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Who cast Laura B.. In TWS?

CurtainPullDowner Profile Photo
#0Who cast Laura B.. In TWS?
Posted: 4/5/06 at 12:57am

She was so wrong in this part.
Dull and no character and no good Song.
and i like her a lot.

Roninjoey Profile Photo
#1re: Who cast Laura B.. In TWS?
Posted: 4/5/06 at 1:03am

Did you honestly feel the need to make such a thread? This has been discussed to death.

yr ronin,

#2re: Who cast Laura B.. In TWS?
Posted: 4/5/06 at 1:05am

I thought she was great. Her and stephen had great chemistry in their small scenes and I really liked her first song, and the "pop" song and the last love song b/w her and stephen. I thought she did a fine job, though they do tend to put Amy's character over hers, which is random. But i hated her entrance. it seemed to stagey.

Michael Bennett Profile Photo
Michael Bennett
#3re: Who cast Laura B.. In TWS?
Posted: 4/5/06 at 1:08am

I think they wanted a "quasi" name, and Kristin and Idina were busy.

#4re: Who cast Laura B.. In TWS?
Posted: 4/5/06 at 1:12am

No, Laura is not even a quasi-name.

She gave a good audition, and the producers knew she was certainly talented.

CurtainPullDowner Profile Photo
#5re: Who cast Laura B.. In TWS?
Posted: 4/5/06 at 1:16am

and then they dressed her horribly
and gave her no songs or a character
So wrong

munkustrap178 Profile Photo
#6re: Who cast Laura B.. In TWS?
Posted: 4/5/06 at 1:17am

I would say she's certainly a quasi-name, atleast as far as the theatre community is concerned.

She has proven herself several times, particularly in SWING!, INTO THE WOODS, and NINE - I think that's enough to qualify.

There's no doubt that she obviously probably gave an amazing audition - but then again, her audition was probably before the material was even really fully written. Who knows what happened with this show - she's not bad in it, she's just kind of there. There's no doubt that she's talented though - and there's no doubt that is thread is unnecessary.

"If you are going to do something, do it well. And leave something witchy." -Charlie Manson

Roninjoey Profile Photo
#7re: Who cast Laura B.. In TWS?
Posted: 4/5/06 at 1:20am

Laura is currently working on what appears to be an extremely promising career. Maybe she's not a household name yet, but she is certainly known to Broadway audiences, and Stephen Lynch is known to college audiences.

I know I'm biased, I went in predisposed to liking her, but I honestly don't see why people have a problem with her. I thought she did a wonderful job with the material she was given. And I can't imagine how anybody would have found Lynch less than completely engaging. I feel that people are just jumping on a bandwagon somebody set rolling way back when she probably WAS less comfortable in the character's shoes, and it hasn't even opened on Broadway yet.

Whatever. It certainly doesn't stop me from enjoying her performance. I'm sure I've been unfair to a person's performance before, but after witnessing this, I think I will be less so in the future. I think it's stupid.

yr ronin,

#8re: Who cast Laura B.. In TWS?
Posted: 4/5/06 at 1:20am

Well, her character is more of the girl-next-door character in the show. She's not meant to be the comedic relief, that goes to the funny bestfriend character. I think she did well with the whole all-american girl falling for the wrong guy storyline. I thought she was subtle, but she seemed to kno what she was doing. It seemed like she really was kinda oblivious to robbie and his feelings.

On a side note: I loved her white Keds ha.

Doogie Profile Photo
#9re: Who cast Laura B.. In TWS?
Posted: 4/5/06 at 1:21am

Everyone keeps saying this, and I don't get it.

Is she miscast? kinda, but not anything her ridiculous amount of charisma and talent can't make up for.

Also, have you seen anyone else play this role? She is a great contrast to the sometimes overwhelming inyourfaceness of Spanger and Finley, who were both also excellent.

CurtainPullDowner Profile Photo
#10re: Who cast Laura B.. In TWS?
Posted: 4/5/06 at 1:24am

well I just mean't Laura is beautiful and has one kick ass voice
But in TWS she is not used or directed or costumed well
I feel she will be out of this sooner than she was out of Into The Woods
Will she be in CURTAINS? in LA this Summer?

