For those who are in need of a Doctor Who fix:
First, BBCA has Doctor Who On Demand. Currently it's got series 1 episodes 4 through 7. Starting 9/7, it will be episodes 5 through 8 for a week, then 6 through 9 and so on.
Second, on September 13, BBCA is having a Doctor Who marathon starting at 6:30 a.m. Sunday morning with Human Nature. The schedule is below:
6:30AM - Human Nature
7:30AM - The Family Of Blood
8:30AM - Utopia
9:30AM - The Sound Of The Drums
10:30 AM - The Last Of The Time Lords
11:30 AM - The Voyage Of The Damned (90)
1:00PM - The Silence In The Library
2:00PM - The Forest Of The Dead
3:00PM - The Stolen Earth (75)
4:15PM - Journey's End (75)
5:30PM - The Next Doctor (75)
6:45PM - Planet Of The Dead (75)
As you can see, the last four are being shown in 75 minute time slots which means BBCA is FINALLY living up to it's promise to air Journey's End in its entirety.
directed by John Landis and co-starring Simon Pegg
Burke and Hare
Hamlet will be shown on Christmas day in the UK. I will pay someone to tape this and send it to me
Hamlet at Christmas
BBCA will air Waters of Mars on Saturday, December 19 at 9 p.m. No word on when the last two specials will air yet.
Also, The Doctor was on the Sarah Jane Adventures this week.
FYI, BBCAmerica is showing Journey's End, The Next Doctor and Planet of the Dead tonight as a lead in to next week's premier of Waters of Mars.
Just finished "The Pandorica Opens" and my mind is completely shot to hell. What a damn near perfect episode of any television series (and there is one more to go). I am still trying to comprehend what I just saw. Not going to lie, I was starting to doubt Moffatt as being the writer we all hoped he would be, but MY stupid of me. How utterly and pathetically STUPID of me.
testing ... what happened to this thread?