my musical

crimsonflutterby Profile Photo
#0my musical
Posted: 10/25/06 at 8:31pm

im new, but im writing a musical and i was wondering if anyone would like to read what i have so far. i need critics!

Taste the smell of sound and sober up!

BroadwayBound062 Profile Photo
#1re: my musical
Posted: 10/25/06 at 8:33pm

I would love to!!! send it my way

"Passion can drive you crazy but is there any other way to live"

Raviolisun Profile Photo
#2re: my musical
Posted: 10/25/06 at 8:43pm

I would also love to.

One time, Patti LuPone punched me in the face...

It was awesome.
- theaterkid1015

Heybeenfood Profile Photo
#3re: my musical
Posted: 10/25/06 at 8:45pm

sure. why not?

#4re: my musical
Posted: 10/25/06 at 8:57pm

Sure. You can PM it to me.

crimsonflutterby Profile Photo
#5re: my musical
Posted: 10/25/06 at 9:01pm

there was a bigger response than i expected on the off-topic section... so im not sending it to anyone else...

Taste the smell of sound and sober up!

americanboy99 Profile Photo
#6re: my musical
Posted: 10/25/06 at 9:16pm

i would really love to read it if you are able to send it to one more person. fi not i understand. but i write my own musicals too, so it would be nice to see how others with my same interest are doing. thanks!

#7re: my musical
Posted: 10/25/06 at 9:20pm

Ok, I am not finished but, song number 5 would be hysterical if it was "If you were gay."

So far so good!

*keeps reading*

"How bout a little black dress?"~hannahshule "I have a penis, not a vagina." ~munkustrap178

crimsonflutterby Profile Photo
#8re: my musical
Posted: 10/25/06 at 9:21pm

yeah... from avenue q... when i was trying to write the song... thats what kept coming in my head

Taste the smell of sound and sober up!

#9re: my musical
Posted: 10/25/06 at 9:27pm

Crimson, you should simply post it on the board to avoid the inconvenience of sending PMing it to everyone.

Caroline-Q-or-TBoo Profile Photo
#10re: my musical
Posted: 10/25/06 at 9:28pm


"Picture "The View," with the wisecracking, sympathetic sweethearts of that ABC television show replaced by a panel of embittered, suffering or enraged Arab women" -the Times review of Black Eyed

#11re: my musical
Posted: 10/25/06 at 9:33pm

Don't be to hasty about posting it, once you've done that, its considered published. That may or may not cause problems later when trying to mount it, etc, I'm not sure. But better safe than sorry.

I have several names, one is Julian2. I am also The Opps Girl. But cross me, and I become Bitch Dooku!

crimsonflutterby Profile Photo
#12re: my musical
Posted: 10/25/06 at 9:38pm

well this is copywrited so whatever lol

Curtain opens and a boy age 16 in his bedroom singing and dancing around. He walks to his closet and takes out a red sequined dress then dances over to his mirror. He holds the dress up to his body then dances around. Then he sets the dress down on his bed opens up a drawer and takes out a box. He opens it up and takes out a tube of bright red lipstick and slowly spreads it onto his lips looking into the mirror. He then stands up and puts the dress on over his clothes. He walks over to his bed then crawls over it seductively…. Then reaches over and turns up the music, grabs a brush and breaks out into dance leaping around the room. Then there is a sudden knock at the door and he jumps. In a panic he throws down the brush takes off the dress, and throws it into the closet quickly shutting the door. He then tries to wipe off the lipstick and throws the tube under the bed. Again there is a knock.

Susan (mother): what are you doing?
Steve: I am changing hold on! (He turns down the music then opens his bedroom door)
Yes mother?
Susan: hurry up your going to be late for school. You have to go get gas because I used your car last night here’s some money (she hands him a ten dollar bill)
Steve: you could have at least told me you were using my car.
Susan: I just did. Now hurry up.
Steve: well leave so I can finish getting ready.
Susan: hey (she looks closely at him) are you wearing lipstick? Steven??? Wh…
Steven: (wiping his lips in terror) uh…. No!!! Mom! Jesus! Why would I be wearing lipstick?
Susan: sorry sorry, your lips are just really red. Just get dressed.
Steven: well go then. I will see ya after school.

Susan leaves and Steve closes the door behind him. He falls up against it and buries his face into his arms. He then looks up into his mirror and shakes his head. He stands up goes over to his bed puts on his shoes and grabs his backpack. Then leaves for school.
Susan reenters and begins to clean his room.

Susan: (aggravated) Why doesn’t this boy ever pick up his laundry?

She picks up his laundry then walks over to his closet and opens the door. She drops his clothes and picks up the dress.

Susan: (deeply confused) what in the world is my favorite dress doing in here?

She puts the dress in the pile of other clothes and begins to make his bed. She kicks something and bends down to pick it up. It is the lipstick.

Susan. Wh…

She looks underneath his bed and pulls out a magazine. She jumps up.

Susan: ewwww! Porn! So gross

She drops it grabs the clothes and rushes out the door.

Curtain closes then opens again at his school in class.

Ms. Thompson: All right. Good afternoon everybody today we will discuss occupations and what you losers are going to do for the rest of your pointless, miserable lives. Write down your five top choices for a career.

The entire class just sits and stares.

Ms. Thompson: hello? Are you a bunch of retards or something?

The class rushes and wrights it down.

Ms. Thompson: Jessica what’s first on your list?
Jessica: I like wrote doctor.
Ms. Thompson: nice choice, even though we all know it won’t happen, you will probably end up a playmate or something. (She writes doctor on the board)

Class laughs
Jessica: what is your problem? Did your husband like tell you no more sex or something? Oh wait I know… he cut off your donut supply didn’t he!

Class laughs and ms. Thompson suddenly burst into tears and runs out of the room. The class all cheer and laugh. The kids disperse and start talking to their friends. The teacher walks back in. kids rush back to their seats.

Ms. Thompson: ok let’s try and start this day over shall we? All right. Where were we? Hmm Steven how about you. What did you right?
Steven: well… um… I wrote Broadway singer.
Ms.tompson: come on enough with the jokes.
Steven: (slouching back in his chair) that wasn’t a joke.
Ms. Thompson: right. Ok… um,… brad what about you?
Brad: I…
Steven: (cutting him off) what, you don’t believe me?
Ms. Thompson. Come on grow up! It is not going to happen. And you know it.
Steven: and why is that?
Ms.Thompson: look at you.
Steven: (in feminine voice) no no no. do not look at me, just listen!!!

