Anyone do the GREASE SRO?

#1Anyone do the GREASE SRO?
Posted: 8/24/07 at 3:43pm

....has anyone attempted the SRO for Grease yet?? Wanted to know how it went.


#2re: Anyone do the GREASE SRO?
Posted: 8/24/07 at 3:45pm

Rent The best show on Broadway. I was at the closing. BEST night of my Life. April 29th 1996-September 7th 2008 12 years of love "No Day But Today"

millie_dillmount Profile Photo
#2re: Anyone do the GREASE SRO?
Posted: 8/24/07 at 3:46pm

I'm curious about this too!

"We like to snark around here. Sometimes we actually talk about theater...but we try not to let that get in our way." - dramamama611

#3re: Anyone do the GREASE SRO?
Posted: 8/24/07 at 4:22pm

Dito! Hopefully next time I'm in the city the show will be sold out and I can see it again re: Anyone do the GREASE SRO?

"Sing 'till you're breaking glass or you're breaking down"

white guy Profile Photo
white guy
#4re: Anyone do the GREASE SRO?
Posted: 8/24/07 at 4:29pm

i did...the first day...tuesday....i got there at 10:05...about 20 people in front of me in line buying tickets...i got the FINAL ticket.

this was the first day after reviews, so take that for what it's worth.

THEN i got two free house seats at curtain from a promoter.

can't beat that !

they are $31.50 STAND...and the show is pretty lame.

#5re: Anyone do the GREASE SRO?
Posted: 8/24/07 at 4:56pm

A lot of people don't like it. But I do. And I want to see it again. I've stood for a small handful of times for shows, and don't mind it in the least! Especially when it isn't full price =X

"Sing 'till you're breaking glass or you're breaking down"

#6re: Anyone do the GREASE SRO?
Posted: 8/24/07 at 6:56pm

I went at noon on Thursday and got the 5th ticket out of 12.

#7re: Anyone do the GREASE SRO?
Posted: 8/25/07 at 11:20am

Thinking about going on sunday. I guess I should get there atelast an hour before the BO opens for the 3 pm show??

I'm assuming all the tourists and teeny boppers are going to be lining up like "Spring Awakening" becuase of the hype and such.

Any tips?


liotte Profile Photo
#8re: Anyone do the GREASE SRO?
Posted: 8/25/07 at 5:27pm

I got the 8th ticket today at 2:45ish.
