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ROCK OF AGES First Preview Thoughts

ROCK OF AGES First Preview Thoughts

LimelightMike Profile Photo
#1ROCK OF AGES First Preview Thoughts
Posted: 3/17/09 at 9:43pm

Post 'em here! ROCK OF AGES First Preview Thoughts

Hope it was a B-L-A-S-T!

Testing1232 Profile Photo
#2re: ROCK OF AGES First Preview Thoughts
Posted: 3/17/09 at 10:49pm

Just got back, and "YES".... absolute blast !!! Very simply.. the show is going to be a BIG.FAT.HIT !!!!!!!!

Okay, let me get the "bad" out of the way... (and, is NOT the alcohol !!!) The theatre handles it very well !!!

I was in the front mezz , and didnt have a problem at all.

(Although I could have done without members of the staff outside before the show, yelling that people SHOULD drink in the theatre, and that walking in without a beer in their hands was criminal)

The show does NOT need people drinking to succeed on Broadway.

Anyway.... yes, SOME of the intimacy is gone with the bigger house, but that is to be expected.

The only real problem that I had is Carpinello is Stacie Jaxx.

He is okay... voice is good, but he doesnt "camp" it up the way that Swenson did. Now, if you didnt see the show Off-Broadway...not a problem.

Loved Amy Spanger ! Didnt think that they needed to replace Kelli Barrett, (still think she is gonna be a huge star), but Spanger nails the role.

Rest of the cast is great, (so glad Mitchell Jarvis transferred!!) and loved Andre Ward in multiple roles !!!

And I have to say this (and never thought I would), but Constantine can REALLY sing !!!

My guess is that the show gets VERY positive reviews, and its gonna be an extremely hot ticket !

LimelightMike Profile Photo
#2re: ROCK OF AGES First Preview Thoughts
Posted: 3/17/09 at 10:53pm

Awesomeness! re: ROCK OF AGES First Preview Thoughts

Did they 'fix-up' the stage (a la New World)?
Petruding into the house and all that?
I'm SO glad you LOVED it!
SO stoked for this one!
Updated On: 3/17/09 at 10:53 PM

#3re: ROCK OF AGES First Preview Thoughts
Posted: 3/17/09 at 11:00pm

i cannot wait for The Charleston and Csonbroadway to be mad for the next 10 yrs as this thing becomes the next Mamma Mia.

Testing1232 Profile Photo
#4re: ROCK OF AGES First Preview Thoughts
Posted: 3/17/09 at 11:01pm

The staging "basically" looked the same with some additions, due to the additional space- the overall feel stays the same.. (which is a good thing !!!)

Some minor book changes here and there as well.

#5re: ROCK OF AGES First Preview Thoughts
Posted: 3/17/09 at 11:07pm

I'm dying to know the changes to the book. Please share!

Testing1232 Profile Photo
#6re: ROCK OF AGES First Preview Thoughts
Posted: 3/17/09 at 11:15pm

Just some slight changes (I will probably think of more once I had some rest...LOL)

************ SPOILERS *****************************

The scene with the mayor (now played by Andre Ward) is different- He plays a pizza man in the beginning too !!!

Regina doesnt get "torched" towards the end now.... she falls off a hotel !! :))

The best one was Constantine now driving a little car with Sherrie during the "wine cooler" scene... very cute !!!

Few mishaps as well--- right before "I Wanna Rock", Constantine snapped his guitar right in half !!!

verynewyorkcurious Profile Photo
#7re: ROCK OF AGES First Preview Thoughts
Posted: 3/17/09 at 11:25pm

I was there tonight. I had a good time but I enjoyed it more at The New World. I'm not exactly sure why. Some of the medleys drove me crazy.

This is my first time seeing Amy Spanger in anything, and thought she was very good. Loved hearing her sing. I haven't formed an opinion on her and Constantine on stage together yet. I gotta say though that I prefer Kelli Barrett in the role.

I got an understudy for the role of Stacie Jaxx when I saw it at New World, so I didn't get to see Will Snelson. I liked James Carpinello in the role.

The show-stopping numbers are the same as it was Off-Bway. They were awesome.

I loved the new addition of when they had Stacie Jaxx on the screen when Dennis was on the phone with him.

As for drinks at the seats, I'm with Testing that they handled it well. It's not as distracting as people might expect. The problem with it is that the audience think they can do whatever they want since they're already drinking in their seats. I'm pretty sure I smelled cigarette smoke in the orchestra at intermission.