Breaks into song #1
Class sits and stares in amazement.
Ms. Thompson: well that was um… refreshing. Will you stay after class please?
Steven: why… actually never mind. Yeah I will.
Ms. Thompson: ok then
Bell rings
Everybody leaves except Ms.Thompson, Steve and Christine.
Ms. Thompson: (seductively) so I was wrong about you wasn’t I? Has anybody ever told you that you look a lot older than 16? Especially when you sing?
Steven: (backing up to Christine) um… ms. Thompson, what did you want me to stay after class for?
Ms. Thompson: (snapping out of it and almost in a panic) um…. Oh yeah! I wanted to apologize for my behavior today.
Steven: uh its ok… really
Ms. Thompson: (standing up) ok then that’s good (walking towards the door) see you tomorrow (winking)
Steven: (jumps horrified) why… um…

Ms. Thompson leaves and Steven screams. Christine is laughing historically

Steven: that is so not funny! I’m like going to have nightmares about that! What was wrong with her?
Christine: “has anybody ever told you that you look a lot older than 16” ha ha ha ha
Steven: shut up!
Christine: ok then onto another subject ha ha ha. Baby you did great today! I can’t believe you did that!
Steven: (excited) oh, did you really like it? You should see it in the red dress. It looks much better!
Christine: uh? Red dress?
Steven: (mumbling) uh…. Um… uh… yeah the music video… yeah the girl is wearing a red dress!
CHRISTINE: who? I thought a guy sang that song.
Steve: no, no it was a girl.
Christine: why the heck would a girl sing that song?
Steven: um….well… you see… you’ll understand when you’re older… yeah… that’s it
Christine: right… hey wait I thought sugar on a leash did that song?
Steve: …no you must be thinking of a different song.
Christine: no… I remember now…
The late bell rings another class enters
Steve: oh look… got to go!
Christine: (grabbing his arm) wait! What is up with you? You act so weird and like fake. We have been going out for like three weeks and you haven’t once tired to kiss me! Most guys…
Steven: (cutting her off) I’m not like most guys. What’s wrong with that?
Christine: ugh! You’re not like any guy!!!!!
Breaks into song #2
Steven: (screams) I want a man!
Everybody looks at him
Steven: um… uh… that was a joke… ha ha ha… you get it? She said she wants a man…, which was implying that I am not a man….. So I said I want a man… so.. that… uh… so you guys would think I was gay… but I was joking… ha ha do you…. Uh do you get it? Ha ha
Everybody stares
Christine: Steven?
Steven: yes?
Christine: this is the time where you are supposed to prove that you can be the man I want!!! Come on, try and cop a feel! Smack my ass, Something!
Steven: I…I cant… listen Christine… I think we should break up. I’m sorry.
Christine: (surprised) what? Oh I see. It is Jessica isn’t it! Are you with that tramp? You are aren’t you? That whore I knew it.

Jessica walks into room to get her binder

Jessica: hey Christine
Christine: oh hey gurl!!!

Jessica walks out

Steve: no, no it’s not Jessica
Christine: then who is the girl?
Steve: its not a girl exactly… it is hard to explain
Christine: but I don’t understand… I thought you loved me! You said you loved me… like… like (crying) like a fat kid loves cake! Now what fat kid doesn’t love cake?

A student turns around
Student: uh… im a fat kid and I hate cake
He turns back around
Christine: (in extreme anger) shut up lard butt!!!
Steven: whatever! I am going to class now… were over.
Christine: what kind of guy says whatever? (Steven walks out) what type of guy dumps me? Am I ugly? Fat? What is wrong with me? I’m going to kill my self! Nobody loves me! Wait why would I kill myself? I did nothing wrong. It was him! I… I was just too beautiful for him! Yeah that’s it. I know it. After all I am Christine. And who doesn’t like Christine?

Kids turn around as they talk she pats their heads as they say it and when she walks by they faint.
Kid 1: I love you Christine!
Kid 2: I love you Christine!
Kid 3: I love you Christine!
Kid 4: I love you Christine!
Kid 5: well I don’t love you! I think you are very, very rude!
Christine: (snapping around) excuse me?
Kid 5: I said… uh I don’t love you
Christen: oh really? BOYS! (Four big guys come into the room dressed in suits) deal with this loser for me will ya? (They grab him and drag him offstage)
Kid 5: you whore!! I will have my revenge… just…

Cutting him off one of the guys cover up his mouth. Breaks into song #3
Curtain closes and opens showing Steven back in his room doing homework on his bed. There is a knock at the door.

Steven: come in!
Susan: hey, you got a sec?
Steven: um yeah sure, what’s up?
Susan: this morning while I was picking up your laundry I found my red dress in your closet. And then I found my lipstick on your floor. What was that stuff doing there?
Steven: um… well… maybe the dress got mixed up in the laundry and accidentally got put in my clothes?
Susan: no, I don’t think so; I do the laundry why would I put my dress in your closet? And what about the lipstick?
Steven: ugh! Fine mom! Well Christine came over the other day and I let her try on your dress. Then uh… she asked if you had matching lipstick, so I showed it to her. And I forgot to put everything back, sorry.
Susan: why didn’t you ask me? That’s my favorite dress! But I guess it didn’t really hurt anything so oh well. So how are things with you two?
Steven: well, I broke up with her today at school.
Susan: what? Why what happened? You guys were so cute!
Steven: things just weren’t working. I didn’t feel anything for her. I never really have.
Susan: I really don’t understand you sometimes! She was such a nice girl and so pretty.
Steven: she was an evil whore! I can’t believe you didn’t see that. But that really had nothing to do with why we broke up. I just can’t be with someone that I don’t feel attracted to.
Susan: well how can you not be attracted to her? She is like the prettiest girl in your school! And she is popular!
Steven: well… yeah she is I guess one of the prettiest GIRLS in the school… but that’s not all that matters. Plus I haven’t really been that attracted to any of the girls at my school lately.
Susan: why? I don’t get you
Steven: mom you said you will always love me no matter what right?
Susan: yes of coarse honey, what’s wrong?
Steven: there’s something I really need to tell you.
Susan: ok… what is it?

