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NY Post "fANADU" Article !

Testing1232 Profile Photo
#1NY Post "fANADU" Article !
Posted: 10/16/07 at 5:40am

Well, here we are !!! Now, we just wait for the spike in ticket sales !! lol

Enjoy !!

Wanna Be A Foster Profile Photo
Wanna Be A Foster
#2re: NY Post 'fANADU' Article !
Posted: 10/16/07 at 6:19am

You guys are celebrities! Congrats!

What a great article!

"Winning a Tony this year is like winning Best Attendance in third grade: no one will care but the winner and their mom."

"I have also met him in person, and I find him to be quite funny actually. Arrogant and often misinformed, but still funny."
-bjh2114 (on Michael Riedel)

#2re: NY Post 'fANADU' Article !
Posted: 10/16/07 at 7:09am

Very cute!

jaystarr Profile Photo
#3re: NY Post 'fANADU' Article !
Posted: 10/16/07 at 7:11am

Nice article ! Huzzah to all of you guys !!!


Linder Profile Photo
#4re: NY Post 'fANADU' Article !
Posted: 10/16/07 at 7:12am

Awesome!!! See you all soon at the 'DU!!!!

Dolly_Levi Profile Photo
#5re: NY Post 'fANADU' Article !
Posted: 10/16/07 at 9:41am

I think we need more media coverage of fun, happy stuff! Bravo!

Laughter is much more important than applause. Applause is almost a duty. Laughter is a reward. Carol Channing

Testing1232 Profile Photo
#6re: NY Post 'fANADU' Article !
Posted: 10/16/07 at 9:57am

Working on it for 10/31 event, Dolly ! Thanks !!

Sure we all agree !!

#7re: NY Post 'fANADU' Article !
Posted: 10/16/07 at 10:17am

Just saw the Post article -- Wonder Robbie you are doing a great job for our favorite cause, as are all the other Fanadus!!!! Thank you!!!!


WonderRobbie Profile Photo
#8re: NY Post 'fANADU' Article !
Posted: 10/16/07 at 10:35am

aww thank you Ed!
Brandon, Andrew, Mei & I just enjoy as much as everyone! I wish they did a big group shot of everyone at the Helen Hayes...

WR: "Jeff, are you going get this game when it comes out?" JB: "I wouldn't be able to write another musical..." ~NY ComicCon 2/8/09


ClumsyDude15 Profile Photo
#9re: NY Post 'fANADU' Article !
Posted: 10/16/07 at 10:43am

Way to go!

Spreading the Xanadu love! =)

"Anybody that goes to the theater, I think we’re all misfits, so we ended up on stage or in the audience.” --- Patti LuPone.

Midnight Radio
#10re: NY Post 'fANADU' Article !
Posted: 10/16/07 at 11:15am

Huzzah to the Du Crew! What a great read. Congrats you guys, it is a fantastic article and I am glad they did not spin us as psycos or stalkers, lol.

Testing1232 Profile Photo
#11re: NY Post 'fANADU' Article !
Posted: 10/16/07 at 12:27pm

Although, on the ATC boards, they disagree about the "staking"

I am so "honored" that we were mentioned on their board !!

#12re: NY Post 'fANADU' Article !
Posted: 10/16/07 at 1:05pm

I for one think that level of devotion and obsession is unhealthy. It's been my experience that usually when someone is so obsessed with something, they are trying to mask other problems in their life, thinking that seeing a show 50 times or whatever will solve their problems; that the second they step into the Helen Hayes their problems leave them at the door.

It's great to support Broadway and live theatre, but you should come first.

Testing1232 Profile Photo
#13re: NY Post 'fANADU' Article !
Posted: 10/16/07 at 1:27pm

It's great to support Broadway and live theatre, but you should come first.

:::: Lies down on table :::: LOL

Just remember... its not obsession.... its passion ! :))

We have been to DisneyWorld over 30 times as well- Its just what we enjoy. It has nothing to do with "masking" anything.

I dont know- maybe that is the case with others... but with the people mentioned in this particular article, I think we are all very happy. I know I am. My job affords me the luxury of doing the things that I love, and I have a great wife, and a healthy, happy child.

Sorry to get preachy !!

WonderRobbie Profile Photo
#14re: NY Post 'fANADU' Article !
Posted: 10/16/07 at 1:28pm

We all have "problems" in our lives. But to escape them for an hour and half is a bad thing? When I step foot into the theatre my problems are neither resolved nor do they magically disappear.

It's an escape from "reality" (for a short time... or a long time) into a world of your own that's warm and full of happiness. Isn't that the POINT of the arts though? Whether it's a show, a song, a book, a painting... whatever it may be is certainly healthier than being upset or depressed, don't you think?

