
Sara Ramirez - LA benefit Question

Sara Ramirez - LA benefit Question

#1Sara Ramirez - LA benefit Question
Posted: 3/3/08 at 10:51pm

I tried to do a search to see if this was already discussed and couldn't find anything. Quick question... I went to the Greys Anatomy/ Private Practice benefit on Friday night. It was to help the crews that were affected by the recent WGA strike. Sara Ramirez ended the show with an amazing song called "Grateful". I've never heard the song before and have not been able to find it online. Does anyone know if this song is from a show or where i could find more about it? Thanks!
Updated On: 3/3/08 at 10:51 PM

divarobbie2 Profile Photo
#2re: Sara Ramirez - LA benefit Question
Posted: 3/3/08 at 11:29pm

If the lyric is "I've got a roof over my head... I've got a warm place to sleep. So many nights I lie awake counting gifts, instead of counting sheep... Grateful, grateful, truely grateful I am...", the song is called "Grateful" by John Bucchino, and has been recorded a zillion times, most recently by Billy Porter on the cast album of "It's Only Life" (PS Classics). Sara has never recorded it.
PS Classics: It's Only Life

#2re: Sara Ramirez - LA benefit Question
Posted: 3/3/08 at 11:44pm

That's it! Thanks so much. :) Beautiful song and Sara's performance was amazing!

divarobbie2 Profile Photo
#3re: Sara Ramirez - LA benefit Question
Posted: 3/3/08 at 11:58pm

My pleasure. It's a lovely song. I'm rather partial to David Campbell's recording of it, on his first album.

ray-andallthatjazz86 Profile Photo
#4re: Sara Ramirez - LA benefit Question
Posted: 3/4/08 at 12:40am

I read on Kristin Dos Santos blog that Sara got a standing ovation and stopped the show. She also mentioned that Audra McDonald got a similar reaction.

"Some people can thrive and bloom living life in a living room, that's perfect for some people of one hundred and five. But I at least gotta try, when I think of all the sights that I gotta see, all the places I gotta play, all the things that I gotta be at"

JerseyGirl2 Profile Photo
#5re: Sara Ramirez - LA benefit Question
Posted: 3/4/08 at 2:50pm

Sara opened and closed the show. She is the one performer that is really getting raves. It's so funny to me that so many Grey's fans don't realize how talented she is. Some have written, "I mean, I knew she sang, but that girl can SING!" She really was fantastic. Many people are comparing her and Audra, but that like comparing apples and oranges. They did a fanfic "table read" and a few bloggers said that Sara was really the only one you could hear clearly. Training, people. Of course, my favorite part of the whole thing was that Sara got her butt right back here the next day.

Here's a little video...

Pretty pretty please don't you ever ever feel like you're less than f**ckin' perfect!

#6re: Sara Ramirez - LA benefit Question
Posted: 3/4/08 at 5:23pm

Thanks for posting that video. Sara was fabulous in Spamalot and she's great in Grey's Anatomy.

buffyactsing Profile Photo
#7re: Sara Ramirez - LA benefit Question
Posted: 3/4/08 at 8:03pm

Do you mind mentioning what Audra sang? I'd appreciate it!

"This ocean runs more dark and deep than you may think you know...I'll be the fear of the fire at sea." -Marie Christine

JerseyGirl2 Profile Photo
#8re: Sara Ramirez - LA benefit Question
Posted: 3/4/08 at 8:08pm

You know, I don't know what she sang. She did not sing what was printed in the program. Apparently she changed them both last minute. I will ask some folks that were there.

Pretty pretty please don't you ever ever feel like you're less than f**ckin' perfect!

ray-andallthatjazz86 Profile Photo
#9re: Sara Ramirez - LA benefit Question
Posted: 3/4/08 at 8:12pm

Kristin from E! mentioned she teared up when Audra sang "Aunt Lizzie," so that's one at least.
I can't believe T.R Knight sang "Losing My Mind" and dedicated it to Dorothy Loudon, can I marry him? Please?

"Some people can thrive and bloom living life in a living room, that's perfect for some people of one hundred and five. But I at least gotta try, when I think of all the sights that I gotta see, all the places I gotta play, all the things that I gotta be at"

buffyactsing Profile Photo
#10re: Sara Ramirez - LA benefit Question
Posted: 3/4/08 at 8:13pm

Why can't their be straight boys like TR??? Why oh why???

Thanks! I Won't Mind is one of my favs. I best she was awesome. I'd love to hear Sara Ramirez sing live. Power Diva.

"This ocean runs more dark and deep than you may think you know...I'll be the fear of the fire at sea." -Marie Christine

JerseyGirl2 Profile Photo
#11re: Sara Ramirez - LA benefit Question
Posted: 3/4/08 at 8:20pm

In the program, Audra had listed Somedays and It's the Christian Thing To Do. Like I said, she didn't do either of these. Aunt Lizzie is the only one I had seen listed. I was searching for the other, but I can't find it.

Sara's first song was Meadowlark and you can hear part of it in the video I posted. It's pretty freakin' amazing. She really needs to come on with this album.

Pretty pretty please don't you ever ever feel like you're less than f**ckin' perfect!