Phone rings

Susan: oh sorry honey, hold on
Steven: ok
Susan: (into phone) hello?
Susan: (into phone) ha ha ha… hold on (to Steven) can we talk about this later sweetie? I have to take this call.
Steven: sure mom whatever.
Susan: thanks sweetie.

Mom leaves room

Steven: of coarse! Now that I am finally ready to tell her my secret she doesn’t want to listen! This sucks! I don’t think she will accept it anyways, its bad enough that i'm gay, but she’s really going to flip when she finds out I’m a cross dresser! I don’t know what to do! I want to tell somebody about this but I don’t know who! Maybe I can tell Katie. Shell listen, after all her she said that her brothers gay, so maybe she will know what to do. Now if I can just find her number.

He looks around his room for her number

Steven: ok here goes. (Dials number) hi, Katie?
Katie: yes?
Steven: hey, its Steven, how are you doing?
Katie: I’m ok, how about you? How’s Christine?
Steven: I’m ok, and we broke up, today.
Katie: oh no! Why, what happened?
Steven: that’s kind of what I wanted to talk to you about.
Katie: ok, I’m listening…
Steven: alright, I don’t really know how to say it, I mean you are the first person I am telling, I didn’t expect it to be this hard. Wow. Ok you ready.
Katie: should I not be?
Steven: no, no… ok here it is, I’m gay
Katie: oh my god! When did you find out?
Steven: um that’s a complicated question, so I have no answer, you say it like it’s a disease
Katie: sorry, wow I’m so happy for you. This is good news, why did you not tell me before?
Steven: well, I have been kind of trying to keep it secret you know? I have been trying to act strait and, uh manly. It’s so hard though.
Katie: oh my god! Steven! No don’t hide it! Do you know what the closet can do to you? It does things, bad things!
Steven: oh no! What things? Do I have it already? Am I going to die?
Katie: I don’t know, hold on let me get my book.
Steven: hurry, hurry. I may be running out of time!
Katie: ok got it. Hmm, I need to know how long you have been in the closet.
Steven: uh, I don’t know it has been like two years I guess.
Katie: hmm
Steven: what? What’s going to happen to me?
Katie: hmmm
Steven: tell me!
Katie: ok your safe. It says it takes three years to get you. Unless…
Steven: unless what?
Katie: unless…
Steven: what?
Katie: unless… do you enjoy dressing in your mothers clothes?
Steven: what does that have to do with anything?
Katie: just answer please! For your sake answer me!
Steven: yes, I enjoy cross-dressing (to himself) god!
Katie: oh no! Oh no! Oh lord!
Steven: what, what? Do I have it? Am I going to die?
Katie: Steven! You have it. I’m so sorry
Steven: oh no! Oh no! Lord help me!
Katie: lord can’t help you! You betrayed the lord remember! Lord says. "If a man also lie with mankind as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination; they should surely be put to death....".
Steven: great now what will I do? Not only will I die but also I will go to hell! Do you know what happens in hell? Oh no! I can’t believe I have it!
Katie: I am so sorry, so so sorry!
Steven: wait what exactly is it that I have?
Katie: oh, I don’t really know
Steven: well read!
Katie: uh, it doesn’t say, it ends there!
Steven: well, then what good is that book? Where did you get it?
Katie: my dad gave it to me. And he says this is a very true book, after all he wrote it! And it has to be bad, whatever “it” is… everything else is bad
Steven: your dad wrote it? What is it called?
Katie: the sins of a gay man… why?
Steven: wow! Ok, I’m not worried any more.
Katie: wait, why?
Steven: well your dad hates gays! So of coarse this book is not true. It’s just his opinion
Katie: what makes you think my dad hates gays?
Steven: well, lets see. Your dad framed your brother and got him put in juvi just because he was gay!
Katie: oh yeah, and ha ha that was definitely a mistake because I bet he got way more gay action in there than he ever would have out here. Hmm, I guess my dad is kind of against gays.
Steven: yeah, I agree.
Katie: so now what. Even if it’s not true. What do we do now?
Steven: well I still don’t really want anybody knowing that I’m gay. It will ruin everything. I tried to tell my mom, but I’m scared.
Katie: so what are you going to do?
Steven: I need your help. I want you to teach me to hide it. Teach me to be a man!
Katie: are you sure you want this?
Steven: yeah. Positive!
Katie: ok, well do you want to just hide the gay, or do you want to get rid of it for good?
Steven: I… I want to get rid of it. I need to get rid of this curse for good!
Katie: are you sure? Once you do this you cant go back! Ever!
Steven: yes I’m sure.
Katie: alrighty then. Well start tomorrow. Meet me at the park at two.
Steven: I will be there. Talk to you later.
Katie: bye bye.

Both hang up spot light goes to Katie.

Katie: ok, this is my chance! I will make him a man. I will make him strait. And then when it is all over, I will make him fall in love with me. I have been waiting for my chance since I was 12. Well, I didn’t really expect it to come like this, but at least it came! Oh, I’m so excited! This will be great! And I don’t care how long it takes! It will happen! I know it will. Well, I hope it will. I mean, we are best friends. So there is obviously something about me that he likes. He trusts me, and that is the basis of any serious relationship. So it’s a start. Now I just need the whole sexual attraction part. That shouldn’t be too hard. Stevens not that picky. Ugh! Who am I kidding? I’m not beautiful. I am ugly. They say its what’s on the inside that counts, but any smart person knows that it’s not true! I’m ugly on the outside, but beautiful on the inside. And from what I’ve seen from Steven that’s all that matters. But then again he could have been faking it. After all, he has been gay and didn’t tell me. How am I supposed to know what type of girl he likes when he doesn’t even like girls? This is so complicated. Wait! If he doesn’t like girls, then that means that he doesn’t really know what type of girl to likes. Then that means that I can teach him what type of girl to like. Which means that girl will be me! Oh this is so perfect! I can’t wait to do this!

Breaks into song #4 curtain closes. Curtain opens back in Steve’s room. He is alone and is laying on his bed. He gets up and goes to his closet and opens it. He spreads apart his clothes to reveal a memorial of a famous cross dresser named Fredrick Green. He takes one of the photos, close the closet door and lays beck on his bed looking at the pic.

Steven: Come on; give me a sign. Am I doing the right thing? I mean what is so wrong with being gay? You did it and your life is amazing. You made it in life. Everyone knows you! You’re Fred the cross-dresser. I have looked up to you for so long. I just wish I could be as free as you are. I wanted to be just like you when I grew up, just like you. And now I am ruining my dream just so I will be accepted. I betrayed you, my leader! Why does my life have to be so complicated? What should I do? Answer me!

