Cassie has to go home tonight. She can't even ply up the laughs.
Could Cassie have been more fake?
Paul looks so stoic.. it's so strange.
Telsey's favorite is clearly Bailey. He practically has an orgasm every time she auditions.
Stand-by Joined: 1/19/08
Woo, Lauren didn't do badly this week.
It doesn't matter how well Emma does she is going stay. She could have just eaten a live lobster and pass.
Updated On: 6/23/08 at 10:41 PM
I think I might actually revist the show if Lauren or Bailey win.
Does Emma think that scrunching up her face makes her more attractive?
OWN IT Emma.
Stand-by Joined: 1/19/08
"Does Emma think that scrunching up her face makes her more attractive? "
Or funny?
Well this will be easy...
Of the four I think it's going to be Autumn who's safe. I don't think the other three were as good in comparison to only her
Featured Actor Joined: 1/2/07
Natalie's gunna stay, I feel.
So my vote to get booted goes to Cassie because her personality sucks.
If there truly is a double elimination tonight I think it'll be Cassie and Celina. Cassie's too whiny and fake while Celina is too harsh.
Stand-by Joined: 11/18/07
anyone else notice
that the 4 girls in the room right now are blonde
and the 4 girls still waiting with Haylie are brunnettes? Well one of them has a redish tint but you know what i mean
I think Celina is going home. Or Cassie and Celina if a double elimination.
"anyone else notice
that the 4 girls in the room right now are blonde
and the 4 girls still waiting with Haylie are brunnettes? Well one of them has a redish tint but you know what i mean"
I really doubt that's what's happening. The four girls simply weren't up to par when compared to others who were "saved".
*gasp* Natalie!
Lindsey from the beginning of tonights episode :
"My dreams have just been shattered. This is Broadway. You only get one chance."
Okay. If you think that then you're definately not ready for Broadway. Today's succesful Broadway actors have been to hundreds maybe even thousands of auditions before booking their first Broadway gig. That's hundreds of chances. She gives up way too easy.
Autumn should survive the "casting office." The other two, assuming it's a double elimination, should be goners.
Stand-by Joined: 1/19/08
Cassie and Celina both deserve to go. Double elimination time.
oh god Cassie, I really hope you go home and there's no reunion and you just go away.
I HATE Emma, the fat talentless bitch. I still love autumn though.
Cassie! Shut up! They're giving you constructive comments! you'll never make it if you argue!