only way. Now I understand it's cost.

#7re: Altar Boyz Cast Recording
Posted: 5/9/05 at 6:28pm

juliet. i am ashamed of you! you don't have that recording yet? you better get your butt to the theatre and get yourself one.

#8re: Altar Boyz Cast Recording
Posted: 5/9/05 at 6:33pm

"If you "pre-ordered" they are in the mail and should arrive shortly. "

Wait, does that just include the CDs that were pre-ordered directly from sh-k-boom? Or is there a chance I don't have to wait as long as I thought to get my CD? (insert "hopeful" smiley here)

munkustrap178 Profile Photo
#9re: Altar Boyz Cast Recording
Posted: 5/9/05 at 6:36pm

I didn't like the show - you all know that, but the CD is okay. The balance between the musicians and the vocals are WAY off - it sounds very cheap. The vocals are very very dim, especially in Tyler Maynard's song - not only does it sound like a woman, but you can barely hear what he's saying.

"If you are going to do something, do it well. And leave something witchy." -Charlie Manson

Juliet2170 Profile Photo
#10re: Altar Boyz Cast Recording
Posted: 5/9/05 at 6:51pm

lol andrew! i preordered mine and it's coming in the mail probably this week. i'm also going to see the show probably umm one of the rush days this coming up but yeah, i'm a little ashamed. :)

the preordered ones i was talking about are from sh-k-boom. sorry elizabeth.

personally, i could hear Tyler fine. about the vocals being dim, i think it's just not the SHOW, where everything's explosive. it's a nice little CD but they did add some musical background stuff that is not in the live version.

Updated On: 5/9/05 at 06:51 PM

#11re: Altar Boyz Cast Recording
Posted: 5/9/05 at 6:59pm

Goshdarnit. *Mutter* Ah, well. Amazon's usually good about shipping... it should be here shortly after May 17th... maybe.

#12re: Altar Boyz Cast Recording
Posted: 5/9/05 at 8:58pm

juliet, what do you mean they only recorded 1/2 the show? why for god's sake?

#13re: Altar Boyz Cast Recording
Posted: 5/9/05 at 9:03pm

Because fate is cruel.

Seriously: dialogue from shows doesn't usually get recorded, does it? Obviously, there are exceptions, but for the most part I think cast recordings are just the songs. Also, I think this was going to be marketed as an actual Christian pop CD.
Updated On: 5/9/05 at 09:03 PM

#14re: Altar Boyz Cast Recording
Posted: 5/9/05 at 9:07pm

but the score is much more than 1/2 of this show. the show is like a pop group's concert... i obviously know about dialogue not being recorded, don't treat me like a two year old!

Juliet2170 Profile Photo
#15re: Altar Boyz Cast Recording
Posted: 5/9/05 at 9:13pm

well i read somewhere that it was 40-some odd minutes and the show is 90 so i'm thinking it's half the show. i also feel like the show is more of a concert though...i'll go look up the article

#16re: Altar Boyz Cast Recording
Posted: 5/9/05 at 9:17pm

hmmm. i would have supported the whole show being recorded... i mean, it is a concert of a (faux) pop group... they should have recorded all the music... now i'm sad!

#17re: Altar Boyz Cast Recording
Posted: 5/9/05 at 9:18pm

Eep! I didn't mean to sound condescending at all. I'm so sorry! re: Altar Boyz Cast Recording I feel horrible, now. Ergh- sorry. I'm so tired...

#18re: Altar Boyz Cast Recording
Posted: 5/9/05 at 9:21pm

it's ok...

#19re: Altar Boyz Cast Recording
Posted: 5/9/05 at 9:28pm

*Cough* This is what happens when I don't have my Snapple in the morning...

Juliet2170 Profile Photo
#20re: Altar Boyz Cast Recording
Posted: 5/9/05 at 9:33pm

oh okay im sorry i probably didn't clarify. they DID record all of the songs. its just the show lasts 90min and i was trying to say that you get to know about 1/2 the show (audio-ly) from listening to the CD, not that the songlist is incomplete. for the life of me i can't find that article that talked about how much show went into the recording...

yes, they really should have recorded more dialogue (maybe not all the quirks but still give us something...) but what can you do. i was surprised to hear that the songs only allotted for 1/2 the show too. it should be like 60% or more. who knew the dialogue was so long. i feel like they just break into dance whenever they start a sentence. kinda like the Simpsons episode with N'Sync.

Updated On: 5/9/05 at 09:33 PM

Juliet2170 Profile Photo
#21re: Altar Boyz Cast Recording
Posted: 5/9/05 at 9:46pm

okay here it is:

The CD preserves about forty-seven of the show's eighty-five minutes. What's missing is the dialogue from Kevin Del Aguila's book, which contains much of the show's humor. So Altar Boyz inevitably loses something on disc, without the between-song patter. But the songs are enjoyable even without the dialogue that surrounds them, and also without the energetic Christopher Gattelli choreography that accompanies them in the theatre.

Led by Lynne Shankel, the four-piece band includes keyboards, guitar, and drums. Altar Boyz is the sort of franchise that's likely to have a long life, and it plays well on disc.

#22re: Altar Boyz Cast Recording
Posted: 5/9/05 at 10:19pm

yeah--thats it, the cd is 46.2 min--i'm listening to it now, i got it on the 3rd when they sold it outside the theater. The cd is good, the songs sound great, but the showe does lose something on cd, and I wouldve preferred maybe some bonus material or something, like some extra oomph, it is similar to the show. Except for a few things, but I only saw the show once so I could just be forgetting stuff.

"Don't thank your parents, if you were raised in a nurturing environment you wouldnt be in show business"--Conan O'Brien at the 2006 Emmy Awards

Juliet2170 Profile Photo
#23re: Altar Boyz Cast Recording
Posted: 5/9/05 at 10:27pm

i really wanted that extra oomph too! i know exactly what you mean though they actually added to some of the songs. i think there was Luke's cut verse from the "Miracle Song" and the remixed song at the end. personally i really wanted the cast to start ad libbing and chatting at the end while the recording kept going. i love those things at the end of CDs!

fishergirl819 Profile Photo
#24re: Altar Boyz Cast Recording
Posted: 5/9/05 at 10:45pm

i really wanted that extra oomph too! i know exactly what you mean though they actually added to some of the songs. i think there was Luke's cut verse from the "Miracle Song" and the remixed song at the end.

....they put Andy's verse back into The Miracle Song? Seriously? Oh my god, that's fantastic. I was so disappointed when that was taken out, as it was my favorite part of that song.