(There is a knock at the door)
Steven: (putting the picture under his pillow) come in
Susan: hey sweetie. What’s wrong?
Steven: oh nothing. I’m fine
Susan: are you sure/ you look upset
Steven: yeah I’m fine. Really I’m ok.
Susan: All right. So what was it that you wanted to talk about?
Steven: oh, um…. (Pulling the picture from under his pillow) have you ever heard of this guy? He is a famous cross-dresser. I have heard he is really funny and I wanted to know if you wanted to take m to see him.
Susan: (snatching the picture) where did you get this?
Steven: my friend gave me it this morning when she was telling me about his show. She went and saw it last night.
Susan: oh… um… well…. Why do you want to see this crap? It is crap, such a stupid business. Pointless… who would want to go see a bunch f men play dress up in woman’s clothes?
Steven: wow, you don’t have to get all-offensive. Jesus it’s just a profession, just like any other job, it’s just more fun.
Susan: fun? Fun? How can you say its fun? Have you ever tried it? You can’t say its fun!
Steven: no! I have never tried it. All I was saying is that it is fun to them. They obviously enjoy it or they wouldn’t be doing it. I thought you were more opened minded about these kinds of things. What is so wrong with it?
Susan: you have no right to question me! And it says in the bible that being gay is bad it is a sin. So every man that cross-dresses is going to hell so yes I have a problem with that!
Steven: what makes you think the bible is always right? I mean he might be wrong.
Susan: I am going to just pretend that you did not say that. And tonight I will pray for your forgiveness.
Steven: don’t bother!
Susan: oh no, I will and you are coming to church with me tomorrow to wash yourself of these impure thoughts.
Steven: fine mother, but don’t expect me to be happy about it!
Susan: your going to bed, with no dinner! And you’re grounded to the house for the weekend!
Steven: whatever!
Susan walks out slamming the door. Curtain closes and opens again in the kitchen showing Susan dialing a number on the phone. She is calling her counselor.

Susan: Jordan? Hi it’s Susan.
Jordan: oh hi Susan how is everything going?
Susan: uh, well everything was good, until today.
Jordan: well, what happened?
Susan: ok, well I walked into Stevens’s room and he had a picture of Fred. He asked to go see one of his shows. And he said one of his friends gave it to him.
Jordan: well what did you tell him?
Susan: what do you think? I said no. And then he freaked and started disagreeing with the bible.
Jordan: listen Susan. I know this will be hard for you, but it is really something I think you have to do. After all he is his father. Your son is sixteen and has never met his father. And now he has asked you and I think taking him to see this show. It will be good for you both. And you don’t have to tell him that Fred’s his dad. Just take it slowly
Susan: I don’t know. What if he ends being like his father.
Jordan: what? What is so wrong with being gay? It is just a preference.
Susan: the bible says it is wrong
Jordan: but Steven is your son! And if this is the way he feels then you should be with him. You should believe in him not some book.
Susan: it is the bible, not just some book! And I do want to believe in my son, it’s just…
Jordan: just what?
Susan: nothing, I guess I can try it. I will call you tomorrow to talk more.
Jordan: ok, have fun and try not to worry about things.
Susan: ok, thank you
(Both hang up phone)
Susan: (yelling) Steven comes here please!

Steven enters the room.
Steven: yes mom?
Susan: uh, go get changed and ill take you to see your show.
Steven: (hugging her) thanks mom. It will be fun don’t worry.
Susan: yeah.

Curtain closes and reopens in club. Tables are full and music is playing. Steven and Susan enter the club and sit at a table. A man walks onstage and grabs the mike.

Announcer: welcome everybody. Welcome to Dressaholics! Now we have the best transvestites in town. So just sit back, and enjoy the show.

(Audience cheers) a group of men walk out in line and do a show…. Show is over and again audience cheers.

Susan: so, Steven did you like it?
Steven: yes! I loved it. These guys are so amazing and inspirational.
Susan: inspirational?
Steven: uh… I meant… um funny, they were so funny. I can’t believe they actually do this stuff. Ha…. Ha?
Susan: uh huh. So… do you want to meet him? I mean do you want to meet Mr. Green?
Steven: are you serious? How? Can we really?
Susan: yes, if you really want to, I will take you.
Steven: yes! I do! I do!
Susan: calm down. Ok, um lets go
Steven: but wait mom. There is something I really need to tell you. This is probably not the best place to tell you, but I have been trying and can’t ever get it out. So, now, I…I….

Breaks into song #5

Steven: yes, I'm gay
Susan: what?! Your kidding right? I mean it can’t be true!! Am I being punked? Where’s that Aston guy?
Steven: no, mom this isn’t a joke… why is it so hard to believe?
Susan: wait! Ha ha! You can’t be gay! The other day I was in your room I found a porn magazine! Ha, what now? What can you say to that?!
Steven: (crying) I read it for the articles!
Susan: No! No! You can’t be gay!!! You must be possessed by demons or something! (In a slow sort of wary tone) son, I’m sorry I have to do this to you.
Steven: mom, what are you talking about?

(Susan hits Steven over the head with a bottle and knocks him out. Curtain closes and opens in a dark room. Susan and Katie’s parents are sitting together at a table.)

