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Greg Jbara Discussion - ONLY- Page 3

Greg Jbara Discussion - ONLY

#53re: Greg Jbara Discussion - Please NO SPAM
Posted: 8/27/05 at 3:00pm

how long has Greg been in "the business"? i mean, i know hes been around awhile, and certainly done TONS of stuff...
but like, how long exactly? what was his first show/movie/tv thing? thaaaaaaaanks



#55re: Greg Jbara Discussion - Please NO SPAM
Posted: 8/27/05 at 11:44pm

HAHA thanks Auntie Barb!!!! and its cool that you asked him..very interesting stuff!!!! thanks a million!



Mamie Profile Photo
#60re: Greg Jbara Discussion - Please NO SPAM
Posted: 8/28/05 at 4:40pm

Now THAT'S a B-----G I'd pay some $$$ for! LOL.
A click for life.
mamie4 5/14/03

movieinmymind Profile Photo
#73re: Greg Jbara Discussion - Please NO SPAM
Posted: 8/29/05 at 1:11pm

IMO, he IS THEE nicest talented man on broadway!!!

My name is Jamie. NYU class of 2011!!!

#79re: Greg Jbara Discussion - Please NO SPAM
Posted: 9/1/05 at 9:53am

Hey Barb...i've been asking around but no one seems to know...
when does the piano music for DRS come out? like, the score for it? cuz i can't will be amazing, but i have no idea when to expect it. thanks!!



movieinmymind Profile Photo
#84re: Greg Jbara Discussion - Please NO SPAM
Posted: 9/4/05 at 8:35pm

How tall is he?

Because (and this happens every time) after I saw DRS, John made EVERYBODY seem like they were 5 feet tall. So, when I met Greg, I was shocked to see how tall he actually was! Does anybody know either a) John's height or b) Greg's height? Just curious!

Plus, this thread's been kinda dead lately!!

My name is Jamie. NYU class of 2011!!!

movieinmymind Profile Photo
#88re: Greg Jbara Discussion - Please NO SPAM
Posted: 9/5/05 at 12:52am

LOL, yeah, but i LOVE him in DRS! others can try to play andre, but i can't see it any other way! ah, well.

but, i do agree...i hope that he will move onto bigger roles after DRS, whenever that is!

and, yes, he's got EVERYTHING in him; the dancing, singing, acting, accents, musical education. i guess he was always, "too good" to know what to do with! LOL, that's how i like to look at it!

AND THANK YOU to everybody who answered my height question!

wow. 6 feet? greg is TALL. i didn't really notice it that much when i met him, though! it was my uncle who pointed it out afterwards when we were looking at the pictures!

My name is Jamie. NYU class of 2011!!!
Updated On: 9/5/05 at 12:52 AM

movieinmymind Profile Photo
#94re: Greg Jbara Discussion - Please NO SPAM
Posted: 9/6/05 at 7:03am

omg, as i said on the love thread...

this is such a HUGE relief. i'm so happy, especially for shere and her family!

My name is Jamie. NYU class of 2011!!!

#98re: Greg Jbara Discussion - Please NO SPAM
Posted: 9/8/05 at 12:31am

Does Greg himself know about this thread? now that he has two threads, he must be excited! i mean, i would be. especially since this one is strictly Greg talk. speaking of Greg..he really is amazing re: Greg Jbara Discussion - Please NO SPAM i sent an autograph request today. i hope he gets it alright re: Greg Jbara Discussion - Please NO SPAM



movieinmymind Profile Photo
#104re: Greg Jbara Discussion - Please NO SPAM
Posted: 9/22/05 at 7:39pm


hm...what to talk about in order to keep this thread ALIVE...

does anybody know if his contract has been renewed?

My name is Jamie. NYU class of 2011!!!

#108re: Greg Jbara Discussion - Please NO SPAM
Posted: 10/1/05 at 12:54pm

smartpenguin: Having Greg play Lawrence is something the producers did bring up. But the real concern is finding a box office draw as big as Lithgow.

Sorry so long to reply. I've been sick, doped up on sinus meds, and busy with this and that ... and just not around the board much lately. - Barb

movieinmymind Profile Photo
#118re: Greg Jbara Discussion - Please NO SPAM
Posted: 10/2/05 at 10:24pm

hey, annie, i wont kill you! i know that you've always been a HUGE john fan first, so that's fine! lol. i myself didn't know who greg was until i saw the show. so there you go. :)

barb-why is it taking longer for greg to renegotiate than it did for norbert and john? cuz we already know about the two of them. and we also know about sherie. just curious

My name is Jamie. NYU class of 2011!!!

