Swing Joined: 6/13/06
THE NORMAL HEART...I was sobbing like a bitch.
Les Mis...How can you not lose it.
The Phantom of The Opera....I always shed tears at the end.Gary Maur did for me when he kept say "Christine I love you...I love you..etc" ...thats why he's my favorite Phantom.
Taboo closing night. I cried a lot. I sobbed actually
The Last Easter
Altar Boyz (Tylers last day and Daniel Torres last day)
End of the Color Purple (how could you not)
Probably during peoples lasts and such, I tend to cry a lot at the theater lol
Stand-by Joined: 7/6/04
I was a sobby mess while watching "The Spitfire Grill" for the first time...
Same with the tomb scene in "Aida" and the last ten minutes of "Bare". Kills me everytime!
And I just have to listen to "Your Daddy's Son" from Ragtime to get all teary.
Broadway Legend Joined: 6/19/06
I cried the first couple of times at Les Mis and the first time at Billy Elliot. Can't believe I just admitted that...
Stand-by Joined: 10/6/05
Stand-by Joined: 12/31/69
Stand-by Joined: 4/1/04
Stand-by Joined: 8/17/04
Not a big cryer unless it's something amazingly happy and uplifting like when Oprah gives a poor mother of six a brand new home. (Major spingles, as Rosie refers to them..)
Caroline or Change- final perf, from "I Hate The Bus" through the end...can't believe that was already two years ago..no words can describe the emotions at the O'Neill that day, major running-down-my-face tears.
Hairspray- Harvey & Kathy's final performance when Harvey got never-ending applause when he comes out of the can and he broke down, plus his curtain call speech
Seussical- maybe a little teary during the final slow build-up of "Oh the thinks you can think..." during the finale of the closing performance
Broadway Legend Joined: 3/7/06
Broadway Legend Joined: 3/12/05
Euripedes' "THE TROJAN WOMEN." i am not exaggerating when i say that there was not a dry eye in the house. many, many people, including me, were audibly sobbing during pretty much the entire 2 hour show. the most haunting, beautiful, heart-wrenching show i've ever seen in my life.
Swing Joined: 12/18/05
I saw Light in the Piazza in previews not knowing much about the show other than being a huge Adam Guettel fan.
I was emotionally unprepared to be absolutely bowled over...I mean, sat in awe all of Act One, sobbed through the title song, and then got myself together and thought I could recover, then absolutely lost it during the Beauty Is Reprise. I loved that this show explored all kinds of love, not just romantic... and the intricacies and regrets involved. This show is the reason I still believe in new musical theatre in America. But yes, blubbering idiot, trying to not ruin others' theatrical experience.
Swing Joined: 12/18/05
I saw Light in the Piazza in previews not knowing much about the show other than being a huge Adam Guettel fan.
I was emotionally unprepared to be absolutely bowled over...I mean, sat in awe all of Act One, sobbed through the title song, and then got myself together and thought I could recover, then absolutely lost it during the Beauty Is Reprise. I loved that this show explored all kinds of love, not just romantic... and the intricacies and regrets involved. This show is the reason I still believe in new musical theatre in America. But yes, blubbering idiot, trying to not ruin others' theatrical experience.
Featured Actor Joined: 8/3/06
*The Last 5 Years when I saw it in Chicago. I couldn't move for about 20 minutes after the show because I was so amazed.
*The Light in the Piazza was amazing when I watched it on the Lincoln Center live. I can't wait for December at the Kennedy center... mad love right there...
*Rent always makes me cry just because when ICY(R) comes on, I cry so hard...
I can't lie, I cried during Miss Saigon.
Children of Eden's closing Act I monologue
Swing Joined: 3/6/06
In Into the Woods, I for some reason found myself crying a lot during "Stay With Me." I still cry sometimes listening to the recording... I guess it's just a mix of both the solemn music and the lyrics. I mean, come on, the Witch was just trying to protect her daughter from the world! (Alright, I'll give, I cry at just about anything... but ITW is pretty depressing.)
And I'm not going to lie here: Wicked makes me cry in the best possible way and I have no shame for it. The ending never, ever sits nice with me -- it makes me wonder how people can call it a "feel-good musical" when poor Glinda is so isolated, unknowing that her best friend and once-fiancee are actually alive. So yes, I cry my eyes out at the finale. Oh -- and at the very beginning of the overture, too. Those first 7 notes pretty much own my music-loving soul... they're so powerfully Wicked Witch of the Westish. I've actually said that I'd pay full ticket price just to hear that overture and then leave. :P
And I think it's pretty much a given that I cried at Rent during the I'll Cover You reprise.
Updated On: 8/14/06 at 01:19 PM
LITTLE WOMEN when Jo and Beth sing "Somethings Were Meant To Be." I was crying like someone dropped kicked me in the face.
Also, during "I'll Cover You (reprise)" in RENT.
Broadway Legend Joined: 11/23/05
I have just returned from New York. For the first time in my life, I cried at a show. The show was Jersey Boys.
When the original Four Seasons are reunited for the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, I cried like a baby.
I also cried when John Lloyd Young said, "That's why I'm still out there today...chasing the music, trying to get home." It makes me think of that community theatre in Norwell I'm always on about because it is like a second home to me. And something about them going into "Who Loves You" is just so beautiful. I cried like a little bitch, I swear.
Swing Joined: 8/14/06
The last few scenes in Rent got to me. Especially the scene where Angel's dying, and the white drape is wrapped around him. Also, of course, "I'll Cover You (Reprise)" and "Finale B". I was literally sobbing.
Yeah--I'm a bit of a cryer too. I am very moved by the connection that takes place (when you're lucky) between performer and audience; I find it thrilling and moving. So a heartfelt ovation makes me cry. When we lept to our feet last night for Patti after Rose's Turn? Crying like a little girl. (A VERY unhappy little girl.)
So--I cry all the time in the theatre. But really, deeply, profoundly moved?
Lily Tomlin: The Search for Signs of Intelligent Life: This play KILLED me, and then--out of the blue--in the final scene Trudy talks about precisely that connection: about "them out there in the dark watching us". I really sobbed.
Claudia Shear: Blown Sideways Through Life: I sat in my seat for a long time after the final curtain.
Harvey F: Torch Song: The final scene between Arnold and Ma.
Glenn Close as Blanche DuBois
Elegies: I stumbled onto this show in a small theatre in Boston about three years ago and was deeply, deeply moved. "When the Earth Stopped Turning". Goodbye/Boom-Boom. Passover.
Into the Woods: "Sometimes people leave you...." and "This is the World I meant...." both made my cry hard.
Merrily: The opening chords of "Our Time" grab me by the throat. When I saw it at NYU last year (2 years ago?) A sob just leapt out of my throat; it was an extraordinary sensation.
SITPWG: "Move on" and "We do Not Belong Together"
Piazza: The final performance? Fable? Girlfriend, please....
Not during a play or musical but still Broadway related. I was a sad mess during the Oprah show when Sandra Joseph was doing her segment.