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Blithe Spirit 1st preview- Page 2

Blithe Spirit 1st preview

muscle23ftl Profile Photo
#25re: Blithe Spirit 1st preview
Posted: 2/27/09 at 3:40am

"Seems a little biased, ha. I think Lansbury did do wrong with her last Broadway outing"

Rentboy couldn't have said it better! LOL

Well, to compare any play with the dated and boring Boeing Boeing is an insult! I am sure Blithe Spirit is way better and I haven't even seen it.

"People have their opinions and that doesn't mean that their opinions are wrong or right. I just take it with a grain of salt because opinions are like as*holes, everyone has one". -Felicia Finley-

mormonophobic Profile Photo
#26re: Blithe Spirit 1st preview
Posted: 2/27/09 at 5:43am

I will admit ahead of time: while it is true that I liked all those involved to varying degrees, I have to saw I'm not the least bit biased. I have never seen any of these people in other stage roles, this being the first time I saw any outside of the television screen. This being said, I thoroughly enjoyed the show. I found it absolutely hilarious with an astonishing cast. Especially for a first preview I was astonished by how well-gelled it already seemed to be. Lansbury more or less has it in the bag if/when she is nominated for a Tony, as her turn as Madame Acarti was nothing short of brilliant. There might be some who say people liked her just because she is Lansbury and while I will agree that might be why she got entrance applause and nonstop exit applause, I have to say that she shined so brightly it's hard to believe some disagree. Angela Lansbury commanded that stage like no other. When she was moving around, whether dancing to the light music, trying to communicate with Elvira without actually knowing where to look, or just moving about in general, it was clear that this woman is a stage actress first and foremost.

Rupert Everett, while not necessarily the best thing (perhaps, if you will, the NEXT best thing) about the show, actually stood out quite well as a leading man. I am so used to him either playing bit roles in interesting work (Oberon for instance) or just the supporting gay best friend (My Best Friend's Wedding, Next Best Thing), he really did well as the anchor to all this madness. Playing an equally straight-man role to all the ensuing madness was Jayne Atkinson. Though she appears only briefly in the second act, she delivers Coward's lines with such dry wit and guffaw-inducing timing. She was so good, in fact, that I completely forgot who she was. While the others were equally (and at times even more) brilliant, I always knew it was Everett playing Charles. No matter how funny and out-of-this world Arcati and Elvira were portrayed, not for a moment did I forget that it was Angela and Christine playing these roles. Even Deborah Rush suffered from this in a bit role, as I still had some trouble letting go her hilarious turn in Strangers With Candy. This was not so with Atkinson. While some might say it is because she has not achieved the level of fame the others have, the woman has been nominated for two Tonys and will always be Karen Hayes (24) to me. That being said, it wasn't until intermission that I even realized who this very believable Ruth was.

And Christine Ebersole was absolutely ethereal in her performance. Did she seem all that human? No, but if anything I thought she played a ghost almost too well. It is a rather well-known role, having been played by everyone from Blythe Danner to Lauren Bacall to Rosemary Harris (and, somehow, even Twiggy). Her general tone, mannerisms, the way she fluttered about and almost all her character decisions (I felt) were completely in line with who she was meant to be (as opposed to, say, Lauren Graham's character choices for the equally well-known role of Adelaide, which I felt were not once correct). Her varying moods included joy for seeing her widower husband, mischievousness, sorrow, high-spirited, and downright vengeful. And with each, she conveyed them with a sense of utter reality, not usually reserved for a farce and almost never used with someone who is from "the beyond".

Also worth noting were Deborah Rush and Susan Louise O'Connor, who had small roles but shined tremendously in them. O'Connor especially delivered some of the best scenes in her short times on the stage. Though it was obviously a directorial decision, I have to admit I was laughing quite hard when she was clanging about while putting away the tea.

All in all, quite a great night at The Shubert. If you want a timeless show with a brilliant cast, lavish costumes, gorgeous set, tremendous direction, and even some Noël Coward music sung by Ebersole herself (I promise it fits well into the play) then this is not to be missed. :)

seymour krelborn Profile Photo
seymour krelborn
#27re: Blithe Spirit 1st preview
Posted: 2/27/09 at 6:05am

What was the running time?

mormonophobic Profile Photo
#28re: Blithe Spirit 1st preview
Posted: 2/27/09 at 6:22am

I'm sure someone can say it with more certainty, but I have a photo of Lansbury taken (my camera says so) at 11:08. So somewhere around three hours. But probably a lot less than that.