#119re: Greg Jbara Discussion - Please NO SPAM
Posted: 10/4/05 at 5:00pm

Jamie -- Greg says, they negotiate contract renewals in the order of billing. And it will be very unlikely that he will have a signed deal until they sign whomever will be replacing John Lithgow. However, Greg needs to have a definitive answer by the end of October. For the record, only Norbert has renegotiated. No one else has a signed deal yet. Joanna has not yet even begun to negotiate.

#128re: Greg Jbara Discussion - Please NO SPAM
Posted: 10/13/05 at 1:44am

Greg was a recurring character ("Dan O'Keefe") on GROUNDED FOR LIFE, which is airing weekdays now on ABC Family channel -- two eps. per day, 4 & 4:30 PM Eastern. Greg's first two aired at 4:30 PM on Tues. and Wed. of this week; his third is on Thursday afternoon at 4:30 Eastern ... "Eddie Said Knock You Out" ... some hilarious scenes with Greg and Donal Logue. (The boxing ring ones especially ..) ABCFam seems to be airing these in order, and if so, after the one that's on this afternoon, it'll probably be about a couple of weeks before another one of Greg's is on.

The character's kind of a jerk, but so funny to watch. It's one of my favorite Jbara roles ... always makes me laugh and so different from how Greg is in real life (thank goodness!), but that makes it all the more fun to see.

Meant to be in bed like 3 hours ago, lol ... obviously I'm not!
more Greg on TV

Mamie Profile Photo
#150re. Greg Jbara Discussion - Please NO SPAM
Posted: 2/14/06 at 7:09pm


Will Greg continue to keep you up to date re his career? I'd hate to miss an appearance on a TV show (NLB series?!) or film. It's looking like that's the only way his fans here on the East coast will get to see him after July!
A click for life.
mamie4 5/14/03

Malki5 Profile Photo
#157re. Greg Jbara Discussion - Please NO SPAM
Posted: 3/7/06 at 1:08pm

Hi, I've been trying to catch up aon all the Greg love but it's overwhelming so I figured I would just join in. It didn't take much to become a Greg fan, there was something about him that caught my eye when I saw DRS for the first time in December. I didn;t discover his website/webcam until after I saw it the second time in January. As you can imagine, I've been hooked ever since. I have even turned my husband and kids into Greg fans. Greg was gracious enough to invite us backstage for a visit last week and we were all just blown away by how sweet he was. Anyway, I just wanted to say hi.

Barb, I love the website! thank you for all you do.


Malki5 Profile Photo
#161re. Greg Jbara Discussion - Please NO SPAM
Posted: 3/8/06 at 12:01am

Barb, you misunderstood. I never expected him to respond in the first place and certainly don't expect him to respond every time. It's my own insecurity that I might be bothering him. Believe me, he has been wonderful, which is probably why I enjoy writing to him in the first place. I am sure because he is so accessible, he gets tons of fan mail. He has been very generous to me and my family.

I just realized that he might read this and think that I was complaining. Just the opposite, I've never met anyone like him and would never want to do or say anything that would annoy, bother or upset him.
Updated On: 3/8/06 at 12:01 AM

Malki5 Profile Photo
#224re. Greg Jbara Discussion - Please NO SPAM
Posted: 3/22/06 at 7:33am

Me again. My husband just ordered TiVo so I will be able to see Greg's episode of Conviction after all.

Malki5 Profile Photo
#232re. Greg Jbara Discussion - Please NO SPAM
Posted: 3/27/06 at 12:51am

It is sad that he is not coming back, but his devotion to his family is one of things I love most about Greg.

Malki5 Profile Photo
#236re. Greg Jbara Discussion - Please NO SPAM
Posted: 3/29/06 at 9:05am

Well, I made Chocolate Peanut Butter Bonbons! I will give them to Greg tonight, along with a copy of Shani's report and a thank you letter from her.

#237re. Greg Jbara Discussion - Please NO SPAM
Posted: 4/2/06 at 7:02pm

Just a quick head's up for fans to keep an eye on the Conviction news / Greg's tv schedule listings on his web site over the next few days. It seems that his "True Love" ep. may have been moved up to an earlier date from April 21. However, I'm seeing conflicting info on just what the air date is exactly. I've seen Mon. April 10, Fri. April 14, and Sat. April 15 all listed (including on NBC's media site). I am awaiting a reply from a PR person at NBC ... hopefully they can give me a **definite, for certain** air date / time for the episode, which of course will then be promptly posted on the web site. I'll try to remember to post here too.

