I will be in NYC for a few days in April. I have tickets for these shows: Mockingbird, Ferryman, Hadestown and Chill. I really want to see Oklahoma and want advice. dump the BMC tix for OK?
If you care about seeing Tony contenders, you've already got 3 biggies (Hadestown, Ferryman, and Mockingbird), so if you see Oklahoma, there's a chance you'll have seen the Best Musical, Best Play, and Best Musical Revival winners in one trip! Be More Chill is fun, but it's not a guaranteed Tony nominee as of right now. Also, BMC will probably be equally good in any regional/tour/local production down the road; this Oklahoma is extremely unique and totally reinvents the show, in a way that would make it challenging to tour.
ALSO: they serve CHILLi at Oklahoma, so in a way you're having your cake and eating it. (Er, having your chilli and eating it...)
Thanks. I saw the NT production of OK in London with Hugh Jackman and then the anemic Broadway transfer, from what i have read about this revival...its falling into the MUST SEE category.
Campbell5 said: "Thanks. I saw the NT production of OK in London with Hugh Jackman and then the anemic Broadway transfer, from what i have read about this revival...its falling into the MUST SEE category."
Yeah, apples and oranges. And you won't be thinking of Hugh Jackman (or Agnes DeMille, or Gordon McRae, or Shirley Jones) during this particular version of Oklahoma. If you're a real R&H purist, you might scratch your head a bit, but if you go in with an open mind I think you'll have a wonderful time.
I'll throw in my 2 cents... Oklahoma. Ive heard far too many intriguing things about it (and too many disparaging things sbout BMC).
If we're not having fun, then why are we doing it?
These are DISCUSSION boards, not mutual admiration boards. Discussion only occurs when we are willing to hear what others are thinking, regardless of whether it is alignment to our own thoughts.
Definitely see Oklahoma! Be More Chill was fun... But Oklahoma! was one of the most exciting reimaginings I've ever seen. Plus Mary Testa and Damon Duanno's performances are unmissable. Have fun!
I think it depends on how knowledgeable you are with Oklahoma!
I watched both Be More Chill and Oklahoma! last year when they were off-broadway and between the two I enjoyed Be More Chill more. Mind you that was my first production of Oklahoma! I had ever seen so I was unfamiliar with the story and after leaving the show, I was just flat out confused. The sound design was poor given they didn't wear microphones (I have a feeling that will change for the Broadway run) but overall a lot of it just didn't make sense to me.
My friend who did a production of Oklahoma! back in high school and have seen the 1950s movie and the National Theater filmed production with Hugh Jackman absolutely loved it though. She also understood why I was confused and recommended I at the very least watch the West End National Theater version online afterwards and that's what I did and appreciated the musical more.
Given the other shows you are watching (Mockingbird, Ferryman, Hadestown), I think Be More Chill would be something different and less serious. If you do plan to come back to NYC later in the year, however, then see Oklahoma! now since it's a limited engagement. I think Be More Chill will last at least a year.
I'm probably in the minority here, but I found Oklahoma! to be way too dark and almost joyless to really enjoy it. I also thought the sound at St. Ann's was just terrible, and while there were one or two bright spots by supporting players (Mary Testa) - as a whole, I guess I really did not "get it" or enjoy this version of Oklahoma! at all and was quite frankly shocked that it transferred to Broadway.
On the other hand, I really enjoyed Be More Chill. Was it a more traditional musical (than Oklahoma! at least)? Sure. But I enjoyed Iconis's pop/rock music and just found the whole thing to be way more entertaining.
I agree with the person about the change of pace, at the very least. If you're going to be watching such serious/heavy fare, Oklahoma! IMHO will just drag you down even more. Regardless of what you think of either production, I don't think anyone would argue that BMC will be way more fun, at the very least.
Unfortunately, based on what I'm seeing in terms of ticket availability, prices, and demand, I personally think even BMC supporters are being extremely optimistic about its chances of lasting as long as a year, I don't think it's likely to make it that long at all.