Michael Bennett Profile Photo
Michael Bennett
#11re: Who cast Laura B.. In TWS?
Posted: 4/5/06 at 1:27am

I think part of the thing that makes this situation interesting is that probably the ideal person to play the role (as many others have pointed out) is actually Benanti's understudy, Tina Maddigan.

Maddigan is very of the Drew Barrymore mode, but bizarrely couldn't be more different than Benanti. So it indicates to me that the author's didn't have a really clear image of what they wanted in the role when they cast it.

It will be very interesting to see what happens when Maddigan actually gets to perform the role.

munkustrap178 Profile Photo
#12re: Who cast Laura B.. In TWS?
Posted: 4/5/06 at 1:28am

Her run in INTO THE WOODS was not incredibly short, if I recall - and didn't she leave due to injury?

I highly doubt she will be out of this show.

People are acting as if she is the sole problem of the show. Anyone who thinks that this show will be brilliant with a new Julia is delusional. It will still be the same, poorly written, ball of fluff.

"If you are going to do something, do it well. And leave something witchy." -Charlie Manson

Roninjoey Profile Photo
#13re: Who cast Laura B.. In TWS?
Posted: 4/5/06 at 1:29am

Were we watching the same show? I actually felt that she was the aggressor in this version. She was really, really into him and it was obvious from the moment she met him in the play. It took Lynch longer to come around to liking her than it took her to like him. It made a lot of sense, actually, that her overt flirting would pull Robbie out of his depressive funk and he would have a reason to go after her.

CurtainDown, you still haven't explained how her character being handled wrong puts HER at fault.

I also don't see where she's falling flat on the comedic moments. Maybe she doesn't have any of those fall out of your seat laughing moments like getting to kick a water heater and impersonate a playboy girl in an 80s music video, but she gets a ton of jokes and she always made the audience crack up.

Let the Laura love flow! Come to our side!

yr ronin,

#14re: Who cast Laura B.. In TWS?
Posted: 4/5/06 at 1:29am

Yeah, I agree MB. I'd be interested to see the understudies play the roles.

Michael Bennett Profile Photo
Michael Bennett
#15re: Who cast Laura B.. In TWS?
Posted: 4/5/06 at 1:35am

There were a lot of reasons for why she left INTO THE WOODS. Don't even open up that can of worms. But yes, I think Benanti has healed and grown up and I don't think her run with WEDDING SINGER will be cut short - at least not for those reasons.

CurtainPullDowner Profile Photo
#16re: Who cast Laura B.. In TWS?
Posted: 4/5/06 at 1:38am

well both of the Blonde sluts get Big numbers in ACT II
and laura gets Nothing
and her voice is wrong for this music(?)
She has this amazing voce and i just didn't think it was used well at all
I would rather see a cute character actess in this role
But i didn't like the show that much
(except for an underused Cahoon)
Will Benati be able to get out to do CURTAINNS in LA this Summer?
Updated On: 4/6/06 at 01:38 AM

#17re: Who cast Laura B.. In TWS?
Posted: 4/5/06 at 1:44am

Laura's performance, with the material she was given, was outstanding. Her work is incredibly consistent.

Personally, I think she should be playing Mary Poppins this winter.

"I know now that theatre saved my life." - Susan Stroman

munkustrap178 Profile Photo
#18re: Who cast Laura B.. In TWS?
Posted: 4/5/06 at 1:45am

I'd like to see her as Mary, too.

"If you are going to do something, do it well. And leave something witchy." -Charlie Manson

#19re: Who cast Laura B.. In TWS?
Posted: 4/5/06 at 1:49am

I spoke to her and she seems interested in the role.

I suppose we'll see what happens with TWS' success. If it's a hit, she might extend her contract with it. Who knows?

"I know now that theatre saved my life." - Susan Stroman

Roninjoey Profile Photo
#20re: Who cast Laura B.. In TWS?
Posted: 4/5/06 at 1:53am

I'd go see her do anything as long as she's going to open up her mouth and sing.

