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Scary Stage Stories

Dreamcatcher Profile Photo
#25re: Scary Stage Stories
Posted: 1/12/05 at 10:03pm

I was in Arabian Nights and we had this HUGE group scene coming up where it focused around the princess and the equivalent of Jafar in Aladdin. It was all about the girl who was playing the princess because she had the most lines in that scene and all the action and blocking revolved around hers. Well we get on stage, lights go up etc and lo and behold the girl who was playing the princess was no where to be found. She wasnt on stage with us and we were all silently freaking out about how we could work this without her. One of the other actors even slipped off stage to send someone to look for her. We ended up doing 20 min of improv (pure improv) and prayed that no one noticed. Turns out the girl was in the bathroom giving some guy a BJ (sorry to be so crude but its true.)

During an acting workshop we all pulled together some scenes and performed them. I was doing this scene called the Date Tests which was about this boy getting drilled by two REALLY overprotective parents so he could take their daughter on a date. (IE: interogations, scenarios, written tests etc.) Well the dad was supposed to have a temper so the guy who was playing him (this guy is 6 foot 1 mind) was supposed to bang his hands on a table at one point. Well instead he thought it would be fun to THROW the table. He grabbed it from underneath and shoved it off the shallow platform (it wasnt a stage, just a floor and then audience) and sends it flying with this huge crash. I nearly jumped out of my skin and lost character becuase all the stuff on it had come shooting off the table and the table even cracked. REALLY funny and the audience loved it but man did it scare the **** out of me. ^^

I wanted to get something that an "ex"-junkie like him would really appreciate and's a brick of heroin shaped like a heart. -Scrubs

#26re: Scary Stage Stories
Posted: 1/12/05 at 11:28pm

Last year I was doing "The Sound of Music" and we had built four seperate abby windows that were hung on rails. They were made out of plywood foam and gels. Anyways during a scene change one of the lines snapped and one of the windows fell straight to the stage. (The Curtains were closed) But we had grade school kids in the show who were right in that spot literally seconds before. Luckly we were done with the windows so we just carted it backstage. During the same show (different night) we had a gigantic gate that was also hung to a rail. While it was flown compleatly flown out itcame crashing down during notes so we were all sitting on the stage just a few feet from it! That was very scary.

La Vie Boheme
#27re: Scary Stage Stories
Posted: 1/12/05 at 11:33pm

My theatre group did a show a long time ago and the girl who was the lead could not stand up during intermission. It turns out she had a brain tumor and for the rest of the show someone had to stand in the wings and hold her up...

BTW Great discussion! Its kool hearing about other people's freaky stories

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Dreamcatcher Profile Photo
#28re: Scary Stage Stories
Posted: 1/13/05 at 2:16am

Haha i know this is really a good read. In that Date Test scene BTW, this one idiotic kid who was playing the boy who was victim to the parents basically forgot the second half of the script and fumbled his lines the whole time. We were waiting on him to say his line, holding our breath and when nothing came out we just started improving and prompting him at the same time. He never got it and we ended up winging the last half of the scene (thank god the audience took no notice) and it turns out that the kid spilled cappuchino on his script two days after he got it and never bothered to replace it. The only reason he knew his other lines was cus he'd heard our instructor repeat it over and over and over. Not so scary but annoying.

I wanted to get something that an "ex"-junkie like him would really appreciate and's a brick of heroin shaped like a heart. -Scrubs

IMsooHyprToday Profile Photo
#29re: Scary Stage Stories
Posted: 1/13/05 at 2:48am

I was in a production of 42nd Street, and the set we rented from Santa Barbara Civic Light Opera, and was so decrepit that it serioulsy could have been the origional broadway set from way back in 1980 (same design, and waaaay old). Anyway, the train station stairway was falling apart, and in order to enter from the stairs you had to climb up these tall ladders. Our stage manager told us that we should only use the hand rails in extreme emergency because they "might break off at any moment." After we got past the scary clumb up, we had to dance down the incredibly shakey narrow stairs, and then for the end, literally run back to the top to do a big "hands in the air, high kicking ending." and of course, me being at the very top, i had the least amount of time to get the furthest distance. Lullaby of Broadway = scary beyond all belief. Updated On: 1/13/05 at 02:48 AM
