Leading Actor Joined: 1/26/08
I'm also looking for info on the boxes. I've sat extreme side row A of the balcony and did not enjoy the view. Are the boxes better? Specifically G, H, I, or J?
Updated On: 5/9/22 at 04:59 PMUnderstudy Joined: 10/31/09
Got the today tix special offer for today and my seat is Orch row C seat 16. So just depends on the day I guess
Broadway Legend Joined: 6/29/14
we got orch V, 20 and 22 this past sunday....full view. I guess Wednesday matinees will be better than weekend!
catmandoo said: "Got the today tix special offer for today and my seat is Orch row C seat 16. So just depends on the day I guess"