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NY Post "fANADU" Article !- Page 2

NY Post "fANADU" Article !

WonderRobbie Profile Photo
#25re: NY Post 'fANADU' Article !
Posted: 10/16/07 at 3:35pm

I got that same reaction... Gotta love MySpace... haha

WR: "Jeff, are you going get this game when it comes out?" JB: "I wouldn't be able to write another musical..." ~NY ComicCon 2/8/09


CurtainPullDowner Profile Photo
#26re: NY Post 'fANADU' Article !
Posted: 10/16/07 at 3:42pm

You do realize that even at half price, what you spend seeing the show 85 tines could get you a lovely trip to Paris?

Have fun anyway, who's who in the article?
Updated On: 10/16/07 at 03:42 PM

WonderRobbie Profile Photo
#27re: NY Post 'fANADU' Article !
Posted: 10/16/07 at 3:45pm

I'm the schmuck with the roller skates and legwarmers on... :)

WR: "Jeff, are you going get this game when it comes out?" JB: "I wouldn't be able to write another musical..." ~NY ComicCon 2/8/09


#28re: NY Post 'fANADU' Article !
Posted: 10/16/07 at 3:46pm

Exactly my point. If someone wants to see Xanadu 85 times rather than go to Paris, what's the beef?


jeffrey1dog Profile Photo
#29re: NY Post 'fANADU' Article !
Posted: 10/16/07 at 5:41pm

OMG you guys. Y'all look great! I just 1st had a chance to see the actual newspaper and in print it looks even better (the color is brilliant!) Love it, love it!

FYI - Somebody from the Associated Press is doing a Fanadu story too & emailed me that he wants to do a phone interview this week so if anybody is interested in being interviewed (if they haven't found you yet) PM me with your email address & I'll forward it to him re: NY Post 'fANADU' Article !

Huzzah & love to all!

< Patty Duke (the original Neely O'Hara) & me (March 8, 2010)

#30re: NY Post 'fANADU' Article !
Posted: 10/16/07 at 7:50pm

Wasn't the name fANADU coined on BWW?

#31re: NY Post 'fANADU' Article !
Posted: 10/16/07 at 7:52pm

Seeing a Broadway show 85 times is unhealthy, and nobody will be able to sway me from that realization. You may not be harming anyone, but I would assert that sitting on your butt 85 times for about 2 hours and paying at least $25 a ticket 85 times over is silly and sad, simple as that.

You may be lucky enough to be in a situation where you have a lot of disposable income, so use it to do some good, and not live out some sick twisted Xanadu fantasy.

If you told a psychiatrist you paid to see a show 85 times, I guarantee you they would have some harsh things to say about it.

WonderRobbie Profile Photo
#32re: NY Post 'fANADU' Article !
Posted: 10/16/07 at 8:07pm

I think also wasting your time on a message board judging & attacking people you've never met for no apparent reason is pretty silly and sad as well.

Tell the doctor I said "Hi" and I will see him next week. :o)

WR: "Jeff, are you going get this game when it comes out?" JB: "I wouldn't be able to write another musical..." ~NY ComicCon 2/8/09

Updated On: 10/16/07 at 08:07 PM

Wanna Be A Foster Profile Photo
Wanna Be A Foster
#33re: NY Post 'fANADU' Article !
Posted: 10/16/07 at 8:09pm

Thesbijean, for someone who doesn't know these three men personally, you're mighty quick to make personal jabs at the way they choose to enjoy their lives.

Who are YOU to put someone down for the way they choose to enjoy their life?

Especially when the activity at hand does not involve substances or is in any way harming to themselves or others?

Now I'm well aware that we live in a time when there are many basic rights that are still not afforded to us, but is there a law that I'm not aware of that prohibits theatre fans from spending the fruits of their labor, their time, energy, and passion going to the theatre, and supporting the community that brings joy to their lives, perhaps in a hope of spreading that joy to others?

From your posts in this thread, it's clear that you have little to no outlets through which to enjoy your life, so instead you choose to put other people down for being happy. Now THAT is pretty darn "silly and sad."

It's the oldest rule in the book: Misery loves company.

I don't think you'll be finding much company among the supporters of this joyous Broadway show. So I suggest you move along.

"Winning a Tony this year is like winning Best Attendance in third grade: no one will care but the winner and their mom."

