I couldn't breathe at the end of Faith Healer. Ralph Fiennes' performance was just SO powerful; I was completely transfixed. Oh, and during The History Boys, I sat there for at least 10 minutes straight with my mouth wide open after Dakin's proposition to Irwin.
None, of course. For better or worse, I'm easily able to hold in my emotions during shows, to the point that people next to me probably think I'm not enjoying it. This doesn't mean I'm not moved by certain shows. Let's just say I'm interested in being impressed by what I'm seeing on stage as opposed to carrying on and making a scene--as many in this thread seem to think it is their right to do, however embarrassing the behavior might be.
I'm reminded of when I saw the Anthony Quinn revival of "Zorba." I was sitting next to a middle-aged woman who was a weeping willow throughout the second act. I couldn't believe it. Fortunately, she attempted to be quiet about it and her husband was good at calming her down so there was no disruption of the proceedings. Important, since this was happening in the second or third row of the orchestra.
RENT during "I'll Cover You: Reprise." It's happened every time I've seen it, no matter how hard I fight. There's something so saddening about losing a character as wonderful as Angel.