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Theatermania vs Audience Extras

ken8631 Profile Photo
#0Theatermania vs Audience Extras
Posted: 10/26/05 at 8:10am

Anyone know if they basically offer the same thing or not? I belong to Theatermania and like it and have used it happily, but a friend recommended Audience Extras. Any experience with either? Thanks for any advice.

Esparzafan Profile Photo
#1re: Theatermania vs Audience Extras
Posted: 10/26/05 at 9:30am

I've belonged to Play by Play for a year and a half and it's great. I just joined Theater Extras and it is solid,but you'll find more Broadway shows on Play by Play.

#2re: Theatermania vs Audience Extras
Posted: 10/26/05 at 9:35am

Why did you leave Play by Play? Can you PM me the URL?

Madame X Profile Photo
Madame X
#3re: Theatermania vs Audience Extras
Posted: 10/26/05 at 9:45am

Mind you, audience extras and theater extras are 2 diff clubs.

"Some of us have it worse, you know, Dana. Some of us are dating lesbian men. Okay? C'mon."

Esparzafan Profile Photo
#4re: Theatermania vs Audience Extras
Posted: 10/26/05 at 9:57am

I'm still a member of Play by Play...just joined Theater Extras since they have some other things (shows on Long Island, movie preview passes). You can find them at

#5re: Theatermania vs Audience Extras
Posted: 10/26/05 at 9:58am

Can I ask what Broadway shows they've had on Play By Play. I use Theatremania and I've enjoyed it -

#6re: Theatermania vs Audience Extras
Posted: 10/26/05 at 10:21am

Wow, I've never seen shows like that on Theatremania.

Madame X Profile Photo
Madame X
#7re: Theatermania vs Audience Extras
Posted: 10/26/05 at 10:27am

Actually, it is in violation of your membership agreement to name shows you've seen on the clubs.

"Some of us have it worse, you know, Dana. Some of us are dating lesbian men. Okay? C'mon."

KMF_NYC Profile Photo
#8re: Theatermania vs Audience Extras
Posted: 10/26/05 at 10:41am

I have been thrilled with Theatermania GOld Club for the past 2 years -- I have friends in the other papering services and the selection of offerings has been comparable...I have seen plenty of stuff on Broadway, off, off-off. I have not found a considerable difference in the offerings....

"Sir K, the Viscount of Uppity-shire...." -- kissmycookie

ken8631 Profile Photo
#9re: Theatermania vs Audience Extras
Posted: 10/26/05 at 10:45am

How many of these organizations exist? I never heard of play-by-play, and only learned of audience extras yesterday. I've used Theatermania and have been very happy, but am interested in what is available and how happy people are with different services. And yes, you are not allowed to post what they offer, it's a violation of your membership agreement.

InfiniteTheaterFrenzy Profile Photo
#10re: Theatermania vs Audience Extras
Posted: 10/26/05 at 10:48am

playbyplay is freaking AMAZING

[title of show] on Broadway. it's time. believe.

zzannahk Profile Photo
#11re: Theatermania vs Audience Extras
Posted: 10/26/05 at 11:25am

Broadway Inner Circle!

#12re: Theatermania vs Audience Extras
Posted: 10/26/05 at 11:26am

Could someone post a link to the play by play website? I couldn't find it in a search.


ken8631 Profile Photo
#14re: Theatermania vs Audience Extras
Posted: 10/26/05 at 11:32am


I belong to Audience Extras. Is this the same type of thing? It sounds like they may have a better selection?

#15re: Theatermania vs Audience Extras
Posted: 10/26/05 at 2:33pm


.LittleWing. 0224 Profile Photo
.LittleWing. 0224
#16re: Theatermania vs Audience Extras
Posted: 10/26/05 at 2:58pm

yup, johnny is right. those who belong are breaching part of your agreement with them....

#17re: Theatermania vs Audience Extras
Posted: 10/26/05 at 3:00pm

I have belonged to AE for about 12 years. It used to be easier to get good shows from them. Now it's a lot harder. Of course, they used to be known only by industry insiders. Now they let in any riff raff that can pony up the yearly fee.

