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LESTAT - The New Carrie!- Page 4

LESTAT - The New Carrie!

#75re: LESTAT - The New Carrie!
Posted: 3/27/06 at 11:56pm

But. I. Wasn't. Criticizing. It.

I specifically said that I'm giddy about the changes and looking forward to them. If I was sitting here pronouncing death on it after having only seen it in SF, then yes, that's ridiculous.

And there are some people that are doing that, which is why I felt the need to pipe up (something I don't do often AT ALL). I'm just trying to say that not everyone who saw the SF production hated it, not everyone is gearing up for an early funeral.

"Water never looked so good til you're down on the desert floor, scrapin' around for a taste of what you always took for granted."

QMAN03 Profile Photo
#76re: LESTAT - The New Carrie!
Posted: 3/27/06 at 11:57pm

Nah, I haven't seen it, that's why I'm not criticizing it.

Oh, and wallow..., I wasn't criticizing you. I was just criticizing the whole belief in general.

EponineThenardier Profile Photo
#77re: LESTAT - The New Carrie!
Posted: 3/28/06 at 12:00am

"which is why I felt the need to pipe up (something I don't do often AT ALL)"

Exactly, that's what I am doing too.

It's really a bummer that at lot of people aren't going to see the show in it's finaized state because they think everyone hates it. Which is completely un-true.

Shawk Profile Photo
#78re: LESTAT - The New Carrie!
Posted: 3/28/06 at 12:02am

Well, I saw it in SF, thought it needed a LOT of work, and am curious to see if enough work has been done (although I can see where the people who have grave doubts are coming from, as to a degree, I share them). So... anyone who thinks my opinion is thus invalid is free to ignore it. Then we're all happy. Yeah right. re: LESTAT - The New Carrie!

Edit: Oh, and, I seem to recall hearing that they were going to make Louis join in making Claudia. Has this actually happened? (If someone already said, sorry, I missed it.)

'"Contrairiwise," continued Tweedledee, "if it was so, it might be; and if it were so, it would be; but as it isn't, it ain't. That's logic."' ~Lewis Carroll
Updated On: 3/28/06 at 12:02 AM

#79re: LESTAT - The New Carrie!
Posted: 3/28/06 at 12:10am

I'm excited for this show. I love the little music opening that they play on the videos.

#80re: LESTAT - The New Carrie!
Posted: 3/28/06 at 12:15am

I love your new avatar, btw, Eponine. :)

I think it was WaltSummersPI who said it best, paraphrasing: "BWW and ATC make up such a small michrochosm of the theatre-going public." Everyone that I've heard from outside of these boards (which, as informative/amusing as they can be, tend to lean toward a very elitist attitude) has found more to love than hate in this show, even in SF.

We'll see, I guess... :)

"Water never looked so good til you're down on the desert floor, scrapin' around for a taste of what you always took for granted."

QMAN03 Profile Photo
#81re: LESTAT - The New Carrie!
Posted: 3/28/06 at 12:18am

This is going to be a majorly mainstream show with all spectacle and no heart. Granted, I haven't seen it and can't say that for sure, but from what I'm hearing, that's what it sounds like. I'll probably wind up inside the Palace at some point though just because I'm so dang curious on what this could possibly add to the Vamp musical genre.

#82re: LESTAT - The New Carrie!
Posted: 3/28/06 at 12:18am

wallowinbathtubgin, I agree with everything you said. ( Especially about the books after Blood And Gold; I was also really annoyed that the Mayfairs took such a big chunk out of the last two Vampire Chronicles. They have their own series. Well, neither have their own series anymore re: LESTAT - The New Carrie! )

#83re: LESTAT - The New Carrie!
Posted: 3/28/06 at 12:22am

And all the critics in SF must have been wrong, too. They hated it as well. Every single one of them. They didn't influence my opinion, which I am free to express having seen the show in SF the night before the critics were there. The people around me either fell asleep or left at intermission. There was no standing ovation at the end and almost every show gets that in SF so I don't know who you are referring to when you say most people liked it. Anyway, I paid $100 once. I won't be foolish enough to pay to see this again to find out if the changes can save it. Sorry but you can think it's wonderful if you want, and I can think it stinks. God Bless America!

"I've lost everything! Luis, Marty, my baby with Chris, Chris himself, James. All I ever wanted was love." --Sheridan Crane "Passions" ------- "Housework is like bad sex. Every time I do it, I swear I'll never do it again til the next time company comes."--"Lulu" from "Can't Stop The Music" ----- "When the right doors didn't open for him, he went through the wrong ones" - "Sweet Bird of Youth" ------------ --------- "Passions" is uncancelled! See for more info.

#84re: LESTAT - The New Carrie!
Posted: 3/28/06 at 12:24am

No one said you couldn't say it stinks. Everyone's opinion is valid. I'm only annoyed when people are so quick to say it's doomed to an early cancellation. The whole point of an out of town preview is to get reactions --- good AND bad. :)

"Water never looked so good til you're down on the desert floor, scrapin' around for a taste of what you always took for granted."

QMAN03 Profile Photo
#85re: LESTAT - The New Carrie!
Posted: 3/28/06 at 12:26am

Even if Lestat sucks (hehe), I'd imagine it will stay open for atleast a year because people will want to come for Elton. But you never know...