Oooh, and I almost forgot to add: the only problem I could tell was that Lansbury was either not properly miked or needs to project a whole lot more. I was sitting second row (Row A) and still had trouble hearing her at times. And in a theater as huge as The Shubert, I can't imagine people in the balcony having that great a time trying to understand her. Again, first preview so this is to be somewhat expected, but I still thought I would mention it nevertheless. Updated On: 2/27/09 at 06:22 AM

explorer Profile Photo
#29re: Blithe Spirit 1st preview
Posted: 2/27/09 at 6:56am

Thanks for all the info! Really looking forward to seeing it in April!

#30re: Blithe Spirit 1st preview
Posted: 2/27/09 at 7:53am

How were the TDF seats?

Auggie27 Profile Photo
#31re: Blithe Spirit 1st preview
Posted: 2/27/09 at 8:53am

Anyone see it from upstairs? I opted for the 2nd row balcony -- which I found a suprisingly good deal for SPAMALOT -- over the rear mezz, because I hate the low ceiling cutting off the set, etc. And are they actually wearing body microphones in this non-musical? I suppose it's worth it, in a larger house. (the original SEASCAPE played the Shubert, it isn't unknown turf for a straight play...)

"I'm a comedian, but in my spare time, things bother me." Garry Shandling

#32re: Blithe Spirit 1st preview
Posted: 2/27/09 at 9:05am

I've said from the get-go (and long before this production) that Lansbury would be perfect as Madame Arcati basing my opinion on her performance in Death on the Nile. And I'm crossing my fingers for Rupert Everett -- has anyone commented on his interview in the NYT magazine section last week? He comes out and admits that the women always outshine whoever is playing Charles -- it's just the way the play is written. But without Charles, there wouldn't be a play, right?


WhizzerMarvin Profile Photo
#33re: Blithe Spirit 1st preview
Posted: 2/27/09 at 9:16am

Ed: My thoughts exactly about the play. Without Charles there's no reason for the women to be there, but the show is really about the women. I barely even noticed Rupert on stage because my eye was always drawn to the women.

Marie: Don't be in such a hurry about that pretty little chippy in Frisco. Tony: Eh, she's a no chip!

flaemmchen Profile Photo
#34re: Blithe Spirit 1st preview
Posted: 2/27/09 at 9:24am

I was there last night and thought it was absolutely hysterical right from the very first scenic description ("As it's summer in England, a fire is burning."). The cast was top notch and well prepared--everyone's character is so different, and it was great when they all came together. I'll add my praise for Jayne Atkinson, who will hopefully get a huge amount of recognition for the amazing work she's doing when the reviews come out. I got a little misty when Angela Lansbury made her first entrance, and I thought she was a charming and perfectly dotty Madame Arcati. I also had trouble hearing her, and I've got young ears. I'm not sure if she has her own body mic, but I know that there are floor mics all along the downstage area, and I'm sure they're placed around the set as well.

For all those worried about Rupert Everett, I think he gave a solid performance. As for the play being more about the women, there is actually a point where Ruth says that Charles has always been dominated by women, and it's only when the spirits are sent away that he comes into his own, and those last 30 seconds are roaringly funny.

The show came down last night at around 10:40. I think that once everything is tightened up and the actors get used to performing in front of a live audience, they'll be able to shave off at least five minutes, at most ten. There's only the one intermission, which happened about an hour and ten minutes in.

"Peace! The charm's wound up." --Macbeth
Updated On: 2/27/09 at 09:24 AM

#35re: Blithe Spirit 1st preview
Posted: 2/27/09 at 10:47am

Can't wait to see it tonight! Saw the last Broadway production, and got darling Geraldine Page's autograph the night before she died. Spooky!

WithoutATrace Profile Photo
#36re: Blithe Spirit 1st preview
Posted: 2/27/09 at 10:57am

oh my god. You saw Geraldine Page's final broadway performance?? amazing.

best12bars Profile Photo
#37re: Blithe Spirit 1st preview
Posted: 2/27/09 at 11:00am

So glad to hear this is pleasing audiences. Just the tonic needed for Broadway right now!