If anyone ever tells you that you put too much Parmesan cheese on your pasta, stop talking to them. You don't need that kind of negativity in your life.

#18re: Theatermania vs Audience Extras
Posted: 10/26/05 at 3:17pm

Interesting. I just looked through the whole AE website and found nothing about discussing this in a public forum being a violation of rules. Chill out. It's not like we're listing what they have coming up today. Discussing the fact that these organizations exist on a site like this is like talking about season tickets on a Yankees message board. It's not like people who would hang out here don't know about them!

And as far as the riff raff being able to join AE part, that's just snobbery. If you don't like it, pay full price for your plays. Obviously AE wanted to be able to survive, and they had to open up the membership. I'm sure the other ticket papering places are the same.

#19re: Theatermania vs Audience Extras
Posted: 10/26/05 at 3:24pm

The first rule of Audience Extras is you do not talk about Audience Extras.

The second rule of Audience Extras is you DO NOT TALK about Audience Extras.

#20re: Theatermania vs Audience Extras
Posted: 10/26/05 at 3:30pm

Interesting. I thought referrals were encouraged, and saw nothing about NOT TALKING ABOUT AE. Perhaps not at the box office or theater, but nothing else.

Lighten up.

#21re: Theatermania vs Audience Extras
Posted: 10/26/05 at 3:33pm

I don't know much about Broadway, but from an Off-Broadway producing viewpoint, AE and Play-by-Play are pretty much the same.

The producer doesn't get a dime from either, but the people who run both are very good about trying to help you get exactly the number of people you need to fill a few unsold seats.

The worry comes when box office opens. One would hope that the members act like they were undercover cops. But too often they blurt "SMITH, I GOT MY TICKET THROUGH AUDIENCE EXTRAS" when they get to the front of the line. Which is wince-inducing, and, depending on who sees it, can get an complaining email back to the service the next day. If it happens more than the odd time, you stop using that service for awhile. I guess that the service can kick a member out, for repeated complaints, too.

Even worse is the person who just saw it listed and comes, expecting a ticket, or comes on the wrong night, or is just wrong about the reservations. Often this is the service's fault, and the member can't help it. But getting indignant and making a scene just makes it worse.

So, in short, these are great services and usually a boon to everyone involved--and one of the cool things about living in New York. But let's keep it our little secret, especially at the show, eh?

(Sorry if this sounds condecending. It's not meant to be.)

#22re: Theatermania vs Audience Extras
Posted: 10/26/05 at 3:34pm

For several years, Backstage has devoted an annual issue to low cost living, discounts and surviving as an actor. They have always mentioned AE as a way to see cheap theater. So it's hardly a secret.

"And as far as the riff raff being able to join AE part, that's just snobbery."

It may be snobbery, but it's made it difficult for those who abide by AE rules. I'm seeing more people act inappropriately than ever before. When I first joined, people picked up their tickets and were grateful for what they were given. Now I'm seeing people actually argue over the seats they get.

If anyone ever tells you that you put too much Parmesan cheese on your pasta, stop talking to them. You don't need that kind of negativity in your life.

#23re: Theatermania vs Audience Extras
Posted: 10/26/05 at 3:40pm

And how do you know these people are not long time members who feel some sort of entitlement in their ticket location?

Talk about your sweeping generalizations. And it is snobbery, plain and simple. Just because someone is or isn't in the "theatrical community" doesn't mean they know or don't know how to behave. There will always be idiots, now matter what kind of work they do. Some non-theater people are thrilled to have access to services like AE, and follow all the rules. I would hardly consider myself riff raff, but apparently, what do I know, since I'm not in the business.

#24re: Theatermania vs Audience Extras
Posted: 10/26/05 at 3:40pm

Yeah, that was just a figure of speech "our little secret". But it sounds like we are on the same page about people being unsubtle and/or not abiding by the rules.

It doesn't take much for a producer/GM/whoever to decide that AE, etc, just isn't worth the potential hassle or embarrassment on a particular night or week of a run.
