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American Idols on Broadway- Page 2

American Idols on Broadway

BobbyBubby Profile Photo
#25re: American Idols on Broadway
Posted: 2/25/07 at 11:41am

I'd take an American Idol reject over Shoshana Bean or Kerry Butler anyday.

#26re: American Idols on Broadway
Posted: 2/25/07 at 12:22pm

"I'm reminded by posts on another message board when it was first announced who would star in the movie Chicago. People were up in arms and the ranting and raving lasted several weeks at what a disaster the movie was going to be, yadda yadda. The movie came out, and the same people that posted the acerbic comments were raving about the movie and the casting - and then tried to plug the performers into where they should be on Broadway and or other movie musicals AS IF THEY NEVER CRITICIZED THEM before they saw the movie.

Very amusing to me..."

It amuses me to no end, too.
Same thing happened with Jennifer Hudson. Nice to see the small-minded eat their words, though.

One of the best things about all the Idols on Broadway? They can really sang!!! Which is more than can be said for many wonderful Broadway "performers."

purpleprince101 Profile Photo
#27re: American Idols on Broadway
Posted: 2/25/07 at 12:26pm

If they are good, thats fine. Diana Degarmo is my 2nd favorite penny next to kerry butler, but still very close

muscle23ftl Profile Photo
#28re: American Idols on Broadway
Posted: 2/25/07 at 12:41pm

Well said Craig!

"People have their opinions and that doesn't mean that their opinions are wrong or right. I just take it with a grain of salt because opinions are like as*holes, everyone has one". -Felicia Finley-

#29re: American Idols on Broadway
Posted: 2/25/07 at 1:07pm

"I think Frenchie Davis has earned her spot on broadway. Along with Josh Strickland and some others. Fantasia is MAJOR stunt casting."

You can't say that Fantasia's was Stunt Casting until you see her performance on Broadway, if you never see it, you will never be qualified to say anything other then your biased opinion. She hasn't started yet, her opening night is April 10th. Right now, she is STAR casting because she's a perfect fit for this role the song "I'm Here" sounds like it was written for her. Now, had they casted Beyonce in this role, that'd have been stunt casting as it fits her in no way at all.

"Diana, though, seemed to be the one who kicked down the door on Broadway for people like Fantasia to follow"

No, Diana didn't kick down any doors, American Idol, Oprah, Quincy Jones, Her Dreamgirls Screentest and talent are what kicked the door down for Fantasia. IF I were going to give any credit to an Idol contestant, it'd be Frenchie, since she was the first idol contestant to do broadway. However, since fantasia has been trying to get into acting for well over two years now, it is clear that this is something that SHE wants to do and this is her first role of which she isn't playing herself and it's a nice big leading role with lots of challenge. After that huge dreamgirls disappointment she could have given up all together but she didn't, she continued to try, even taking on a role as herself reliving an extremely hard past but that's just how much she wanted to act. However, now she doesn't have to play herself, she can really show the world what she's got and give a message never give up, when one door close, another will open. This is a nice opening.

So, she tried out for dreamgirls, was a front runner and didn't get the part, I think she's paid her dues. It's not like she was given the first role that she was ever up for. Remember she didn't, this is her SECOND audition, nothing is ever just given to fantasia, she has to work hard for everything. I wasn't even sure if she'd get this but since it's now official, I say congratulations on landing your first role Fantasia.
Updated On: 2/25/07 at 01:07 PM

#30re: American Idols on Broadway
Posted: 2/25/07 at 1:58pm

Can we get Antonella Barba to star in DEEP THROAT - THE MUSICAL?

#31re: American Idols on Broadway
Posted: 2/25/07 at 2:42pm

^ Ha!

I think the point Marie2 was trying to make (and it's a valid one) is that Diana was the first American Idol alumni that actually made the top 12 (or top 2 for that matter) to have a successful, long Broadway run/s coupled with good reviews. Frenchie was the first person from American Idol to do Broadway (and well at that), but she got disqualified early in the competition and Josh didn't make it to the top 12 either. Tamyra Gray did do a short stint at the end of Bombay Dreams, but I wouldn't really call her short run a success. In any case, I don't think there's been anyone from Idol that's been horrible in the respective shows they were cast in.

I don't have any problem with people from American Idol joining Broadway companies provided that they can play the parts well. A lot of these contestants have grown up doing musical theatre and have a deep respect for Broadway. It's not easy to do 8 shows a week. At least with American Idol, we know the performers CAN sing (though you'd have to take into account that some vocal scores are quite challenging and within everyone's ranges). It's when you cast "stars" like Haylie Duff, for instance, whose only real claim to fame is being famous because of her sister, that you run into problems.

