Alan Cumming said something to a guy on Saturday night that he saw the light from his camera and that is was rude and distracting. So there was a table of girls taking pics and this guy?
Furthermore, perhaps they aren't completely "with it" upstairs? How could they possibly think that it would be a good idea to go to the stage door? There have to be a couple of screws loose...
I'm curious to hear from any professional actors out there about this. Do the professional actors feel it is unprofessional to stop a show whe it becomes distracting?
We as audience members can say what we like until we're blue in the face, but with any profession out there mindsets in the industry change as does behavior and technology. What we thought was unprofessional ten years ago may be something that needs revisiting..
Good for Cyndi...really. I mean, alot of you can sit here and harp on this all you want but don't know what it's actually like. This happened to me, but worse. I was doing a blackbox show, and it was in the round. At any given time an actor could go and sit on an audience members lap or reach out and touch someone (and we did.) my mark (a tombstone) was about two feet infront of audience members, when I got there, I **** you not, a man had his feet on it. He was using my mark as a foot rest, I knelt down to open the prop door which he was blocking and he simply looked at me, just stared. That "What?" i pulled again, no movement....then i eventually pulled so hard it actually threw his feet off and onto the ground. It's something you really can't talk about the rights and wrongs of until it happens.
I CAN'T BELIEVE THEY SHOWED AT THE STAGE DOOR...Thats just....just...ballsy and inappropriate...
I just saw Cyndi at the Stage Door of Good Morning America. I asked her if they were going or did a CD to Three Penny Opera. She literally grunted and said no they never asked them.
That is SO great! I was in Chicago for the Gay Games this past week and she performed at the closing ceremonies...she was INCREDIBLE!!!!
Jack: For your information, most people who meet me do not know that I am gay.
Will: Jack, blind and deaf people know you're gay. Dead people know you're gay.
Jack: Grace, when you first met me, did you know I was gay?
Grace: My dog knew.
I did a search and couldn't find the thread. I wish I had seen it, I would like to know why they didn't record one. I didn't love the play, but I like the cast and many of the songs.
I doupt this would work at a broadway show, but if it was near intermission, they should just ignore it and make the NO CAMERA TAKING DURING SHOW anouncment again, I had to do this for cell phones in a ncommunity theature show I did. Either way I applaude Cyndi.
The bushes of Tex were nervous recks because their son was dim, But look what happened to him~Dirrty Rotten Scoundrels~all about Ruprecht
They say the thoughtful musicals dead on broadway~forbiden broadway : SVU~The crime scene
Never say never, there's always one more person you can hit up~avenue Q.~the money song
Life sucks, get a pacifyer~my own saying
Matt, Brecht's philosophy on theatre is very different from most. He was a firm believer in "alienation". He wanted his audience members knowing they were seeing a performance, and that they weren't watching "reality".
With that said, I think Cyndi was well within her rights to break character and call it out.