CurtainDownPuller, her voice is just fine (I think it's a pleasant contrast), but I completely agree. There is a number in the second act that Ms. Amy Spanger gets to sing where she wonders if she should get back with her boyfriend. This would be all fine and well if it were not the second act of the show and hence where the show should be zoning in and focusing on the main plot. Also, this plotline (whether or not Ms. Amy Spanger will get back together with her boyfriend) has been completely secondary the entire play.

Now MY worthless opinion, which I think is absolutely vital to the creative success of this show, is to rewrite the lyrics and give the song to Laura. Give Laura her big song, and her big moment to tell the audience about how she's falling for Robbie and to win the audience over. I am not trying to be big headed. I think it's so obvious. It's a by the books musical anyway.

While yes, they do have the song "If I Told You", I think the song is pretty useless. It tells us nothing new and it ruins the dramatic momentum of what's actually a pretty good moment in the show. Let Robbie go away believing Julia really is in love with her fiancee.

I think "Let Me Come Home" needs to stay. It's a plot point, and it's a great scene.

If they aren't going to cut the one second act number they give to Amy Spanger which is completely inappropriate then Laura needs something to sing after "Let Me Come Home". She needs to have that moment of vulnerability. Give the audience a reason to be in suspense, I think.

Also, tighten the ending. New song. The rap kills all suspense the audience may or may not be feeling. That whole Vegas thing is endless. Let everyone in the house see Laura's reaction. And then do the fun song.

I know it's hard to put the audience in any suspense, but it's not even that. The audience knows how it's going to end. But we want to see how the love is challenged along the way. It's a smooth ride right now.

yr ronin,

#21re: Who cast Laura B.. In TWS?
Posted: 4/5/06 at 12:29pm

I think to say that your leading lady is JUST FINE is very,very sad..The team of this show just needs to ponyup(Ha!) and admit that Benanti is just not a Drew Barrymore.(POPPINS YES)No matter what you give her to say,or how she is directed or what you dress her in she leaves us cold.Dispointing part is we will not get to see Maddigan play this role as I am sure that Benanti will hang in there till after they open.Am I crazy to think that getting mama mias original bride into another wedding dress and hearing her sing the guts out of this part would only give the show better buzz...or is that the gay in me?
Anyway do we really think that the WS people read this crap?Cause if they do ...GIVE US WANT WE WANT...AND PONY UP!!

#22re: Who cast Laura B.. In TWS?
Posted: 4/5/06 at 12:46pm

Naw, I think Laura's fine and she'll stick with the role through the opening. I just don't get it. I didn't find her cold at all. But I do agree with you, RONINJOEY. You had some good points. As much as i love hearing Spanger sing, I'd say give the song to Laura. It did seem kinda random, but I gotta admit it was my favorite part of the show. I loved seeing her boyfriend try to dance. I was laughing so hard. As for the part of about Cahoon being underused, he's a supporting character. If they gave him his whole storyline and background and whatnot, it would just complicate things. I think he's used enough. He has some solos and whatnot.

LeaGirl Profile Photo
#23re: Who cast Laura B.. In TWS?
Posted: 4/5/06 at 12:49pm

I'm part of the party who really enjoyed Larua - but she's saddled with the thankless role of being the "straight man" in the comedy - not only that - her role is a bit underwritten while Amy Spanger (a natural and unintentional scene stealer - if she's onstage, I watch her) has a MUCH showier, overwritten part. Put the two together and you've got a little problem.

I agree with whoever said Laura should have that song - either that or Laura AND Amy should have that song - it's so cute and I enjoyed it but it felt odd at that point in the production - I was like "So wait... AMY SPANGER is going to sing the "what do I do, love delimma" song??"

Now what would you say if today I started over? Without a thing but this taped together four leaf clover And I'll pretend like everything is already alright And I'll run toward the sun till the castle's out of sight

#24re: Who cast Laura B.. In TWS?
Posted: 4/5/06 at 12:52pm

Here's an idea. How about all of the 3 women sing the song? Felicia, Amy, and Laura. That would make sense for Felicia, since she comes back to Robbie, etc. And it gives enough power to open the act with all 3 singing.
