New Penny in Hairspray?

#1New Penny in Hairspray?
Posted: 4/23/07 at 9:23pm

I was recently looking on for discount codes for hairspray and on one of them next to a* it said Alexa Vega performs through May 13. So does anyone know who might be replacing her?

#2re: New Penny in Hairspray?
Posted: 4/24/07 at 1:05pm

That is Alexa's original contract date. It has not been publicly announced as to whether she is leaving then or not. She might be extending... who knows...

Matthewjames Profile Photo
#2re: New Penny in Hairspray?
Posted: 4/26/07 at 4:19pm

she's extended through august


Once upon a time I used to play with toys, but now I'd rather play around with teenage boys

willact4food Profile Photo
#3re: New Penny in Hairspray?
Posted: 4/26/07 at 4:46pm

Matthew, do you know this for a fact?
If so, how?

#4re: New Penny in Hairspray?
Posted: 4/27/07 at 1:17pm

I honestly hope so, I know a lot of people do not like her, But I think she is great. Plus I am going to see it in July so I would love to see her.
Updated On: 4/27/07 at 01:17 PM

#5re: New Penny in Hairspray?
Posted: 4/27/07 at 2:28pm

She is easily the WORST Penny. She can't sing, dance, nor act. It's a shame they extended her contract. It's not like she's a "name." (If you have to explain to people who she is, then clearly she's not a name).

#6re: New Penny in Hairspray?
Posted: 4/27/07 at 2:46pm

Honestly, I dont think she is that bad. I think she just needs to grow into the role more. But I don't think she is as horrible as she is made out to be. She atcually has some good riffs in You can't stop the beat now. I don't know, but I would love to see her!

#7re: New Penny in Hairspray?
Posted: 4/27/07 at 6:28pm

Hey now, I take issue with people trashing Alexa here. Yes, Alexa is 100% different in EVERYTHING than Dian was.. doesn't make her worse. She is first and foremost an actress, and she successfully pulls off Penny. She isn't a power belter, but Penny doesn't have to be. Alexa does a good job with Penny. Believe me, I have seen far worse.

#8re: New Penny in Hairspray?
Posted: 4/27/07 at 9:04pm

I have only ever seen this show once, and Alexa was just fine in every department.

purpleprince101 Profile Photo
#9re: New Penny in Hairspray?
Posted: 4/27/07 at 9:19pm

alexa is defidently not my favorite penny, that title belongs to kerry butler, but i still like her. She is not bad but just not the best.

Craig Profile Photo
#10re: New Penny in Hairspray?
Posted: 4/27/07 at 9:27pm

I haven't seen Alexa, so I am not commenting on her performance. I will comment that while the role may not NEED a belter, it certainly is one of the elements of the official character breakdown which reads, "Female, Caucasian, to play high school age. Ditzy, neurotic, devoted best friend of Tracy. Very funny, with good physique. Strong pop belt singer and mover"

"A little nonsense now and then is relished by the wisest men" - Willy Wonka

#11re: New Penny in Hairspray?
Posted: 4/27/07 at 9:32pm

Oh, I am well aware of what agent breakdowns and the like say. A great pop belt is definately an asset and helps to knock a few things out of the park, but isn't a "must have or else" for that role. Penny's singing demands are minor for the most part, and more than belting, just require someone who can sell them.

Craig Profile Photo
#12re: New Penny in Hairspray?
Posted: 4/27/07 at 9:40pm

I'm not going to get into an argument with you BG2. But to say Penny's singing demands are minor is rather silly. True she's not in many of the show's #'s - but when she is, the part requires a STRONG singer. Look who originated the role, who took it over and who's been in the role since.

Again - this commentary has NOTHING to do with Alexa.. just about the role in general.

"A little nonsense now and then is relished by the wisest men" - Willy Wonka

#13re: New Penny in Hairspray?
Posted: 4/27/07 at 11:05pm

I am not arguing in any way. Merely stating. Minor was a relative term.. Penny never has to carry her own song. Are you saying casting doesn't vary? Your reply is refering to Keyy, Jenn, and Diana, I am aware. Did you see Pennys in the other companies? There have been less than stellar singers who have been totally successful in the role. I have seen quite a number of Pennys and I can tell you what the role, and the show takes.

Craig Profile Photo
#14re: New Penny in Hairspray?
Posted: 4/27/07 at 11:53pm

Caissie isn't a powerful belter? LOL

I've seen many Penny's.

And you're free to offer you're opinion like everyone else regardless of whether or not you respond as if you're the definitive arbiter on the matter

"A little nonsense now and then is relished by the wisest men" - Willy Wonka

#15re: New Penny in Hairspray?
Posted: 4/28/07 at 12:12am

I merely listed the best known Pennys from the Broadway production.

My viewing experiences cross over into most Pennys in the other companies as well.

Im not saying I am the be-all-end all. I was merely challenging a statement and backing my belief.

#16re: New Penny in Hairspray?
Posted: 4/28/07 at 7:58pm

i still think of spy kids. i can't help it!

Tag Profile Photo
#17re: New Penny in Hairspray?
Posted: 4/28/07 at 8:03pm

Craig, do you know if Caissie has gone on as Elphaba since she joined Wicked? No one around here seems to know.

#18re: New Penny in Hairspray?
Posted: 4/28/07 at 8:24pm

last time I checked in, she hadn't. That was a couple weeks ago.
