Wicked Question

#1Wicked Question
Posted: 1/14/08 at 10:49am

Saw it at the Gershwin, Loved it...one question. At the beginning of the play Galinda is asked if she and Elphaba were friends and she says something like "Yeah I knew her in school but it depends on what you mean by friends." Later they sing "For Good", which is about the best love song/friendship song I've ever heard....just wondering if I missed something or was Galinda just saying what they wanted to hear after Elpahba's death at the beginning.

PlayhouseBeauty Profile Photo
#2re: Wicked Question
Posted: 1/14/08 at 11:13am

Yes Glinda was just telling them what they wanted to hear...She didn't want the Ozians to turn on her, especially since she had lost Fiyero and Elphaba...glad you enjoyed the show...I just saw it on saturday and loved it!!! :)

BrianIdol Profile Photo
#2re: Wicked Question
Posted: 1/14/08 at 11:33am

love that whole beginning sequence...when Glinda says "So you see, it couldn't have been easy" - it gets me every time!

dshnookie Profile Photo
#3re: Wicked Question
Posted: 1/14/08 at 1:41pm

I love that line too BrianIdol. I think it's very important that she says it after her father turns away from her and not after she comes out green. It's subtle but the implications would be very different.

#4re: Wicked Question
Posted: 1/14/08 at 5:37pm

They were very good friends, but Elphaba had made Glinda promise she would not try to clear her name, and if Glinda mourned the loss of Elphaba publicly, the Ozians would have attacked her.

me2 Profile Photo
#5re: Wicked Question
Posted: 1/14/08 at 5:54pm

. . . Then if they attacked her, Glinda couldn't do "all I couldn't do."
Broadway Blog: An Ode to New York City