Susan: (in a sort of hushed voice) I just don’t know what to do.
Cathy: Well don’t you think it's his decision to make?
Trevor: What!? Cathy, are you nuts!? Let kids make a decision about their own sexual orientation? No! People his age should not be able to make decisions like that on their own, that’s what we are for! There are just certain things you just don’t give them control over, and this is definitely one of those decisions!
Susan: well, why not?
Trevor: (in a drawn out tone) because…. Come on, do you really want your own son going to hell? You know what the bible says!
Susan: yeah, but you know that I was never a religious person until I met you guys.
Trevor: Its o.k. You don’t have to thank us, that’s what friends are for.
Susan: how the hell did you take that as a thank you?
Trevor: Lets just say I have a sort of gift for reading what people really mean when they say something. So you’re welcome!
Cathy: (putting her hand on Susan’s shoulder) Don’t worry Susan, well help you get through this.
Trevor: well, I do have one idea…. it is sort of old fashion, but I see no other way.
Susan: What? What are you talking about?
Trevor: Have you ever heard of an exorcism?
Susan: What? What good will that do?
Trevor: Yes, an exorcism is a ritual used to drive the invading spirits or demons out of a person.
Susan: I know what the **** an exorcism is! I asked what good it would do!
Trevor: Susan, you have some powerful spirits riving your son to think that it is o.k. To be with the same sex, and I can’t help him until I am sure that you fully understand that.
Susan: (putting her head down in shame) I understand
Trevor: So then it’s the exorcism?
Susan: Well don’t you sort of need a priest to perform an exorcism? Where are we going to find a priest that knows how to do this?
Trevor: Well, I believe that in my former life. Before I died and was reincarnated, I was a priest, and I’m sure if I try and tap into my inner self I should be able to conjure up enough information to do it myself. And I would be honored to do this for you.
Susan: Will it hurt at all?
Trevor: No, ill be fine.
Susan: (seeming to be running out of patience) I meant my son, you crackerjack!
Trevor: Oh…um (stuttering trying to think of a lie) no of course not… um have you ever seen a movie called the exorcism?
Susan: no, why?
Trevor: That’s perfect; ok just give me a minute to change into the proper attire. I need you two to tie him to the bed; hopefully he is still unconscious. Then find all the candles you can and spread them around his room.

(Everyone exits and curtain closes and reopens in Steven's room, he is tied to his bed, there are lit candles lit all around the room. Steven wakes up, and looks around)

Steven: Wow I must be dreaming! (Shouting) Oh Mr. Depp? Johnny? Where are you honey? You really shouldn’t keep me waiting baby!

(The door opens and Susan, the priest, and the doctor all walk in)

Steven: What kind of ****ed up nightmare is this?
Susan: See Trevor, the devil is inside him making him say all these horrible things!
Steven: um, no, I’m pretty much doing it all by myself.
Susan: we must work fast.
Steven: Mom? What is going on?
Susan: Son, don’t worry you’ll be ok soon, Trevor is here and he is going to perform an exorcism to get the evil demons out of you, so you can go about your life as a normal boy.
Trevor: Please, refer to me as Father Mahem. It sounds more official.
Steven: Um, is this about the whole me being gay thing?
Susan: don’t worry; I don’t blame you. I know it’s not your fault. And father mahem will fix you up.
Steven: Mahem? Katie’s dad?
Trevor: Yes, and like your mother said, we don’t blame you. And once all of this is fixed we will pretend like it never happened. The fault actually lies with your father.
Steven: what are you talking about? I’ve never even met my father. And there are no demons in me! You guys are crazy! And I am gay! And it won’t change! Why can’t you people except that?
Trevor: listen kid! You don’t have to know your father to end up just like him!
Steven: What’s that supposed to mean?
Susan: (running out of patience) can we please just get this over with!
Steven: (worried) what are you planning to do to me?
Doctor: Can I talk to the two of you outside please?

(They all exit and there is a knock at the window. It is Katie, she opens the window and climbs in window.)

Katie: Oh my god Steven! Are you ok? Why are you all tied up?
Steven: It’s hard to explain. Just untie me.
Katie: Wait before I do, there is something I need to tell you. I want to apologize for what I did to you.
Steven: Its ok, now can you….
Katie: (cutting him off) No it’s not ok. You’re my best friend and I took advantage of you.
Steven: Really. Its ok… just…
Katie: You see its jus t that I have had a crush on you since we were eleven…. Well at least I thought I did… its hard to explain…
Steven: (cutting her off) Shut up and untie me! Jesus why did you decide to do this now?
Katie: Jease… you could have just asked me to do that in the first place. (Starting to untie him) What the hell is going on anyways?
Steven: Ill explain it to after we get out of here, just please hurry?
Katie: (fine. (She finishes untying him and they both climb out the window)

(Susan and the others enter again and see that Steven is gone

Susan: How did he get untied?
Trevor: I don’t know, but he did. So I guess well have to do this another time. I got to get home, my wife’s making meatloaf for dinner!

(Curtain closes and reopens showing Susan and Steven at a park sitting on a bench)

Katie: Ok were out, now start explaining.
Steven: I’m not exactly sure. My mom took me to this place called dressaholics to see this famous cross dresser called Mr. Green. I told her that I was gay. Then the next thing I know she hits me over the head and knocks me out. Then I woke up in my room all tied up. I thought I was having one of those Johnny Depp dreams again, but then my mom, your dad, and my doctor walk in. Your dad was wearing a priest’s outfit. They said they were going to perform an exorcism on me!
Katie: Wait, my dads not a priest, why would he…
Steven: I don’t know, but he told my mom to refer to him as father mahem.
Katie: Well, why were they trying to perform an exercism on you?
Steven: Well they seem to think that I am possessed by demons and that’s what is making me gay. Oh and while I was tied up they kept saying how it was my dads fault.
Katie: Wow, but you’ve never even met your father. Wow I don’t even know.
Steven: Yeah I don’t know either…Hey what was it that you were trying to say back at the house?
Katie: well, it is really hard to explain, but well you see you’re my best friend. And I love you. And sometimes people can get the friend kind of love mixed up with the other kind of love. It can get really hard to tell the difference. There is a really thin line in the middle of them. And I had myself convinced that I loved you more than a friend.

(Breaks into song #6)
Steven: Its ok. I kind of thought it was cute that you would go through all that for one person. Completely wrong, but cute. Don’t worry, you’ll find someone likes that kind of stuff. You’re very pretty and smart. And your funny. It will be easy for you to find a guy, a strait guy. (He laughs)
Katie: Yeah finding a strait guy would probably be a good idea. I just thought it would be a good plan, I mean you asked me to make you strait, so I figured…
Steven: Katie I forgive you.
Katie: Well just to make it up to you, I have a surprise for you waiting at my house. Come on!
Steven: uh…ok…

(Katie grabs Steven and they run off stage Curtain closes and opens to reveal Katie’s kitchen. They both enter)

Steven: Jesus, where did all those guys come from Katie? And would you please explain why they are all in line outside your kitchen.
Katie: Well you see, I found all these guys on the Internet, and there all lined up to meat you! This is how I am making it up to you! Aren’t you excited? This will be such an adventure!
Steven: Are you sure this is a good idea? We don’t know any of these guys. And I'm not really a good judge of character.
Katie: Well yeah, that’s why your going to talk to each of them one by one. And don’t worry; ill be with you the whole time.
Steven: Um, ok. I guess it cant really hurt anything.
Katie: O.k. I’ll bring the first one in, you just sit there and look pretty.

