Posted: 10/28/06 at 6:52pm

Can anyone tell me if TKTS is open on saturday night? and if so, what are the chances of getting good seats?

#1re: TKTS
Posted: 10/28/06 at 6:57pm

Why have there been so many threads on this in the past two days?

myManCape Profile Photo
#2re: TKTS
Posted: 10/28/06 at 7:17pm

This is the 5th one in 2 days. Its open saturdays. Im sure you can get amazing seats to Poppins for around 200K.

"Have they come yet?"

ljay889 Profile Photo
#4re: TKTS
Posted: 10/28/06 at 7:28pm

I think that is open on saturdays.
But you might wanna check their website for that, and good deals!

WithoutATrace Profile Photo
#5re: TKTS
Posted: 11/2/06 at 12:48pm

I know TKTS has been a touchy subject for the past few weeks, but I thought I would bump this thread to ask a quick question. When TKTS was still in the middle of Times Sqaure, there used to be two lines: one from musicals, one for plays. Is this still the case? I am thinking of getting a ticket to BUTLEY on TKTS for the Saturday matinee (assuming it's up on the board then). Thanks!

PaintWordPictures Profile Photo
#6re: TKTS
Posted: 11/2/06 at 1:37pm

Well when I was in NY recently, at the TKTS book in the Marriot Marquis there was only one giant line, which then separated into the many different windows. But I don't think there was any division between musicals and plays.

WithoutATrace Profile Photo
#7re: TKTS
Posted: 11/2/06 at 1:45pm

I didn't think so, thanks. I guess that just means I'll have to get there early (like by 9am) to make sure I get a ticket.

Capt_Fluellen Profile Photo
#8re: TKTS
Posted: 11/2/06 at 3:32pm

The window on the extreme left is for plays. It is located near the exit for all the windows. Just tell the guard standing there that you want the play window and he/she will let you through. He/she might ask you which play you want to see. I've done this three times now (Jay Johnson, which is a GREAT SHOW by the way, Shining City and Lieutenant of Inishmore) and there were only two or three people in front of me each time. The first time I went, I asked the guard near the entrance and he tried to tell me it's all one line. I knew that was wrong, so I asked the guard at the exit and he let me go right in. Moral of story: many people are clueless when it comes to performing their job. Often times, with a little research, you'll know more about it than they do. So when someone gives you an answer you don't like (or know to be wrong), shop around until you find the answer you do like.

Updated On: 11/2/06 at 03:32 PM
