Bare libretto

#0Bare libretto
Posted: 9/8/05 at 4:21pm

Hey all! I remember reading a while back I think that Bare wouldn't be re-opening but instead they were releasing the rights or something so that people could put on their own productions. Does anyone know if this was just a rumor or if it really is out there to buy and put on? Thanks!

boatsintheghetto Profile Photo
#1re: Bare libretto
Posted: 9/8/05 at 5:54pm

yeah u can really get the rights...i cant fidn the post right now where it says it, but its true.

Link Larkin Wanabe Profile Photo
Link Larkin Wanabe
#2re: Bare libretto
Posted: 9/8/05 at 5:59pm


The rights are up for grabs...sort of. If you have a LOT of money at your disposal. We are talking about $30,000. Trust me...i know.


#3re: Bare libretto
Posted: 9/8/05 at 6:11pm

Yea i was really disappointed they are asking so much for the rights. Its kinda bull, but oh well.

courtneyanne Profile Photo
#4re: Bare libretto
Posted: 9/8/05 at 7:34pm

$30,000? Holy hell.

My Fair Lady Profile Photo
My Fair Lady
#5re: Bare libretto
Posted: 9/8/05 at 8:44pm

Guessing my community theater's not doing it.
