
Billy Elliot Seating-Help Please!!!

Billy Elliot Seating-Help Please!!!

bwayj102 Profile Photo
#1Billy Elliot Seating-Help Please!!!
Posted: 12/7/08 at 5:09pm

Hey all,
I was looking to buy seats for Billy Elliot in April and I wanted to ask your opinion on a few things. First, I would really like to buy tickets in the $81.50 price range ($126.50 is a little much for me, unless you think it's REALLY worth it). So my question lies in what section of the $81.50 range should I get: Orchestra Partial View, Front Mezz Partial View (left or far right), or Rear Mezz (Center Row D). Thanks for the help!!!

dramamama611 Profile Photo
#2re: Billy Elliot Seating-Help Please!!!
Posted: 12/7/08 at 5:14pm

Rear Mezz. I hate partial views (even though you don't know to what extent). I also would prefer to sit CENTER at all times.

I have seats even further behind you (the 41.50) seats and have been told they are not horrible.

If we're not having fun, then why are we doing it? These are DISCUSSION boards, not mutual admiration boards. Discussion only occurs when we are willing to hear what others are thinking, regardless of whether it is alignment to our own thoughts.

#2re: Billy Elliot Seating-Help Please!!!
Posted: 12/7/08 at 6:32pm

If you decide for up close side views, go for the right. Much of the scenes take place on the left, including "Express Yourself", and you'll see all the coming and goings.
I say get close and get to see the looks on the faces of all those wonderful kids!

#3re: Billy Elliot Seating-Help Please!!!
Posted: 12/7/08 at 10:19pm

I sat in partial view tonight row b far right. Great view, most of the action is center stage. Get up close, for the facial expressions.

yankees1253 Profile Photo
#4re: Billy Elliot Seating-Help Please!!!
Posted: 12/7/08 at 10:40pm

the rear 41.50 seats are great but if you want to see the facial expressions especially with the children get the partial view up close. sorry out of content i cant wait for greg jbaras video blog with trent, kiril and david. it seems that trent will always be paired up with david b. the ballet girls and debbie definite should get credit with all their hard work.