EponineThenardier Profile Photo
#86re: LESTAT - The New Carrie!
Posted: 3/28/06 at 12:48am

wallowinbathtubgin, heehee. =) Speading the Drew love. Yea if any of you were wondering.

<------Drew Sarich (Armand) is hot ****

LizzieCurry Profile Photo
#87re: LESTAT - The New Carrie!
Posted: 3/28/06 at 12:53am

Yes, he is!

And he plays CRAYZEE very well.

"This thread reads like a series of White House memos." — Mister Matt

#88re: LESTAT - The New Carrie!
Posted: 3/28/06 at 12:54am

He's a fantastically talented actor and singer.

I can't speak to his attractiveness... haha, but he's certainly a talent to be reckoned with. I'm amazed how quickly he's gained a following from his short time in Lestat after quite a long time of a pretty much strictly European following (with a smattering of Der Glöckner fans elsewhere).

"Water never looked so good til you're down on the desert floor, scrapin' around for a taste of what you always took for granted."
Updated On: 3/28/06 at 12:54 AM

LizzieCurry Profile Photo
#89re: LESTAT - The New Carrie!
Posted: 3/28/06 at 12:59am

I thought it was unusual that he had gone from being that popular in Europe and doing all these huge leading roles there, to returning to the US as an understudy. Don't get me wrong -- I love understudies -- but I was surprised to see his name on the cast list all those months ago.

At any rate, he's fantastic as Armand. I hope his return to the US is a fruitful one. :)

"This thread reads like a series of White House memos." — Mister Matt

EponineThenardier Profile Photo
#90re: LESTAT - The New Carrie!
Posted: 3/28/06 at 1:01am

I was lucky and got to see him on his very first performance in Lestat in SF. The matinee after Noseworthy was sacked. And he was amazing. The only reason I can think of that he was the understudy originally was because he wasn't a well known name.

I think he's gonna do well here on Broadway, wheater or not the show does.

His voice is so sexy, =)

#91re: LESTAT - The New Carrie!
Posted: 3/28/06 at 1:06am

If you have the chance, pick up the Der Glöckner recording (ebay is your best bet), Hair - Vienna Cast, and his solo album, Say It (the latter two are, to my knowledge, both readily available on footlight).

"Water never looked so good til you're down on the desert floor, scrapin' around for a taste of what you always took for granted."
Updated On: 3/28/06 at 01:06 AM

#92re: LESTAT - The New Carrie!
Posted: 3/28/06 at 1:26am

OMG...Drew as Armand was perfect...SO glad I got to see him in the role and not Jack Noseworthy. ( I recently heard Jack Noseworthy in the role and thought he was terrible, especially his speaking lines; He has this San Fernando Valley/ Surfer type Dude way of speaking his lines...really wrong )Did I read somewhere that Drew Sarich was Hedwig in Europe? Man...I'd Looooooovvvvveeee to see that!

EponineThenardier Profile Photo
#93re: LESTAT - The New Carrie!
Posted: 3/28/06 at 1:30am

Check out his website. There are a lot of pictures and such. =)

#94re: LESTAT - The New Carrie!
Posted: 3/28/06 at 1:32am

He was! He headlined Hedwig in Berlin at the Glashaus Arena. There are pictures on his official website (was, but I think its just now). He also keeps a very amusing "blog" style news page there.

There's more information on ( --- a very well updated fan page with a dedicated webmistress.


updated: It is (and just a note, the, while more informative and thorough, is a fan page run by a girl named Sabine. Its fantastic, but not official.)

"Water never looked so good til you're down on the desert floor, scrapin' around for a taste of what you always took for granted."
Updated On: 3/28/06 at 01:32 AM

EponineThenardier Profile Photo
#95re: LESTAT - The New Carrie!
Posted: 3/28/06 at 1:38am

"Armand has become this lovely bit of evil trash!"- Drew Sarich

Bwahahhaha! I love him. :)

LizzieCurry Profile Photo
#96re: LESTAT - The New Carrie!
Posted: 3/28/06 at 1:38am

I saw them both. I didn't think Jack Noseworthy was bad, but Drew fit the role 1000 times better and was much more interesting. re: LESTAT - The New Carrie!

"This thread reads like a series of White House memos." — Mister Matt

#97re: LESTAT - The New Carrie!
Posted: 3/28/06 at 1:40am

Cool! Those Hedwig pics are scary ( In a GOOD way LOL) Thanks for the links guys :)

EponineThenardier Profile Photo
#98re: LESTAT - The New Carrie!
Posted: 3/28/06 at 1:42am

To anyone who's seem the finished product, do you think Drew might get a Tony nom? And would it count as leading? I hope so because I want Manoel Felciano to win featured.

#99re: LESTAT - The New Carrie!
Posted: 3/28/06 at 1:46am

"I saw them both. I didn't think Jack Noseworthy was bad, but Drew fit the role 1000 times better and was much more interesting."

Well, it could have just been a bad performance on that recording I heard. I thought Hugh Panaro's line readings in To Kill Your Kind were terrible in the recording too, but when I saw it live he was fine. In any event, Drew is a better choice. Still wish I could see him as Hedwig. *sigh* Oh well.
