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Gypsy- first preview- what happened in the audience?- Page 4

Gypsy- first preview- what happened in the audience?

#75re: Gypsy- first preview- what happened in the audience?
Posted: 3/5/08 at 1:59am

My roommate works there.

#76re: Gypsy- first preview- what happened in the audience?
Posted: 3/5/08 at 2:51am

This is board really can get pretty silly. Even this is somehow Patti's fault. Oh queens, please! :)

logan0215 Profile Photo
#77re: Gypsy- first preview- what happened in the audience?
Posted: 3/5/08 at 4:42am

X-posting from the other thread:

a. Implicating Patti in any way is absurd. Even if the entire cast follows her cue, the woman isn't all seeing and all knowing of everything in the theater. The audience could have been making a commotion about ANYTHING. What if somebody just fell down a few stairs and the ushers were helping them back to their feet? That would certainly attract a large part of the section near where it happened and in turn spark the curiostiy of the rest of the theater. Or like the "mentally impaired theater patrons" thread brought to discussion, what if someone were moaning as a result of Down Syndrome and therefore causing a comotion? From all published accounts it doesn't sound like anyone screamed bloody murder at the top of their lungs to "GET A DOCTOR!" so I don't see where Patti's cue to stop the show is.

It seems people don't realize that these actors are on a stage with lights on them acting and not able to see much further than the 7-8th row.

b. Put yourself in the position of the performer. They're basically in the heat of their scene concentrating like there IS a 4th wall present and there is a loud noise somewhere way out of their eyesight and conscienciousness. Nobody is screaming for an ambulance but some moans/crying are heard along with some rumblings in the audience.

Would your first instinct be "Gee, something must have fallen on somebody's HEAD in a full ecquiped theater in 2008 and I'm sure the theater personelle cannot handle it so I'll have to take matters into my own hands and stop the show."

I think not.

I love America. Just because I think gay dudes should be allowed to adopt kids and we should all have hybrid cars doesn't mean I don't love America. [turns and winks directly into the camera] - Liz Lemon (Tina Fey) on 30 Rock

violet72 Profile Photo
#78re: Gypsy- first preview- what happened in the audience?
Posted: 3/5/08 at 9:39am

That is ridiculous.....why do we pay theater restoration fees on our tickets? To have vents fall on us?

"Never be bullied into silence. Never allow yourself to be made a victim. Accept no one's definition of your life. Define yourself"

thetinymagic2 Profile Photo
#79re: Gypsy- first preview- what happened in the audience?
Posted: 3/6/08 at 12:06am

Okay, the jokes were really for some serious commentary on this story. This "accident" (and many others) are completely avoidable. The person injured should file a HUGE, well publicized lawsuit against Jujamcyn Theaters. These theaters are mostly 75-100 yeears old and are poorly and minimally maintained as anyone who works in these theaters knows. It's a disgrace...does someone have to be "killed" accidentally?? They've got more money and lawyers than G-d and force the public to pay a FACILITIES fee? Are they f***ing kidding? Wake up, theatergoing public and demand SAFETY. This "incident " should NOT be settled and swept under the rug.
I hope that the injured party reads this and thinks about it, and I hope your'e going to be OKAY.