(Katie goes to the door and reads a card and calls in Jason. Jason follows her in to the table and they stop)
Katie: This is Jason. He enjoys watching scary movies, Italian food, and sleeping in his whitey tighties)
Steven: Um, ok, go ahead sit down (reaching and shaking his hand) I’m Steven and its nice to meat you.
Jason: Ah huh
Steven: So…. Um… Eh… Sorry… I’m kind of new at this
Jason: Ah huh.
Steven: Right. Ok, so, um what school do you o to?
Jason: I don’t go to school
Steven: oh, well how old are you?
Jason: I’m 15. I dropped out of school. (Putting his feet up on the table) Impressive huh?

(Steven just stares)

Katie: (Noticing that Steven is not digging this guy) Ok, times up, Next!

(Jason leaves and Charlie walks in and hands his card to Katie.)

Katie: This is Charlie; he enjoys playing video games, reading, and running… (Steven looks impressed and Katie is reading but only to herself)
Steven: (noticing) what’s wrong?
Katie: he is… strait (looking at Charlie in a flirtatious way)
Charlie: Of coarse I’m strait, why else would I be here? And Katie, you look even more beautiful in person.
Katie: Um, thanks, but this is for…
Steven: (cutting her off) is for Katie to meat someone to date that I approve of, and you seem good, why don’t you two go see a movie or something?
Katie: Thanks Steven. But are you sure you’ll be able to handle the rest of this alone?
Steven: I will, don’t even worry.

(Katie and Charlie exit)
Steven: (opening the kitchen door) Next!

(A boy enters and he is wearing all black and a black burette)

Steven: Hi my names Steven, and you are?
James: (snapping his fingers) well since you asked my name… ill tell you, its James.
Steven: Uh, ok…well, what kind of stuff do you enjoy doing?
James: (again snapping) Well it seems I’m a poet, and I want YOU to know it.
Steven: Right, well I’m not too into poetry what else do you do?
James: (snapping) Poetry is my life; I do it day and night. Its how I talk, it inspires my walk, don’t you see? Poetry is me!
Steven: Are you always going to talk like that?
James: I told you, poetry is what I do.
Steven: Well ****ing stop! It’s so annoying!
James: How can you be gay, and not agree with what I say?
Steven: You don’t have to be good at poetry to be gay! And I don’t like poetry.
James: How can you not appreciate this art? It is what separates us apart, from all the others, from our sisters and brothers. So I can truthfully say, that I know your not gay. Because a queer that cant rhyme, is like a clock without time. They go hand and hand, like music and the band. (Standing up and getting on the table and leaning on one knee with one hand in the air) Can’t you see how poetry will relate you to me!
Steven: Wow this is just great, and I really do hate, people like you that do like you do, if I’m gay, then I must rhyme cuz a clock needs a time? I’m not trying to be like you, so why do same as you do? And now for the definition of queer, just listen, you’ll hear, is for a man to love a man, so now if you please, just leave me be. Just walk out the door, hurry before I have to get up and (getting up and screaming) Throw you out myself!
James: oh! How do you do these things to make me love you?
Steven: (pointing to the door) out!

(He backs out snapping)

Steven: (aggravated) NEXT!
(Boy walks in. He has brown hair, and it is brushed down in his eyes. He walks over to the table)
Steven: Hi I'm Steven, how are you?
Myles: I’m good, and hi my name is Myles.
Steven: Well Myles, what are some of your…
Steven: All right! Calm down, don’t worry, its ok.
Steven: Maybe… you shouldn’t be here. Maybe this isn’t the best time for you.
Steven: (to himself) where did she find these guys? Ok, ill try one more time. (To guys) Next! (Male enters) Hi I’m Steven.
Tim: What’s up? I’m Tim and sorry if I sound stupid this is just my first time doing this, and damn, your good looking.
Steven: (chuckling) Thank you, you’re not bad yourself. So what kind of stuff do you like to do?
Tim: Your very pretty!
Steven: Uh… thanks, now…
Tim: (cutting him off) your pretty
Steven: Yes, you’ve said that.
Tim: (walking towards him) so pretty.
Steven: (backing away in fear) what are you doing?
Tim: Pretty, pretty, pretty (walking closer)
Steven: (backing away) what are you doing? Stay away.
Tim: (chasing him) Pretty!
(Running away around the kitchen curtain closes and opens again in mikes room he is on his bed reading. Steven opens the door, rushes is and shuts the door behind him and falls up against it. He begins to run again, not realizing where he is he runs into mike and knocks him over)
Steven: (still laying on top of him) Oh I’m so sorry (standing up) There is this guy chasing me and he wont stop, he’s right outside your door.
Mike: Is he one of those guys my sister brought over for you? Don’t worry ill fix it. (He walks to the door and opens it, Tim is standing outside.) Ok games over, Steven is with me! I won Tell everyone to go home.
Tim: That’s no fair you totally cheated!
Mike: your awfully arrogant to assume that either of care about your opinion. Now take your loser self and go. And make sure that everyone else leaves or I’m holding you responsible. And ill kick your ass. (He slams the door)
Steven: Thank you so much!
Mike: No problem I went through the same thing almost a year ago Katie did the same thing for me when she found out that I was gay. She means well, she is just a bad judge of character.
Steven: Yeah I know. And I appreciate it. It’s just that I am perfectly good at finding a guy all by myself.
Mike: Yeah I agree. Where is she anyways?
Steven: Well one of the guys was actually strait; he thought everyone was here for Katie. It was instant love, ha ha so they went to the movies.
Mike: Oh, that’s awesome. So how have you been?
Steven: I’m fine; things are jut sort of crazy right now. I mean, I just came out of the closet and she… man I don’t even want to say it… ha ha
Mike: Come on, tell me! How did she take it?
Steven: Well, she knocked me out, tied me to a bed, and her, your dad, Your dad was a priest, and some random doctor guy tried to perform an exorcism on me to cast out the evil demons that are persuading me to be gay. Your dad was a priest
Mike: But, wait my dads not even a priest.
Steven: Yeah… I figured
Mike: Wow, I’m sorry
Steven: it’s not your fault, and I’m fine now, I just wish my mom would accept me for who I am.
Mike: wow, yeah same here, well except it’s my dad that has the problem with it. He thinks its bad because it says so in the bible. Its like he lives by that thing.
Steven: It’s exactly the same with my mom! That is all she believes is right.