MotorTink Profile Photo
#32re: American Idols on Broadway
Posted: 2/25/07 at 2:53pm

I'm not a big AI fan, and don't know much about all Broadway shows...but didn't Diana and Constantine get actually cast in the show, not a limited engagement, etc.? If so, then why do they get crap? No roles were "starring" roles and they put their dues and time in like the rest of the actors in the show. Now if they only did a pre arranged 4 -5 week engagement then I may feel very differently. They both seem to be very happy in the theater world.

I am SOOO happy Josh came to Broadway. I had no idea he was on AI, like I said I don't watch, but he has become one of my favorite Broadway actors.

BroadwayBoobs: I'll give all of you who weren't there a hint of who took the pictures rhymes with shameless

SOMMS: I knew it was Tink!

#33re: American Idols on Broadway
Posted: 2/25/07 at 2:53pm

"I think the point Marie2 was trying to make (and it's a valid one) is that Diana was the first American Idol alumni that actually made the top 12 (or top 2 for that matter) to have a successful, long Broadway run/s coupled with good reviews. "

I don't care, a lot of people don't even remember diana degarmo. Whether she was an idol finalist or not, American idol has practically disowned her. Many people think jennifer hudson came in second. So again, it is fantasia's hard work and constant auditioning for roles that she's finally landed one. I'm sure this is just the beginning. I must say Fantasia is the first to land a leading role on broadway though. Fantasia is even willing to play Aretha Franklin in an off broadway production, however, she can't help that this one came through first. I think she'd definitely go off broadway to play aretha anyday. I expect that too.
Updated On: 2/25/07 at 02:53 PM

#34re: American Idols on Broadway
Posted: 2/25/07 at 3:33pm

I'm not sure what American Idol's treatment of Diana DeGarmo has to do with her burgeoning theater career. Diana has earned a lot of respect among both fans and her fellow actors. I'm not sure that bashing the heck out of her because you didn't like that someone said Diana had opened doors on Broadway for other American Idol's, including Fantasia, is going to be looked on favorably. Just a suggestion.

I have to agree with Marie2 and ABoyLikeThat. I think the weird and unfair stigma attached to going to Broadway from AI was mostly erased due to Diana's stellar run as Penny. The idea that anyone would think someone would choose a HARDER job (Broadway) over other things she could have done because she "couldn't hack it" elsewhere is totally illogical and disrespectful towards the theater community. Diana won all three of her theater roles, two of them the LEAD role, via very good auditions.

I hope Fantasia does well and I hope she shows the same respect for this medium as Diana.

Updated On: 2/25/07 at 03:33 PM

#35re: American Idols on Broadway
Posted: 2/25/07 at 4:40pm

i definately understand the frustration but i dont think its fair to group them together. many of the people on american idol are not straight from the street...they have performing backgrounds. both constantine and katherine (who i wouldnt be surprised if she came to broadway) went to boston conservatory a place known for musical theatre trainin. diana (i have not seen her in hairspray nor really see her in the role but have heard great things from trustworty people) has been performing since she was little and has a lot of experience. i agree its unfair that these people get to jump to the head of the line when there are people out there who could be better, more trained, or simply better suited for the role but the reality is we dont know because we werent in the audition. there is also a huge difference between casting christina applegate in sweet charity (and all those celebs in chicago) and frenchie davis in rent. the role is a singing solo and that girl can sing period. ashley angel as a hearthrob? not so far from the truth...though i still havent seen him in the role. constantine in wedding singer again a role his voice and personality is suited for. we can't complain too much...these people are not in shows like les mis or chicago that are such a stretch for them. so maybe they really did deserve the role...or maybe they really werent so different from the people they are up against. i definatley understand the frustration and worry but its just something to think about.

#36re: American Idols on Broadway
Posted: 2/25/07 at 6:18pm

McPhee went to Boston Conservatory for like a semester.

Paying dues? Try getting some training and loads of roles under your belt for 15 years.
Maroulis graduated with a degree from BC and from Berklee. He is nearly 10 years older than all of them. In addition to his professional training he apprenticed at Williamstown, has done numerous productions in high school, college and regional theater, as well as an almost 2 year non-equity tour of Rent. All while fronting various rock and funk bands.
The Wedding Singer may have appeared like an easy fit for him, but if you haven't seen him in Jacques Brel, or as Hedwig or Jesus and Judas, then you have no idea what he is capable of doing. He's certainly earned the right to audition for anything on or off Broadway.
The rest mentioned are talented and good singers. That is clear. But, at 20 years old, please leave the "they've paid their dues" line at the door. They ain't old enough to have paid any professional dues.

#37re: American Idols on Broadway
Posted: 2/25/07 at 8:11pm

Virgo, Broadway casting directors/producers have been quoted in print as saying they were skeptical, at first, about bringing in former American Idol contestants and Diana has also noted that she met some resistance when she first tried to make the transition. Whether or not the vast majority of ticket-buyers remembered her name from AI, the fact is she most definitely had the Idol stigma working against her before she auditioned, but she managed to overcome it.