"I have also met him in person, and I find him to be quite funny actually. Arrogant and often misinformed, but still funny."
-bjh2114 (on Michael Riedel)

jaystarr Profile Photo
#34re: NY Post 'fANADU' Article !
Posted: 10/16/07 at 8:11pm

WbaF- Youre such a cutie !

Ned- Yup- here at BWW by singingbackup (mike)

Thesbijean- Honey, I can get you a ticket to Xanadu and an interview with Mark Kennedy of Associated Press re: NY Post 'fANADU' Article !

and a fANADu t-shirt !


Okay : Let's all be nice to one another now !

and SPREAD THE LOVE WE CAME TO KNOW .....................

Updated On: 10/17/07 at 08:11 PM

#35re: NY Post 'fANADU' Article !
Posted: 10/16/07 at 8:28pm

No, Thespijean,you're the deprived one. To take issue because they are enjoying what they're enjoying without being of harm to anyone else, including themselves, bespeaks of a petty, unimaginative mind. And by the way, how is spending one's money on Xanadu any worse than spending it on a trip to Paris? I try to not use this board for name calling, but you sound like a real killjoy to me. As for your social conscience, how much have you contributed to solving the ills of the world?


WonderRobbie Profile Photo
#36re: NY Post 'fANADU' Article !
Posted: 10/16/07 at 8:41pm

Nice Jaystarr!
I did my interview last week. I told him to get in touch with as many fans as possible and I'm glad they picked you!
Thanks Ed and WBAF again.

WR: "Jeff, are you going get this game when it comes out?" JB: "I wouldn't be able to write another musical..." ~NY ComicCon 2/8/09


#37re: NY Post 'fANADU' Article !
Posted: 10/16/07 at 8:55pm

I'm not personally judging them, I am making a broad generalization about their obsession with a Broadway show.

And not to make this silly argument circular or anything, but critiquing someone for critiquing someone is the same thing, so don't play the pride game with me.

And as far as contributing to society, I have a long, long list of all the community service, community activism and other contributions I have made to society and the well being of our world, and if you really want to exaimine the list, I can PM it to you.

uncageg Profile Photo
#38re: NY Post 'fANADU' Article !
Posted: 10/16/07 at 8:58pm

Thespijean, who are you to judge these people? You sound a bit jealous to me. And if you say these things about people you don't even know, I would suspect you have probably alienated those around you and now you are on here judging these people.

While I probably would not see any show that many times, I have come close with going to see Rocky Horror in the 80's at the movies. I watch "Into the Woods" A LOT at home. There is certain music I listen to CONSTANTLY. What does that make me? A person who enjoys certain things, who is happy in his life with no sick twisted fantasy about Rocky Horror or Into the Woods.

And I don't think a therapist would have harsh words for them.

Are you a therapist?

Just give the world Love.
Updated On: 10/16/07 at 08:58 PM

Wanna Be A Foster Profile Photo
Wanna Be A Foster
#39re: NY Post 'fANADU' Article !
Posted: 10/16/07 at 8:59pm

There's critiquing, and then there's telling someone there is something wrong with them because they're happy.

"Go to a therapist and dig out that misery beneath all this happiness!"

Give me a break.

"Winning a Tony this year is like winning Best Attendance in third grade: no one will care but the winner and their mom."

"I have also met him in person, and I find him to be quite funny actually. Arrogant and often misinformed, but still funny."
-bjh2114 (on Michael Riedel)

Testing1232 Profile Photo
#40re: NY Post 'fANADU' Article !
Posted: 10/16/07 at 11:10pm

Thespijean... you know what is REALLY unhealthy? You, passing judgments about people that you have NEVER met.

I guarantee if you met me, you would think that I am perfectly sane (not that I really want to be, but anyway, I digress....)

You would not believe how many compliments we received at the theatre tonight. (yes, Robbie.. you were in their thoughts.. they love you !!!) (and Brandon and Midnight--- you guys rock!!)

The producers came over... the cast came over. Two cops came over to me that recognized us, and said its about time someone acknowledged us !!!

They were all thrilled with the article. They generally LIKE us as people, (NOT FANATICS) just for who we are.

I really hope and pray that my daughter doesnt grow up judging people like you have done to us.

You should really be embarrassed.

As for the comment about going to Paris with the money. I can go anytime I want. I just choose to go to places where the people actually LIKE us !!!


Oh, and Thespijean.. why dont you and your therapist friend come to the show on 10/31? - the night of the charity event.