(Breaks into song#re: my musical

Steven: It is nice to have someone agree with me on this subject.
Mike: Yeah it is. I don’t really talk to many people about this kind of stuff. I actually don’t talk to many people about anything.
Steven: Same here, but for some reason I feel that I can talk to you about anything.
(They share a meaningful stare and then there is a knock at the door)

Mike: I told you he does not want to see anyone else. He already picked me. Go away!
Jordan: Steven, its Jordan, I need to talk to you. It’s really important.
Nike: (to Steven) Who’s Jordan?
Steven: He is my mom’s counselor. I don’t know why on earth he is here. (To Jordan) Um, come in.
Jordan: (entering stage) Sorry to interrupt but I really feel this is important. I wanted your mother to tell you, but the way it’s going I don’t think shell ever be able to tell you. So I've taken it upon myself…
Steven: (interrupting him) what are you trying to say?
Jordan: Steven, its about your father.
Steven: Well, what about him?
Jordan: well, I guess there’s only one-way to say it. Your dads name is Frederick Green, He is a cross dresser, and that’s why…
Steven: (cutting him off) That’s why my parents split up. My fathers Gay!
Jordan: Yes, you see, your mother didn’t know, but after they had you, your mother began cheating on Fred with me. And I’m sorry, but then I turned from bi to gay, for, personal reasons. So then I sort of fell for your father, so we began seeing each other. Then, I couldn’t let myself be with them both so I stopped fooling around with your mother. So then, once when your father and I were, uh, doing our stuff, your mother walked in. And your parents split before you could remember anything. Your mother and I are friends now and I’m still with your father, but Susan doesn’t think it is necessary for you to know all this stuff. But with everything you are going through right now, I figured you should. I know it is a lot to take but I’m sorry.
Steven: (in total amazement) Wow.
Mike: (Putting his hand on Steven’s shoulder) are you all right?
Steven: (not yet completely comprehending everything he was just told) Yeah, I’m great! My father, the famous Mr. Green is my father. I have looked up to him for as long as I can remember!
Jordan: So… you’re not mad at me?
Steven: (in realization) What?!?! Of coarse I’m mad at you! You’re an asshole!
Jordan: Yes I know. But I’ve changed; all three of us have changed (now sitting next to him on the bed) after it all happened we got together and talked. The divorce was for you. We wanted you to make your own decision about your sexual orientation without any influence from your father or I. We all wanted it to be your decision alone. And now after keeping us hidden from you all your life she is trying to go back on the deal. She is trying to make you be strait.
Steven: Does my dad know your doing this? I mean does he even know that I am gay? Did he know that I was at his show tonight?
Jordan: Yes, he sent me. We both agreed that it was time for you to know. He’s upset that he hasn’t got to be a part of your life.
Steven: (now starting to get upset over everything that has just happened) Then why did he agree to this in the first place? Why didn’t he say no? You all agreed to have my mom be the only one in my life. Neither you nor my dad fought to see me. And now, your both trying to come into my life with no warning what so ever!
Jordan: I already said that we agreed it would be best for you.
Steven: Well all of you were wrong! (Getting even more upset) I had to live my life not knowing who my father was! Kids I knew had, and spent almost all their time with him! I had my mom, and that’s it. (Thinking for a moment) Wait, who else knew about this?
Jordan: (hesitant) Well, both of Katie’s parents. (Pausing) And Katie. (Pausing even longer and looking over at mike)…
Mike: (breaking the silence) and me. I’ve known.
Steven: (hurt) why didn’t anybody tell me?
Mike: Steven, you don’t understand…
Steven: I really don’t think I want to know the reason that every person that has ever really been close to my heart has lied to me the whole ****ing time@ (he stands up and leaves the room trying not to cry)
Mike: (standing up) Steven! Wait.
Jordan: Steven, I am so sorry, I had to tell him everything. (Jordan leaves the room)

(Light dims out and curtain closes. It reopens revealing Steven back in his room alone,)

Steven: (to himself) I don’t understand. I should be happy right now. All my life I thought that my dad would end up being some freak or something. But, instead, he is my idol, but I’m still not happy!
Susan: (appearing at the door) Maybe its because you feel that anybody you ever cared about has betrayed you. I lied to you, so did your father, your best friend, our counselor, and, (she has trouble saying it) and the guy you love.
Steven: Who says I love him? I never said that!
Susan: I may not approve of your orientation, but that doesn’t mean that I can’t tell when you are in love.
Steven: Yeah well, like you said, he lied to me. Everybody did, even you.
Susan: Listen! This is hard for me to do, but But I admit that I was wrong. I was so scared that that you would end up being gay if you were exposed to it. That’s why we lied to you. And to tell the truth, I know that there is absolutely nothing wrong with being gay….
Steven: But the bible says…
Susan: (cutting him off) I know what the bible says. But the bible is not always right. I used the bible as a cover for the real reason that I didn’t want you to be gay. I was scared… you see.. Everyman around me has turned gay. Your father, Jordan and now you. Your dads name is Frederick Green… yes, the cross dresser. And when we were married I sort of cheated on him with Jordan…and then
Steven: (cutting her off) Mom… I know, Jordan told me everything.
Susan: Everything?
Steven: Yes, everything
Susan: Wow, I wanted to be the one to tell you but I guess I waited too long. Its just I wanted it to be your decision, with no influence from anybody. That’s why I didn’t want you to be around your father. But I guess I tried to convince you to be strait so I went back on my own deal. It just seems that I turn every guy I’m around gay.
Steven: (trying to reassure her) No mom. It’s not your fault. I made these decisions on our own. It had nothing to do with you.
Susan: (beginning to cry) Well, what about your father, and Jordan? Did I make them this way?
Steven: No mom! Believe me! No one is going to be gay unless they really want to. It was their decision alone. It’s no one’s fault. Mom, I love you, and so did dad, and so did Jordan.
Susan: But Jordan was bisexual, and then after dating me he turned completely gay. And your father was completely strait until we got married and now he’s bi.
Steven: Maybe you helped them realize their true feelings. Think of it as that you helped them find their happiness. You led them to each other. And I am positive they are thankful of that.
Susan: Thanks, sweetie. And I love you too. I’m glad you finally know about this, and I’m sorry for waiting so long. Our relationship is very important to me, and I know I wasn’t helping it by trying to make your decisions for you. But our relationship is all we have left.
(Breaks into song#10)
Steven: Hey mom, do you think we can go talk to him?
Susan: Yeah, but I think you should get some sleep first, well go see him in the morning.
Steven: Thanks mom, I love you. (In a kidding tone) even though you did try to perform an exorcism on me.
Susan: Um, uh (in a panic) uh I don’t know what you’re talking about. You must have been dreaming (she winks at him then rushes out the door)

(Curtain closes and reopens showing Susan and Steven on the street next to Mr. Green’s house breaks into song #11 the Susan and Steven go to the door and knock. Fred rushes to put the final touches on everything that he had prepared for their arrival. He is dressed in formal wear. A black suit. He has the jacket unbuttoned and the tie is loose to show his loose style. He rushes around the room trying to hide all his magazines and novelties that support gay pride.)

