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HELLO, DONNA! - Murphy begins performances - Page 21

HELLO, DONNA! - Murphy begins performances

After Eight
Posted: 1/10/18 at 11:35pm

Bk wrote: "I suspect the people who need to get a life are the ones who behave like this while seeing someone's final performance.  What would be wrong with just being happy to be there, enjoying it, and standing at the end to show appreciation for a job well done.  All the other stuff is about the people in the audience. "


Sad, but true. Very sad, and very true. It's all the noxious legacy of the counter-culture's self-absorbed  "do your own thing" mentality. Doing one's own thing at the theatre nowadays means jumping out of one's seat like an overwound jack-in-the-box, having counted down the seconds for a number or show to end, so as to show off to the world how to outdo everyone else in whoo-whooing.

And what about one's fellow theatregoers' "thing?"


The fact that the people nearby may not want to hear one's infernal racket, or might be unable to see the stage because one's standing blocks the view is of no concern. But then, why should it be? Isn't it all about one's need to be a participant in an "event" --- indeed, to make sure the event IS an "event?" Irritating or inconveniencing others is irrelevant. Interrupting the flow of the show or breaking its spell matters not a whit. It's all about one's own needs, one's own wants. It's always about one's own needs, one's own wants.

We're told it's all just a way to demonstrate one's love for the performers on stage. But is it really?  In fact, the to-do coming from the audience serves only to distract from the brilliance of the performers on stage by shifting attention to the ruckus raisers off of it.

But then what can you expect when ideals such as propriety, decorum, and consideration for others have all gone down the tubes? And as for humility... well, does the concept even exist any more?

If only people would use common sense for a moment, they would realize that if everything under the sun merits cheers and standing ovations, then nothing does. It's the theatrical equivalent of grade-flation.

But this is how it is, and this is how it is going to be. All the rest of us can do is grin and bear it, or more appropriately, sigh and lament it.


Posted: 1/11/18 at 12:14am

You know, if BK is talking about performances that weren't in NYC, he may be witnessing crowds that are a bit more reserved. I saw DOLLY (with Carol) at the Mohegan Sun Casino in CT and the audience sat on their hands at each of the 5 performances I attended.

"Long live God!" (GODSPELL)

haterobics Profile Photo
Posted: 1/11/18 at 1:38am

After Eight said: "All the rest of uscan do is grin and bear it, or more appropriately, sigh and lament it."

Sigh and lament is already your default setting, no?

Posted: 1/11/18 at 3:55am

Dollypop said: "So, BK, are you going to be at Bernadette's 1st preview? If so, I promise to keep the crowd in their seats throughout the show. I will refrain from applauding and singing along with the title song during the overture and will muffle my laughter during the hat shop scene so as not to offend your peculiar brand of etiquette."

You'll be on your own, friend.  Always.

Posted: 1/11/18 at 3:56am

Dollypop said: "You know, if BK is talking about performances that weren't in NYC, he may be witnessing crowds that are a bit more reserved. I saw DOLLY (with Carol) at the Mohegan Sun Casino in CT and the audience sat on their hands at each of the 5 performances I attended."

You know exactly what BK is talking about.  I saw the show on Broadway and I saw it on tour many times.  I am a Hello, Dolly veteran my friend.  Were you even born when the original run was happening.

Posted: 1/11/18 at 9:10am

I was born in 1947 and was at the Opening Night of HELLO, DOLLY! on January 16, 1964. To date, I have seen the show 83 times.

"Long live God!" (GODSPELL)