Also, I was left orchestra partial view. You miss quite a bit when you're sitting there. I saw half the screen and none of the parts performed stage right. Sit somewhere else.

Last thing: What's up with the urinals in the men's room at that theater? Is it just me?
Updated On: 3/17/09 at 11:25 PM

WhizzerMarvin Profile Photo
#8re: ROCK OF AGES First Preview Thoughts
Posted: 3/17/09 at 11:32pm

Wow. I couldn't disagree with you more Testing (except for the fact that this will probably be a hit). What a horrible show!! I mean really this was the dregs of theater. I truly feel bad for the whole cast. It was quite embarrassing to watch.

There was so many bad lines in the "book" I couldn't begin to remember them all. Just when I thought the show had hit rock bottom it would reach a new low.

A serious critique of the show is I hated how they never let the songs soar (except during the two finales, and maybe once or twice throughout). Most of the numbers just aburptly ended after a verse and chorus and didn't allow the audience to applaude. There was also WAY too much dialogue during the verses of the songs.

Just dreadful theater.

Marie: Don't be in such a hurry about that pretty little chippy in Frisco. Tony: Eh, she's a no chip!

Testing1232 Profile Photo
#9re: ROCK OF AGES First Preview Thoughts
Posted: 3/17/09 at 11:34pm

<< I'm pretty sure I smelled cigarette smoke in the orchestra at intermission.

With ya on that !! Definitely smelled cigarette smoke as well !!

<< was there tonight. I had a good time but I enjoyed it more at The New World. I'm not exactly sure why. >>

I think thats where the intimacy at a smaller house come into play... loses some of it on Broadway.

Jane2 Profile Photo
#10re: ROCK OF AGES First Preview Thoughts
Posted: 3/17/09 at 11:38pm

"I truly feel bad for the whole cast"

Let me put your mind at ease on this one point. The whole cast absolutely LOVES this show and is having a great time doing it.


Testing1232 Profile Photo
#11re: ROCK OF AGES First Preview Thoughts
Posted: 3/17/09 at 11:38pm

<< Wow. I couldn't disagree with you more Testing (except for the fact that this will probably be a hit). What a horrible show!! I mean really this was the dregs of theater. I truly feel bad for the whole cast. It was quite embarrassing to watch.

There was so many bad lines in the "book" I couldn't begin to remember them all. Just when I thought the show had hit rock bottom it would reach a new low.

A serious critique of the show is I hated how they never let the songs soar (except during the two finales, and maybe once or twice throughout). Most of the numbers just aburptly ended after a verse and chorus and didn't allow the audience to applaude. There was also WAY too much dialogue during the verses of the songs.

Just dreadful theater. >>

Like I said.. It wont appeal to everyone. But "dreadful theater"? Wow... I have seen MUCH, MUCH, worse. (too many times to mention!!)

Just a hunch, but I think the critics are going to really like it. (including the book)

Testing1232 Profile Photo
#12re: ROCK OF AGES First Preview Thoughts
Posted: 3/17/09 at 11:41pm

<< "I truly feel bad for the whole cast"

Let me put your mind at ease on this one point. The whole cast absolutely LOVES this show and is having a great time doing it. >>

Have to agree with Jane here... We became friendly with Andre Ward during "Xanadu", and he is absolutely LOVING this show !!!

LimelightMike Profile Photo
#13re: ROCK OF AGES First Preview Thoughts
Posted: 3/17/09 at 11:45pm

What of the running time?
Figure it a wise to 'get it outta the way' early.

Testing1232 Profile Photo
#14re: ROCK OF AGES First Preview Thoughts
Posted: 3/17/09 at 11:49pm

7PM show--- was on the street at 9:38PM

WithoutATrace Profile Photo
#15re: ROCK OF AGES First Preview Thoughts
Posted: 3/17/09 at 11:49pm

I will say this: I had more fun during the 15 minutes at the stage door than the entire 2.5 hours at the show. I am truly shocked that this moved to Broadway, but it may run. The dregs of the earth will love it and probably see it over and over again (no offense to vocallizzy - i still love you). I prefer more sophisticated theater with audiences that don't talk, eat, drink, or sing during the performance. This show belongs off broadway and should have stayed there.
Updated On: 3/18/09 at 11:49 PM

Jane2 Profile Photo
#16re: ROCK OF AGES First Preview Thoughts
Posted: 3/17/09 at 11:56pm

"The dregs of the earth will love it and probably see it over and over again "

wow. that's not TOO offensive to thousands of people, is it?