"Jaws is the Citizen Kane of movies."
blocked: logan2, Diamonds3, Hamilton22

Calvin Profile Photo
#38re: Blithe Spirit 1st preview
Posted: 2/27/09 at 11:03am

I adore Jayne Atkinson (I thought she was great even in the mediocre "Enchanted April") and am glad to hear the she's once again shining in this. Momma Calvin will be seeing it with me later in March.

best12bars Profile Photo
#39re: Blithe Spirit 1st preview
Posted: 2/27/09 at 11:11am

Ruth is a great role. Most people jump all over Elvira, but I think Ruth is not only the heart and soul (no pun intended) of the play, but she has the best lines. Especially when she gets exasperated. I saw my mother play Ruth when I was five years old. It's really when I got bitten by the "theatre bug."

"Jaws is the Citizen Kane of movies."
blocked: logan2, Diamonds3, Hamilton22

#40re: Blithe Spirit 1st preview
Posted: 2/27/09 at 11:38am

I agree about Ruth. Judith Ivey wiped up the stage in the last Broadway outing; way back in the 50's, I saw a summer stock production in which Mary McCarthy played Ruth and she, too, stole the show (not a bad cast either -- Erik Rhodes, Margaret Phillips and wonderful Enid Markey as Madame Arcati).


MiracleElixir Profile Photo
#41re: Blithe Spirit 1st preview
Posted: 2/27/09 at 12:37pm

Just to address a few things:

-- The show ended EXACTLY at 10:45 last night.

-- I ordered my tickets from TDF, they were Left Mezzanine, Row E, and the view was excellent.

-- "Absolutely Hilarious"? "Side-splitting"? Seriously? At most, I heard quiet, muffled, chilly laughter throughout in a manner of "Oh my, that was a mildly witty pun!" You can clearly tell how old this play is, in that much of it is wildly dated and stale, with ghost-themed jokes being largely of the "that person seems crazy because they're talking to what looks like an empty chair to everyone else" variety.

-- There was NOTHING wrong with Lansbury's performance, I won't say otherwise, but seriously, anyone raving over it has been blinded by their undying adoration for the former Mrs. Lovett. It's fun to see her play wacky, but she doesn't do anything particularly inspired with the role or transcend the material. She simply IS the Angela Lansbury we all know and love, and I laugh at anyone trying to use entrance and exit applause as verification of her performance's quality. While the play itself may had been a bit lacking, Lansbury's performance in "Deuce" was a much richer, complex, inspired performance than what she does here.

-- mormonophobic, I completely respect your opinion, and you're entitled to it, but saying something like "Did [Ebersole] seem all that human? No, but if anything I thought she played a ghost almost too well" seems suspiciously like making excuses for a weak, weird, confused performance by an admired actress. She's not supposed to be playing a caricature of a Haunted House style ghost, she's supposed to be playing the ghost/spirit of this woman who was once alive. I think Ebersole herself might be at a loss for words at what she was doing. Just to clarify, I generally LOVE her.

#42re: Blithe Spirit 1st preview
Posted: 2/27/09 at 12:49pm

I can't wait to see this production! Did anyone stage door? I am wondering if Rupert signed.

TheaterBaby Profile Photo
#43re: Blithe Spirit 1st preview
Posted: 2/27/09 at 2:52pm

I absolutely adored it. The first maybe 10 minutes seemed a bit slow-paced, but it picked up quickly and kept me captivated throughout.
It ran almost 3 hours (inclusing intermission, so we'll say 2.5), but certainly didn't seem long; particularly Act 1. I'm sure a few scenes will be tightened in previews.

Susan Louise O'Connor, making her Broadway debut, was quite the scene stealer. I applaud her for taking a somewhat small role and making it (or should I say making HER) memorable.

Christine Ebersole was nothing short of enchanting as Elvira. She has that angelic look mixed with a little bit of mischief. I thoroughly enjoyed their choice to have Ebersole's voice as the one singing at each scene introduction.

Rupert Everett was not spectacular. Not really worth much of a rave mention. He was fine. Nothing gained, nothing lost.

Angela Lansbury, let's face it, she's a pro. She really had most of the audience in her pocket by her physical comedy. She does, however, need to pick up the pace with her lines. She was able to pull it off as a bit of a scatter-brained, older woman who let's face it is off her rocker. At times it seemed as though it was just Angela missing a step or two in her line delivery. In the end it doesn't matter much because it's just so wonderful to see her up there doing something that's better than "Deuce."
I did feel at times there was a bit of a Bedknobs and Broomsticks vibe to her character. re: Blithe Spirit 1st preview
Particularly when she began chanting. In my mind, I was singing "Substitutiary Locomotion."

