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Blithe Spirit 1st preview- Page 3

Blithe Spirit 1st preview

PalJoey Profile Photo
#50re: Blithe Spirit 1st preview
Posted: 2/27/09 at 10:30pm

We're going to see this for my birthday tomorrow. We got 12th row center. I hope they work out the sound problems.

ItSucks2BAveQ Profile Photo
#51re: Blithe Spirit 1st preview
Posted: 2/27/09 at 10:35pm

Would you recommend buying the TDF tickets and chancing it with where I sit or buying the $64 discount tickets and be sure to sit close enough to hear Lansbury et al. and probably have a better view?

MamasDoin'Fine Profile Photo
#52re: Blithe Spirit 1st preview
Posted: 2/27/09 at 11:02pm

....and the special effects at the end?
Updated On: 2/27/09 at 11:02 PM

Wanna Be A Foster Profile Photo
Wanna Be A Foster
#53re: Blithe Spirit 1st preview
Posted: 2/27/09 at 11:07pm

That BroadwayBox discount code says $64.50 but when you click on it, they're actually $59.50.

I wouldn't want to be in that balcony. I could hardly hear Angela in the Orchestra. I don't think it was a sound issue at all. It's just that Angela was speaking very quietly.

The ending was hilarious, MamasDoin'Fine. Beautifully done.

"Winning a Tony this year is like winning Best Attendance in third grade: no one will care but the winner and their mom."

"I have also met him in person, and I find him to be quite funny actually. Arrogant and often misinformed, but still funny."
-bjh2114 (on Michael Riedel)

ColorTheHours048 Profile Photo
#54re: Blithe Spirit 1st preview
Posted: 2/27/09 at 11:30pm

I just got back from the show. I had front row, right side. I was worried about the height of the stage, but once the show started I realized the seat couldn't have been better.

The first few minutes were quite a bit slow, but that's only because nothing really exciting happens. Purely exposition. Deborah Rush and Mr. Bradman (can't think of his name) were fine in minor roles. She could have done more with the character as I've seen other productions where Mrs. Bradman gets quite a few laughs. Deborah got none. But she wasn't bad. Rupert Everett was very good as Charles. The women outshined him, but that's no news. The play is written this way. Christine Ebersole was a wonderful Elvira. She was ethereal and whiny and very quirky. She could have worked on some of her line deliveries. They would have resulted in more laughter. Angela Lansbury is every bit as hammy and eccentric as you'd imagine her to be. It's a role she was just meant to play. She fumbled a lot with her lines, but it wasn't forgetting. Just fumbling. She's an old woman, after all, and it was only the second performance. Susan Louise O'Connor is HYSTERICAL in the smallest role as Edith. She manages to take a character who says little more than "Yes, mum" and "No, mum" and still steal scenes. Dashing about in the background and dropping things, she's just perfect in the role. I'd say I wanted to see her more, but it's the fact that we see her so little that makes her presence more enjoyable: you're eagerly anticipating her return.

The show goes to Jayne Atkinson as Ruth. She absolutely runs away with the show. As dry as the martinis she downs and as sarcastic as hell, she makes Ruth the "it" character of the play. It shows you that even the showiest of roles can be outshined when you have a truly great actress doing the outshining. And a great actress she is. Her line delivery and comedic timing is perfection. I loved her.

The only real issues of the night were lights switching on or off before the actors got to them and when Rupert let fly a "seven f***ing seances." The audience burst into laughter with the actors (Jayne finding it particularly hard to hold it together) and applauded their valiant attempts at keeping a straight face. Also, some books at the end flew into the front row. They were rolling at a pretty quick pace, so they could hit someone. Hopefully, they'll work it out. Other than those, no set, sound, or lighting issues.

It's an insanely fun night at the theatre. Not only will it lift everyone's spirits (no pun intended) about the outside world, but it should also make us hopeful for Broadway. Great theatre is still alive on the Great White Way and this show is certainly testament to that.

#55re: Blithe Spirit 1st preview
Posted: 2/28/09 at 12:07am

I was there tonight as well - on the same side - and I have to say I agree pretty much. Jayne Atkinson was phenomenal. She was so brilliantly dry witted and so deliberate with every action and movement. I loved her performance.

Lansbury, for me, was just okay. I mean, she played the quirkiness, but her constant line flubbing left me confused on half the things she was saying. I mean I was close to the stage, and I sometimes couldn't hear what she was saying.

Ebersole was good. Not great, just good. She really has a great ethereal feeling about her, and your eye is constantly drawn to her. I thought her costume could have been more interesting or detailed, but that's just nit picking. She wasn't quite as funny as I thought she might be. The scenes with just her and Everett dragged a good bit and were pretty dull.

As for Everett, he was pretty good. I mean, his party isn't showy and he doesn't get many laugh lines, but he delivered a good performance. Although, I thought the whole ending sequence felt a bit odd, weird. But I'm sure those kinks will be worked out.

I have a question about the play. Why is it that Elvira can feel Ruth's presence (after the crash), but yet the audience can't see her until later into the act? (If that makes sense?)

Also, I didn't understand the set. For some reason on the stage left side, the set bows out into the playing area leaving the upstage left area obstructed to the right side of the audience. The window is used for a lot of entrances, and yet no one on that side of the house could see them? What was the point of bowing the set out like that? Was it merely for esthetics or was it functional?

ColorTheHours048 Profile Photo
#56re: Blithe Spirit 1st preview
Posted: 2/28/09 at 12:11am

It's weird. Every production I've seen of the show is set up the same exact way. And they've all been slanted on a weird angle. Maybe it's how it should be? I don't know.

As for Elvira feeling Ruth's presence and us not being able to see her, it's because Charles is not yet able to see her.

#57re: Blithe Spirit 1st preview
Posted: 2/28/09 at 12:18am

Ah! That makes total sense, I suppose. If the only production is set up from his angle, which I suppose it is?

And yeah, I just didn't understand the arrangement. And I thought the "ghosts" would have bigger entrances, but hey, whatever.
