Leading Actor Joined: 5/8/19
Timon3 said: "Six hasn’t announced a tour yet, I know they’re doing the sit down in Chicago. But no conventional tour yet, think this one is when not if, I wonder if they announce this year as part of the subscription package?"
Six has publicized the Chicago stop as being the first on a US tour - there's a new verified Instagram account for it (@sixustour). More dates to be announced.
Also - when they recorded the video of "For Now" for the Actors' Fund in late 2020 Avenue Q announced there would be a new tour "when live theater returned." Any word on this?
Featured Actor Joined: 6/1/18
MTH85 said: "Mockingbird is still set to start in 2022 and some venues are already offering individual tickets. Haven't heard of any changes, so it's probably still on. I also haven't seen anything saying Richard Thomas won't be in the lead, but it's possible someone else may step in since it'll have been a long time from the initial announcement."
https://tokillamockingbirdbroadway.com/tour/ The official site still has him in the lead. Although it also lists a bunch of cities that they aren't even going to, and doesn't even have dates. Cincinnati, at least, is advertising it as starring Richard Thomas.
And yes, TKAM is part of the 21-22 season, it just isn't actually starting til Spring '22
Stand-by Joined: 4/29/20
I wonder if Harry Potter is going to tour after San Francisco/Toronto?
Updated On: 1/3/22 at 12:02 PM
I’m still not sure how that’ll ever tour, at least in its current form… The build-out and modifications required to maintain the show’s current “magic” (effects, stunts, fire, traps, multiple flying rigs etc.) would seem to be nearly impossible to load in and out of various theaters.
Timon3 said: "Because of the enforced 18 months Covid hiatus, not many shows.
I wonder what new shows could go on the road, think there would be slim pickings but would also say Tina: The Tina Turner & Girl From the North Country are dead certs. I think the plays like The Inheritance, The Lehman Trilogy and Slave Play will be a very hard sell.
Ni chance West Side Story going out, but would think that Beetlejuice will
So looks like poor subscribers will either get Rent or Chicago again."
I would LOVE the opportunity to see "Chicago" on tour....preferably in my home state of Texas. However, I have doubts that any Chicago tour will be presented under the current trying conditions.
Understudy Joined: 11/11/11
Aladdin tour is relaunching this October. Casting is currently under way.