I do not mask any of my faults or problems.

I support Broadway and I've ALWAYS been first in MY life.

Thank you.

WR: "Jeff, are you going get this game when it comes out?" JB: "I wouldn't be able to write another musical..." ~NY ComicCon 2/8/09


Testing1232 Profile Photo
#15re: NY Post 'fANADU' Article !
Posted: 10/16/07 at 1:30pm

<< (for a short time... or a long time>>

"But... its there...." "And I did it"

(sorry, couldnt resist)

WonderRobbie Profile Photo
#16re: NY Post 'fANADU' Article !
Posted: 10/16/07 at 1:33pm

and that's why I did it re: NY Post 'fANADU' Article !

re: NY Post 'fANADU' Article !

WR: "Jeff, are you going get this game when it comes out?" JB: "I wouldn't be able to write another musical..." ~NY ComicCon 2/8/09


jaystarr Profile Photo
#17re: NY Post 'fANADU' Article !
Posted: 10/16/07 at 1:35pm

As long as they are not doing any harm to others .....

Its seems like they are happy , so what's wrong with that ? and they are DEFINITELY enjoying their lives... Let it be...

Gosh ! There's glamour for everyone ... re: NY Post 'fANADU' Article !

Updated On: 10/16/07 at 01:35 PM

#18re: NY Post 'fANADU' Article !
Posted: 10/16/07 at 1:45pm

All I was saying was that my interpretation of escaping for an hour and a half to the same place 85 times just looks and sounds like a red flag, that's all. There are people who do the exact same thing, but instead of going to see Xanadu 85 times, they sit in their car outside the house of someone they like and just stare for an hour and half, prolly around 85 times (if you catch my drift).

Of course you CAN see it as many times as you want, and I'm not saying it's always a negative thing, it just again comes across as unhealthy.

WonderRobbie Profile Photo
#19re: NY Post 'fANADU' Article !
Posted: 10/16/07 at 1:55pm

You're right... call Bellevue immediately.

re: NY Post 'fANADU' Article !

WR: "Jeff, are you going get this game when it comes out?" JB: "I wouldn't be able to write another musical..." ~NY ComicCon 2/8/09

Updated On: 10/16/07 at 01:55 PM

Testing1232 Profile Photo
#20re: NY Post 'fANADU' Article !
Posted: 10/16/07 at 2:05pm

<< All I was saying was that my interpretation of escaping for an hour and a half to the same place 85 times just looks and sounds like a red flag, that's all. There are people who do the exact same thing, but instead of going to see Xanadu 85 times, they sit in their car outside the house of someone they like and just stare for an hour and half, prolly around 85 times (if you catch my drift).

Of course you CAN see it as many times as you want, and I'm not saying it's always a negative thing, it just again comes across as unhealthy.

"Unhealthy"? - are we hurting anyone, and no one told us??

We enjoy it --simple as that. To each/their own.

#21re: NY Post 'fANADU' Article !
Posted: 10/16/07 at 2:14pm

Sorry, I can't resist responding to Thesbijeans' comment. Considering all the options that people have in their lives to "escape" their "problems" (e.g., drugs, alcohol, crime, etc., etc., etc.), I think "following your star" is positive and healthy. It certainly isn't harming anybody except in those instances where fans impose themselves too much into the lives of their favorites. My experience at the Xanadu stage door is that the Du-Crew and the Xanatics are most repectful of a cast and crew that is devoting their lives to giving their best eight times a week. PS. If you have problems with these groups, take a look at the behavior of opera fans at the stage door of the Metroplitan. You'll see some REAL examples of overbearing fans who are rude, crazy as loons, disrespectful of others (including the performers)and down-and-out vicious and nasty.


WonderRobbie Profile Photo
#22re: NY Post 'fANADU' Article !
Posted: 10/16/07 at 2:19pm

Thank you Ed. Thank you very much. :o)

WR: "Jeff, are you going get this game when it comes out?" JB: "I wouldn't be able to write another musical..." ~NY ComicCon 2/8/09


jaystarr Profile Photo
#23re: NY Post 'fANADU' Article !
Posted: 10/16/07 at 2:37pm

Thesbijean- with all due respects...

Seeing Xanadu 85 times and sitting outside in your car for 85 times are totally different things !

Hello ! you got to stare at Cheyenne's or Curtis' asses for 85 times !! totally different re: NY Post 'fANADU' Article !


Updated On: 10/16/07 at 02:37 PM

Testing1232 Profile Photo
#24re: NY Post 'fANADU' Article !
Posted: 10/16/07 at 3:17pm

I am really curious as to whether or not the article will affect the attendance figures at all. I have had at least
25 people today tell me they want to see the show now.

Its all good !!