Ask anyone who has seen Hairspray, they will tell you a capable actress in the role of Penny is intregal to making the show enjoyable. Not to take away from Frenchie, but Diana was the first Idol contestant to successfully assume a sizeable, important role in a Broadway production, and it was only with her success in Hairspray that Broadway started receiving regular attention in the media as a respectable option for former Idols. The perception that only Idol losers would have to "settle" for a Broadway career is completely ass-backwards, but it was in full force before 2006.

Really, you should thank Diana, because Fantasia has the habit of only giving something consideration after it's worked out for another Idol. Several AI finalists mentioned having their eye on eventual Broadway work, but Fantasia was not one of them until the Idols on Broadway "movement," so to speak, of last year. Not unlike her sudden interest in country music as soon as Carrie Underwood became the new AI darling, etc., etc. Perhaps one day Fantasia will get a mind of her own. In the meantime, enjoy her riding the coattails of others.

And you're kidding yourself if you really believe that Fantasia having auditioned for a film role and lost it counts as paying her dues, or if you think you could possibly compare how the other Idols were treated coming into their roles and the kind of pimping Fantasia is getting for The Color Purple. Hairspray was generally regarded as "Hairspray (featuring Diana DeGarmo)," The Wedding Singer was generally regarded as "The Wedding Singer (featuring Constantine Maroulis)," Rent is generally regarded as "Rent (featuring Frenchie Davis)," when she happens to rate a mention at all, and Josh Strickland gets no fanfare whatsoever as the original lead of Tarzan.

By contrast, the particular show Fantasia is joining is of almost no consequence, from what I've seen of the promotion. She herself couldn't even say the correct name of it on AI last week and that ridiculous television spot screams, "FANTASIA BARRINO ON BROADWAY!!!!!!! (inthecolorpurple)."

Her debut album sold well enough, but her core fanbase has obviously diminished since 2004. Prior to her casting in The Color Purple, it looked unlikely that her current album would have been able to finish its promotional cycle at a sales total as high other Idols who are getting dropped from their shared label group, and she's so incapable of selling concert tickets that she was still in opening act territory. I doubt Fantasia's going to do enough for The Color Purple's box office to warrant the kind of promotion her casting is already receiving, and in terms of talent, she's already shown that she can't even sing the role properly. That leaves just her acting skills to somehow make her worth all the hype, and I think we all know what those odds are of that happening.

#38re: American Idols on Broadway
Posted: 2/25/07 at 9:02pm

Edit ... totally watching the oscars and not paying attention to spelling ....

So basically this thread is clearly a battle of opinions. Star vs stunt casting? Idol vs non idol? Idol vs Idol. Dumb dumb and dumber. Look at it this way, all these idols are bringing people to the theatre world who normally wouldn't go. Like anything else Broadway is a business and although stunt casting sometimes sucks, sometimes it is just about the money. Now I will not deny that I DO NOT like Fantasia. Is she talented? people like her. Does she have a vocal gift? Well she can sing better them me ( although that doesn't take much ).If she can bring people into the theatre to help keep this show open, then look at all the people she is keeping working. Do I feel she is stunt casting? Probably the worse case. Does she deserve it any less then Jane Smith who has less publicity and more talent? Maybe. Anyone that has had 5 minutes of fame any where other then Broadway is stunt casting. It's what the person does with their talent that,makes the difference. Just because Fenchie, Diana, Constantine, Tamyra, Josh, and now Anthony got their inital break on idol does not mean that they don't deserve to have success in the theatre world. Actually, wouldn't singers who have theatre experiance deserve it more then lets say Julia Roberts? or Rosie O'Donnell? Now Ashley Parker Angel, is not the worst Link Larkin, but rather then group him with Idol stunt casting, lets group him with some Boy Banders Joey Fatone, and Drew Lachey. Lets flip the coin. Does Heather Hadley not have the right to have radio success? How about the wonderful Jessie Martin. Was he stunt casting in Rent, or was he stunt casting on Law and Order. Did Will Smith cross a line producing and starring in The Pursuit of Happiness? Who gives anyone the right to say whether or not an actor or singer does or doesn't deserve to be somewhere.

With the said .... I personally don't like stunt casting. I do wish sometimes other people were given the chance for certain roles. However I would be calling myself a hypocryte as some of you are if I said Diana wasn't stunt casting but Fantasia is. But like I said it's what you do with the oppurtunity you are given. Diana had gotten amazing reviews with the industry, the reviewers, and public. The Hairspray people took a chance and had great success. That was proven by asking her to continue with the show, and waiting for her to have the time to return. As for Fantasia although I do not understand her talent, I hope for the sake of the cast and crew that casting her was the right decision. But to sit her and say know one knows who diana is, is just wrong and not called for. There will always be a diana fan/fantasia fan battle .... I urge those Diana fans to remain classly. And not argue back. I leave you with this, something Diana has said standing next to me "things happen for a reason".
Updated On: 2/25/07 at 09:02 PM
