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In The Heights...

jamoca5 Profile Photo
#25In The Heights...
Posted: 1/12/10 at 10:04pm

Aw, it's a shame that you didn't like it. Personally, it's one of my favorite shows running right now. Although, the book DOES need work, but what can we do now?

Lol at Kyle forgetting a prop. Poor guy. Well, at least they covered it well.

Past 12 Months On Stage:

24 Hour Plays: Otawri (Other Black Woman, 9/11), Hairspray (Shayna, 11/18-21) Twelve Angry Men (5th Juror, 12/9-11), Wilson Winter One-Acts: Mannequins (Bloomingdales Salesperson, 2/11-12), Twelfth Night (Maria, 3/24-26), 30 Plays in 60 Minutes (Various Roles, 6/4), Ragtime (Sarah, 8/11-13)

Current Avatar: Me looking quite sleepy. This shot gives you a nice view of my various posters: ITH, Hair, The Lion King, the list goes on...

#26In The Heights...
Posted: 1/12/10 at 10:26pm

For the most part, I agree with the first poster about this musical. I like the score, but the book is poorly written and the plot is just boring. I didn't care at all for these characters. It was hard to understand the rap aspect. I had high expectations with it winning the Tony, and they were let down. Passing Strange was much better, but I like Xanadu more than either of those, and not having seen Cry-Baby, I would have liked Xanadu to have won that year.

muscle23ftl Profile Photo
#27In The Heights...
Posted: 1/12/10 at 10:56pm

Danny, at least you think this show has a good score. I don't!
I only saw Xanadu that same year and enjoyed it much more than ITH.
This definitely lowes the bar of Tonys Awards for best musicals...a shame.

"People have their opinions and that doesn't mean that their opinions are wrong or right. I just take it with a grain of salt because opinions are like as*holes, everyone has one". -Felicia Finley-

followyourbliss23 Profile Photo
#28In The Heights...
Posted: 1/13/10 at 11:54am

muscle: i think what yankee (not trying to speak for you yankee, please correct me if i'm wrong) meant was that 'passing strange' lost because of the race card, which i personally don't argee with.

imho, 'passing strange' lost because it's just not commerical enough. 'ith' is still a pretty traditional musical in structure and design. you have to remember that a lot of tony voters are executives from venues throughout the country. many times they vote for shows that they know will sell in their venue. i loved both these shows, and i think that 'ith' deserves the recoginition it got, even though i think 'passing strange' is a better show, that does more to progress the form into new, exciting territory.

i'm sad you didn't like 'ith', but i'd love to hear you thoughts about 'passing strange' which will be on great performance tonight on pbs!! i recommend watching or dvr-ing it!!

"the stage too must experiment - with ideas, with the psychological relationship of men and women, with speech and rhythm forms, with dance and movement, with color and light - or it must and should become a museum product. in an age of terrific implications as to wealth and poverty, as to the function of government, as to peace and war, as to the relation of the artist to all these forces, the theatre must grow up. the theatre must become conscious of the implications of the changing social order, or the changing social older will ignore, and rightly, the implications of the theatre." - hallie flanagan, director of the federal theatre project
*blame e.e. mings*

muscle23ftl Profile Photo
#29In The Heights...
Posted: 1/13/10 at 12:04pm

Thanks follow!
I don't have a DVR, so please WAT, record that for me! =)
And yes, indeed, they give Tony Awards to shows that are expected to make money on the road. So your opinion seems very realistic to me. Thanks.

"People have their opinions and that doesn't mean that their opinions are wrong or right. I just take it with a grain of salt because opinions are like as*holes, everyone has one". -Felicia Finley-