Jayne Atkinson's take on Ruth was shrill and almost unlikeable, yet I felt for her character. In other words, she played it exactly right.
at one point she was a half-step ahead in her lines (during a scene involving a clock) and because of it, she caught herself and began laughing. A bit of a break in the fourth wall, but I was terribly amused. Hey, it's first preview and it's a comedy. If you can't laugh, don't see it.

Simon Jones and Deborah Rush had small roles. Nothing terribly memorable about their characters; though Deborah has that essence about her that exudes funny.

The set and costumes were beautiful.

I did not stage door, as the play did run long and first preview I assumed the actors had to stay a bit and get notes.

I'll certainly plan to see this again after they've worked out the kinks.

"It's the little things; the details, that distinguish the Barbra Streisands from the Rosalyn Kinds."~Gilmore Girls~

BroadwayBoy2 Profile Photo
#44re: Blithe Spirit 1st preview
Posted: 2/27/09 at 3:29pm

Now the question is if I will be able to stagedoor before my bus leaves at 11:30pm!!!!

I'll have them clawing at eachother, like drag queens at a wig sale"

bundy5000 Profile Photo
#45re: Blithe Spirit 1st preview
Posted: 2/27/09 at 4:21pm

I am wondering as well^^

Herbie: "Honey, Don't you know there's a depression?"
Rose: "Of Course I know, I Watch Fox News"
Broadway Schedule
December 5th- Hamilton, On Your Feet
December 19th- Noises Off, Edith Piaf Concert at Town Hall

Wanna Be A Foster Profile Photo
Wanna Be A Foster
#46re: Blithe Spirit 1st preview
Posted: 2/27/09 at 7:18pm

I was there last night, as well. The cast was terrific across the board. A pitch perfect ensemble. I thought Rupert Everett was just wonderful. His line deliveries were very sharp and witty, and he constantly had me laughing. Atkinson was perfection, though a bit predictable. I was really more engaged by the performances of Ebersole, Lansbury, Everett, and O'Connor. I found myself on the edge of my seat as to what physical and vocal twists and turns they were going to deliver next.

Lansbury is clearly back in the type of role she excels in. A complete, hilarious kook. She was definitely having trouble with her lines at times, but I was at the first preview of DEUCE and she was having similar problems back then. I'm sure by the end of previews, she will have them down. She really does need to seriously project a HECK of a lot more, or she needs to be severely miked. I was in Row J Center Orchestra, and I had trouble hearing her about 25% of the time. I can only imagine what it was like for people up in the balcony.

I still believe that the Shubert is much too large a house for this show, both in terms of the number of seats and the lack of intimacy in such an enormous space.

While the pacing was a bit slow, I do agree that by the end of previews things will run much more smoothly.

Ebersole is such a brilliant comedienne and she had the audience in roars of laughter. I also *loved* the song interludes sung so beautifully by her!

This is a finely directed and designed production by Michael Blakemore, and I'm thrilled to see such a sharp group of comedic actors hamming it up together so perfectly.

"Winning a Tony this year is like winning Best Attendance in third grade: no one will care but the winner and their mom."

"I have also met him in person, and I find him to be quite funny actually. Arrogant and often misinformed, but still funny."
-bjh2114 (on Michael Riedel)

#47re: Blithe Spirit 1st preview
Posted: 2/27/09 at 7:49pm

I'm surprised about Lansbury being difficult to hear. I've been seeing here on Broadway since 1966 (Mame) and I've never had a problem with that. Hope it's just something technical that can be straighted out.


#48re: Blithe Spirit 1st preview
Posted: 2/27/09 at 8:01pm

"Deuce" is both the title and a pretty accurate description of that show.

Formerly SirNotAppearing - Joined 3/08

#49re: Blithe Spirit 1st preview
Posted: 2/27/09 at 9:15pm

To answer a few questions, based on last night's performance:

- the show was over at 10:45pm

- the TDF seats were absolutely fine, rear mezz, off to the side, great view

- none of my party could hear Angela well at ALL -- I thought she was having some serious mic issues but nothing was adjusted during intermission.

- The first 10 minutes were so painfully slow I practically forgot what play I was seeing, and overall the show needs major cuts, as it drags horribly in many spots. However, I will say that when Everett, Atkinson, & Ebersole hit their strides, there were moments of greatness, glimmers of hope.

- If I had it to do over again, I'd wait until much later to see this; I'm sure it will improve greatly in time.
