Understudy Joined: 5/31/10
On the Tony Awards website, it is mentioned that actress Terry Saunders died. Does anyone have any info or can you locate an obituary? She appeared in numerous theatre productions. Perhaps best known for her role as "Lady Thiang" in the film "The King and I". I had long wondered what ever happened to her. Thanks!
Featured Actor Joined: 12/16/06
I worked with Terry in 1982. She was a lovely woman. I looked and I couldn't find an obituary. I found out she passed away when I read the in memoriam section in the Equity newspaper we get monthly. In addition to playing Lady Thiang in THE KING AND I on Broadway (as a replacement) and in the movie version, she also replaced Mimi Benzell in MILK AND HONEY and took over the role of Christine Crane in the original production of FOLLIES.
Updated On: 6/13/12 at 09:46 AM
According to the credits of the original concept album of Jesus Christ Superstar, she also sings in the chorus. Unless this is a "gag credit," which was not uncommon back in the late Sixties/early Seventies, she may have been the victim of TR and ALW collaring whoever was in the studio and wanted to make some extra dosh for ensemble vocals.
Understudy Joined: 5/31/10
I have a couple of fond memories of Terry Saunders. In 1968, she was playing Lady Thiang/Mother Abbess back-to-back in summer stock in my home town, and I introduced myself as a fan. I spoke to her of my excitement about my first trip to New York the following week- a college theatre tour. She was very gracious and sweet in sharing my excitement and my enthusiam about musical theatre, and about Rodgers and Hammerstein in particular, and seemed quite pleased that I even knew who she was, let alone that I was a fan. We spent an entire night's dress rehearsal in conversation when she wasn't on stage.
I re-introduced myself in 1972 backstage at FOLLIES and she seemed pleased to meet me again. By the way, she shared that stage during "Who's That Woman?" with Jan Clayton- talk about being in R&H heaven! (Ms. Clayton was extremly sweet and gracious, as well.)
The last time I spoke to Ms. Saunders was in 1980 at a gathering in NYC after I had moved here. She seemed happy I had made it here and I was happy to have shared that particular arc of time with her. A lovely, lovely lady.
Understudy Joined: 5/31/10
I too saw Ms. Saunders in those back to back King and I and Sound of Music performances at Starlight Theatre in Indianapolis. I was working in nearby Anderson and both weeks took some newbies to see these shows. They were stunned!! Love to introduce new people to musical theatre. I still feel privileged, all these years later, to have seen and heard Ms. Saunders on stage. So saddened to hear of her passing.