Fred: One second please.
(Continuing to panic he takes one last look into the mirror and then opens the door to greet his son and ex wife. He gives Susan a friendly hug, and nervously shakes Steven’s hand. Steven pulls him in for a hug.)

Fred: Well.. Come in make yourself comfortable.

(Susan and Steven enter, the room is expertly decorated and there are tiny snacks on the table. They all sit down.)

Susan: So. Fred, its nice to see you again.
Fred: Its nice to see you too. (It’s hard to say) It is nice to finally meet you Steven.
Steven: (he is nervous) the same to you.
Susan: Well I was hoping to do this earlier, but, (feeling awkward she looks for something to change the subject) Oh, the snacks look delicious, who made these?
Fred: (being caught off guard, he slips out of the character he was trying so hard to put on.) Don’t they look beautiful! Go ahead, try them, try them! They’re delish. It only took me (realizing that he broke character he quickly tries to recover.) I mean, my maid, it didn’t take her long to make them.
(There is an odd silence, and they sit and wait for someone else to begin a conversation. Jordan enters.)

Fred: (surprised to see him) Jordan! What are you doing here? We agreed…
Jordan: I know honey, I know but I felt I deserve to be here too.

(Again there is a silence)
Jordan: Wow this is awkward! (Looking to the ground) ooh, look a nickel!

(Again, a silence)

Jordan: Oh come on! There are no more secrets we are all gay here, with the accept ion of Susan, but she is a woman and that’s almost as good. Oooh hey! We should totally dance!
(He reaches toward the radio but Fred smacks his hand down. He Is mad.)
Fred: Jordan I asked you not to do this today! (He is getting more upset and seems to have forgotten he had guests) I wanted today to be perfect…and… look what you did! (As he is talking, Susan grabs a wig out of a dresser drawer that is in the corner of the room. Fred doesn’t notice, so she walks over to him.)
Susan: Fred, its fine, its not upsetting me, I’m fine and so is Steven. Everybody should be able to be comfortable and be them selves. (She puts the wig on his head) Now turning up the music and reaching for Fred’s hand) May I have this dance?
Fred: (smiling) of course you can.

(They all dance around the room switching partners then they finish and fall onto the couch)

Susan: So Steven has been a big fan of your work Fred.
Fred: Really? Is that true?
Steven: Yeah! (He seems relaxed) since way before I knew you were my father I completely admired you. You were my idol. And you’re my dad, its awesome!
Fred: Wow, you don’t know how much that means to me. And I’m sorry I’ve never been there for you, it’s just that the three of us thought it would be the best thing for you. You see, its sort of funny the way everything happened. When your mother and I were married she cheated on me…
Steven: (Cutting him off) yes… yes… I know. I have heard the story.
Fred: oh, that sucks I wanted to be the one to tell you.
Steven: The only thing that I don’t understand is why you guys told Katie’s parents. I mean what did they have to do with any of this?

Susan: Well, that’s my fault. Katie’s mom was my best friend at the time, so I told her, but I didn’t know that she would tell the rest of her family. And her husband is a complete homophobe and didn’t want you to hand around Katie. Then he just flipped out when he found out mike was gay. So he framed him and got him put in juvi. And then when Katie’s mom found out she wanted to get a divorce, but he talked her out of it.
Steven: Wow, well that explains a lot.
Fred: Yeah, I actually had to get a restraining order on him because he came after me with a knife.
Jordan: Yeah, (he laughs) he blamed your father for turning mike gay, because he found a picture of Fred in Mike’s room.
Steven: Yeah, Mikes a great guy.
Susan: (putting her hand on his) Yeah, he is.
Steven: But I guess that wont be right.
Fred: What? What are you talking about?
Steven: I don’t know, that’s just how I feel.
Fred: No, seriously, what you just said makes absolutely no sense.
Jordan: Yeah it had nothing to do with the conversation.
Steven: Well… uh… um… wow.
Susan: You should go see him and talk thing out.
Steven: See who?
Susan: Mike! Go, Go talk to him.
Fred: Yeah, go see your man lover boy! (he walks Steven walks him to the door)
Jordan: (looking down) ooh, look, another nickel.
Steven: nice! Bye everybody!
All: Good luck!

(Steven exits and spotlights go on Fred, Susan, and Jordan. Breaks into song #11 curtain closes and reopens showing Mike sitting on his porch, he looks upset. Katie comes out and sits next to him. She knows that there is something wrong. We see Steven approaching and he hears the two talking and hides behind a bush to listen in)

Taste the smell of sound and sober up!

#13re: my musical
Posted: 10/25/06 at 9:44pm

It really is very, very good.

Yes, there are mistakes...

Like when you say:
" (Curtain closes and reopens showing Susan and Steven at a park sitting on a bench)"
It is Steven and Katie talking... But obviously just a minor thing.

And do you mean "Meet" and not "Meat"

And, unless you are speaking of bering's "straight"

It really is very good though. re: my musical

"How bout a little black dress?"~hannahshule "I have a penis, not a vagina." ~munkustrap178

americanboy99 Profile Photo
#14re: my musical
Posted: 10/26/06 at 6:32pm

Well, I don't really know what direction you're going with this. It just seems like some wanna be jokes, random spurts of "song", and then the plot which I just don't think fits in. I think a show like this needs to be more of a drama musical. I just really didn't work for me. Sorry.

Pemily Profile Photo
#15re: my musical
Posted: 10/26/06 at 6:54pm

Seen this tree before, sorry.

Still, it's great you invest your time in writing re: my musical