I would love to hear the therapist tell us how crazy we all are.

Updated On: 10/16/07 at 11:10 PM

Testing1232 Profile Photo
#41re: NY Post 'fANADU' Article !
Posted: 10/16/07 at 11:20pm

Have fun anyway, who's who in the article?>>

I am on the left with baby in the middle, and wife on right.

jsg03jd Profile Photo
#42re: NY Post 'fANADU' Article !
Posted: 10/16/07 at 11:28pm

I picked up the Post today on my way to work, and I have to say y'all gave a great interview! Today's issue is definitely a keeper. Mad props to you all. Just ignore the negativity, and don't let it rain on the parade.

I completely relate to all your sentiments about Xanadu and that's why I keep coming back for more. Let the good times keep on rolling!

jeffrey1dog Profile Photo
#43re: NY Post 'fANADU' Article !
Posted: 10/16/07 at 11:56pm

Thesbijean - You're on the wrong path here. Have you been to Xanadu? This show is sheer bliss. It's better than chocolate 'Fool' That is Xanadu.
Why don't you just go to a place where nobody dared to go!
Your the one missing out. And leave my friends alone. I <3 my Robbie, Brandon, Mei, Andrew, Xana-baby, Foster, Muse Brian, Ed, Jay, not to mention the cast (who are each a gem in their own right) and the staff of The Helen Hayes who make us all happy when we go to that special place that is Xanadu!

Call me crazy. I don't care.

< Patty Duke (the original Neely O'Hara) & me (March 8, 2010)

#44re: NY Post 'fANADU' Article !
Posted: 10/17/07 at 9:17am

Fine, by all means, please send me the list. By the way, how many times have you spent your hours amongst the welfare populations in Chicago or New Jersey, fighting to make sure they are provided with adequate housing, food and medical/social services? How many times have you fought a bureaucracy against all odds so that some unfortunate is receiving the services to which he/she is entitled? I'm not talking about an office -- I'm talking about spending hours on end in the ghettos, the housing projects, and, literally, on the streets. Of course, these people don't have to worry about whether to see Xanadu or a trip to Paris -- they don't have those options. But I'll lay you any odds they'd get more enjoyment out of Xanadu. So just bug off your social conscience -- you're not in the ballpark.


WonderRobbie Profile Photo
#45re: NY Post 'fANADU' Article !
Posted: 10/17/07 at 9:26am

awww I wish I was there last night! But I will see everyone soon enough! :o)
I sent my Xana-love across Long Island... hehe

WR: "Jeff, are you going get this game when it comes out?" JB: "I wouldn't be able to write another musical..." ~NY ComicCon 2/8/09


wheelsinmotion Profile Photo
#46re: NY Post 'fANADU' Article !
Posted: 10/17/07 at 10:10am

As the crazy person in question, I can honestly say that enjoying something, and seeing it multiple times, is hurting no one, myself included. You may not understand the word passion, and I pity your ignorance. Your list is irrelevant, because I know that when I make contributions or do volunteer work, I do it for the good of humanity, not so I can throw it in people's faces on a Broadway Message Board. Come see the show, I'll take you out for dinner, and you can analyze me there. Until then, PEACE!!!

You're hurt and you're scared because you doubt your own artistic ability.

Testing1232 Profile Photo
#47re: NY Post 'fANADU' Article !
Posted: 10/17/07 at 11:01am

<< As the crazy person in question, I can honestly say that enjoying something, and seeing it multiple times, is hurting no one, myself included. >>


Stop hogging up the craziness !!! Remember, we are all insane, miserable people , that are obviously masking something !!

And if you guys are going to eat, we are ALL coming !!! :))

WonderRobbie Profile Photo
#48re: NY Post 'fANADU' Article !
Posted: 10/17/07 at 11:07am

You all better have my dirty martini waiting for me. Grey Goose please... none of that cheap stuff. ;o)

WR: "Jeff, are you going get this game when it comes out?" JB: "I wouldn't be able to write another musical..." ~NY ComicCon 2/8/09


wheelsinmotion Profile Photo
#49re: NY Post 'fANADU' Article !
Posted: 10/17/07 at 11:25am

We only drink, of course, to mask all of the problems in our childhoods. DADDY DIDN'T LOVE ME!!!! THAT'S WHY I GO SEE XANADU!!!!

You're hurt and you're scared because you doubt your own artistic ability.
