Featured Actor Joined: 9/16/13
Sorry if this has been discussed before. (I couldn't find any other threads.)
Any gunshot-like sound effects or similar startling moments in ALADDIN or OUTSIDERS. - I know there is pyro in Friend Like Me, but based upon the bootleg videos I've seen, none of that seems too loud, especially when the music is playing. Also, I know there are flame-like pryo effects in Outsiders & a loud train sound effect. Besides that, anything worth knowing, for either show, if one is a jumpy, loud-noise-bothered person.
As always, THANK YOU, everyone. - Apologies to those on this board who get bothered by such threads.
Jasmine does carry around an AK47 but never actually fires it, much to Chekhov’s annoyance.
I know Aladdin had had autism friendly performances in the past where the loud noises are softened.
I found this on TDF site on the autism-friendly performance schedule over the next few months:
Featured Actor Joined: 9/16/13
TotallyEffed said: "Jasmine does carry aroundan AK47 but never actually fires it, much to Chekhov’s annoyance."
Oh! Interesting! - When did they have Ivo Van Hove reenvision the show? (HAHAHA!)