Mamie, my fingers are crossed since I know it may be better for you if it is moved up!

Malki ... you may have to reprogram that tivo. lol

Stay tuned, folks ... :)

Updated On: 4/2/06 at 07:02 PM

ohhoney_ Profile Photo
#270re. Greg Jbara Discussion - Please NO SPAM
Posted: 4/10/06 at 8:52pm

*babbles incoherrently*
*misspells things*

MWAH! -Meghan

NYC PART III: 24 sleeps!

Andre:I'll miss you.
Muriel: You will?
Andre: Only if you leave.

Mamie Profile Photo
#286re. Greg Jbara Discussion - Please NO SPAM
Posted: 4/27/06 at 6:23pm

That's wonderful! Afterwards you can say he made his Broadway debut at the Imperial Theatre! (You better make sure you have your video camera with you!)
A click for life.
mamie4 5/14/03

Malki5 Profile Photo
#287re. Greg Jbara Discussion - Please NO SPAM
Posted: 5/10/06 at 7:47am

Today's the day! Mamie, I said something to Yoni about it being his Broadway debut and he said "what's a day bue?" I hope he actually does it, you never know when he will change his mind. Also, his allergies and asthma are bothering him so who knows what he will be like this afternoon. I just hope Greg still talks to me after his encounter with the little monster.

Malki5 Profile Photo
#298re. Greg Jbara Discussion - Please NO SPAM
Posted: 5/11/06 at 12:14am

Hi guys! Here goes. Greg told me earlier today that we had to finish our tour by 5 because the cast (and crew, I believe) were taking a picture for the Broadway Yearbook. That being the case, I made sure we were there a little early and we waited outside. A guy had come out (not Kevin) and I told him why we were there. He told Greg that we were there and then told us that Greg wanted us to wait on the stage after the show while he changed. Then the guy told us that Greg said we can go up to the dressing room. We went up and waited for Greg to open the door. Along the way, Yoni was intrigued by the tv/computer monitors that we saw. We went in to the d.r. and Greg asked Yoni his name and Yoni shook his hand and said "hi, I'm Yoni!" Greg then said hi to Shani and Eli and showed us around a little. We set up the webcam picture and he asked if the kids could have chocolate. Yoni was still waving at the camera so he took the picture of them waving. Then he opened the cookbook I gave him and I think he thought it was cool. (It was a SKIPPY cookbook. All recipes with peanut butter) He took a picture of that too.

Then we went down to the stage. Yoni asked him about all the monitors he had seen etc, so it took a minute or two. We went onstage and Greg showed the kids a bunch of stuff, yoni talking/asking questions the entire time. We went down further and we saw the orchestra pit (which Yoni loved) and the people who take care of the wigs. They all loved Shani's hair. Then there was an announcement that everyone should be onstage for the picture so Greg walked us to the door. Yoni realized that he didn't get to sing so he started to whine a little (they had all been pretty good until then) so Greg, doll that he is, offered to bring us back in when the photo was done. We went out and waited. A few minutes later Greg took us back in. Most of the cast/crew left (JP walked right past us) but when we got back to the stage, Norbert was up in one of the boxes, on is phone, and I think there were a few others milling about who left (except one woman, also up in a box - I didn't see her so I have no idea who it was). Yoni decided that the stage didn't really look like a stage. I explained that from the seats in the audience it looked like a stage. Then he announces that he needs a microphone. I found a pen in my bag and told him to use it as a microphone. (He later told me that he didn't want a pen, he wanted a microphone, after all, he said, Greg had one. Greg had been putting away his bodymic when we got there, something that you would never think Yoni would understand). Then he sang. (The Big REd Car by The Wiggles) The entire song (except the Jeff part). He got stuck in the middle but kept on going. We were all hysterical. Greg was singing along. Apparently Norbert and the woman in the box were laughing as well. Then we said goodbye. Yoni would have stayed. He shook Greg's hand and said thank you (without prompting). That's it.

I just told Greg that although Yoni does not truly understand what he did for him today, one day he will understand it and how special it was. As always, I felt bad for keeping him there for so long but he didn't seem to mind. You know what touched me the most? The fact that Greg got down to Yoni's level, twice. Not everyone would do that. He really is special and if I didn't already love the man I would now.

Updated On: 5/11/06 at 12:14 AM
