High Fidelity Demo CD

Zachary Goldfarb
#0High Fidelity Demo CD
Posted: 8/25/06 at 10:49pm

Isn't there some sort of promo/demo CD that was recently distributed at an event for HIGH FIDELITY? Am I making that up? Does anyone have any more information about this? How many tracks are there? Who is on it? How does one get a copy of this??? Is there a HIGH FIDELITY website yet with the tracks on it?

#1re: High Fidelity Demo CD
Posted: 8/26/06 at 2:32am

There is a 4-track demo for High Fidelity that was distributed at the group sales presentation in May. I don't know who the cast on it is however.

The High Fidelity website is www.topfivebreakups.com, but there's not much there yet, so I have no idea where you might legally get ahold of the tracks.

#2re: High Fidelity Demo CD
Posted: 8/26/06 at 8:28am


but anyways, once you find out, let me know! id love to hear demo tracks for this too...

cathywellerstein Profile Photo
#3re: High Fidelity Demo CD
Posted: 12/7/06 at 5:20pm

Does anyone know who sings "She Goes" on the demo?

#4re: High Fidelity Demo CD
Posted: 12/7/06 at 5:26pm

The four-track demo includes:
Desert Island All-time top 5 Breakups
She Goes
Ready to Settle
Nine Percent Chance

Only person I know for sure is on there is Will.

"This table, he is over one hundred years old. If I could, I would take an old gramophone needle and run it along the surface of the wood. To hear the music of the voices. All that was said." - Doug Wright, I Am My Own Wife

Zara57 Profile Photo
#5re: High Fidelity Demo CD
Posted: 12/7/06 at 7:39pm

"She Goes" is sung by Leslie Kritzer. She did the presentation and the demo for the show. Apparently she is the only person that has ever done it in the original key. They had to take it down for Rachel Stern.

myManCape Profile Photo
#6re: High Fidelity Demo CD
Posted: 12/7/06 at 7:56pm

There is a 3 track Demo as well.

Desert Island All-time top 5 Breakups
She Goes
Ready to Settle

"Have they come yet?"
