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How 'bout an audition song for someone who cant sing??- Page 3

How 'bout an audition song for someone who cant sing??

#50re: How 'bout an audition song for someone who cant sing??
Posted: 10/3/18 at 12:35am

TravisOKC said: "How about "My New Philosophy" from You're A Good Man Charlie Brown?"

Besides the fact that's it's an easy song to screw up, acting-wise and notes-wise, I've also heard it's an overdone audition song that can get annoying if you're not really really good.

#51re: How 'bout an audition song for someone who cant sing??
Posted: 10/3/18 at 4:04am

TravisOKC said: "Loopin’theloop said: "TravisOKC said: "How about "My New Philosophy" from You're A Good Man Charlie Brown?"

Huh? You absolutely have to be able to sing for that!

There are definitely some technical parts to that song, but also some parts that aren't all that difficult.

And there’s the answer. There are less difficult parts of every song!

The first three lines of the melody, that repeat over and over have difficult intonation - that is not going to be helpful to someone who can’t sing. Again, we are talking ‘can’t sing’ not ‘doesn’t sound nice’ 

A song written specifically to showcase the voice of its singer is not going to be a smart move. 

The Gentlemen is A Dope or ‘Hey! Look Me Over! are the type of songs required, something you could pretty much speak your way through, if you can’t pitcg any of the notes.

#52re: How 'bout an audition song for someone who cant sing??
Posted: 10/3/18 at 10:30am

“hey, look me over” from wildcat is a good one. the notes are easy and it can work to your advantage if you act it out well (maybe i’m just biased cause it’s my fight song lol)