".I prefer more sophisitcated theater with audiences that don't talk, eat, drink, or sing during the performance."

I must be lucky, then. I can enjoy both.


Testing1232 Profile Photo
#17re: ROCK OF AGES First Preview Thoughts
Posted: 3/17/09 at 11:56pm

<< The dregs of the earth will love it and probably see it over and over again >>

Wow... Wat.... I never thought as myself as a "dreg" !!! LOL

While I cant see myself seeing the show "over and over", I would see it again- did enjoy it.

Testing1232 Profile Photo
#18re: ROCK OF AGES First Preview Thoughts
Posted: 3/17/09 at 11:56pm


Updated On: 3/17/09 at 11:56 PM

WhizzerMarvin Profile Photo
#19re: ROCK OF AGES First Preview Thoughts
Posted: 3/17/09 at 11:58pm

I just found the whole thing to be a misguided, unprofessional mess. I was in a numb pain for most of the evening, except for when I'd snap out of it to cringe.

Marie: Don't be in such a hurry about that pretty little chippy in Frisco. Tony: Eh, she's a no chip!

WithoutATrace Profile Photo
#20re: ROCK OF AGES First Preview Thoughts
Posted: 3/17/09 at 11:59pm

Sorry, testing, you too are not included in the dregs of the earth. But the women behind me definitely were...oh god.

Jane2 Profile Photo
#21re: ROCK OF AGES First Preview Thoughts
Posted: 3/18/09 at 12:01am

Listen to this kid, judging who is and who isn't a dreg of the earth, how funny!


Jane2 Profile Photo
#22re: ROCK OF AGES First Preview Thoughts
Posted: 3/18/09 at 12:03am

And what's even funnier is that some of the "sophisticated" theater actors whom he enjoys are dregs of the earth. So many of them came to ROA and loved it. Some even repeated views! What dregs they are!

Updated On: 3/18/09 at 12:03 AM

#23re: ROCK OF AGES First Preview Thoughts
Posted: 3/18/09 at 12:54am

Gotta say, I sort of enjoyed it. It's not my style of music (I'm not a 80s hair band type of person, with the except of Journey, which isn't really a hair bad). But I thought the show as enjoyable. I can totally see why people would dig it, and why it would become a hit.

I really enjoyed the set and the technical aspects of it, and I thought the direction for the most part was pretty interesting - although I hated the Stage Right set piece because all of those scenes couldn't be seen by a lot of the house left audience. If the set piece moved in just a little bit more it would work better.

The cast were pretty good throughout. I was really surprised by Constantine's voice. He had a really pretty voice. Spanger was alright. She was great in the acting department, but her vocals could have been better, I thought. And in her duet with Constantine in ACT II it sounded like she straining to hit the top notes, which make me feel uneasy knowing she has to do that 8x in a week. Carpinello was okay. I agree with you Testing that he just needs to let go and have fun with it. He had moments of hilarity, but it all seemed really controlled. His voice wasn't my favorite - a little too much vibratto for this style of singing - but overall not bad at all, and since he didn't have Off-Broadway as a warm up, I can see him settling into the role in the coming weeks. The standout to me was Lauren Molina. I just really enjoyed her, and knowing what she did in Sweeney, it was just interesting to see the switch she made in style of singing and acting.

Overall the show was kind of messy. ACT 1 needs some serious work and tightening. The songs were just scattered and a lot of blurbs of songs rather than just a full on song. The beginning of the show needs work, I think. It never had a truly great opening number, which it desperately needed. ACT 2 was much better and it just flowed better.

I enjoyed it. No, it wasn't rocket science, but I didn't think it was awful. There were some genuinely funny moments and I think it's a show where you go for the "experience." I mean, the girl behind me was belting out the songs as if she were auditioning for the show, and the lady next to me was narrating the show for no apparent reason, but it didn't bother me. Just let it roll off my shoulder and laugh about it later.

And yes, there was a man smoking. He was coming up the stairs as I was going down them coming from the restroom. The usher was like "Um, you can't smoke." And he said "Oh, really?" And then put it out.

Also, random side note, but Scott from "The Real World: Brooklyn" (currently on MTV) was in the audience. Just randomly saw him in the restroom line. He's really short.

WithoutATrace Profile Photo
#24re: ROCK OF AGES First Preview Thoughts
Posted: 3/18/09 at 1:05am

I saw the man smoking!! I couldn't believe it. The Brooks Atkinson is going to have to be defumigated after this closes...
