TLK actors can't even do a full run because they'll be permanently injured--that's wild huh?
And Jmoss, you may not like the opinion, but I think those who disagree with you have been quite articulate in their rationale. You don't have to like it, but that doesn't NECESSARILY mean they're bitter queens. The majority of people here aren't out-of-work actors, contrary to your supposition.
So they may be queens and they may be bitter, but it has nothing to do with dashed dreams.
Disney is also known for directing their shows within an inch of their lives and most actors find that confining. They also rehearse ad nauseum, which isn't too popular either.
There are just as many reasons to dislike Disney as there are to like them.
"The German Production of Hunchback of Notre Dame was spell binding. It starred Drew Sarich and Stephen Schwartz added the new pieces to his old score. It was amazing and I hope they bring it here."
Now THIS is a Disney musical I would love to see produced on Broadway. The best Disney score next to B&B. When I saw it in the movie theatre, I immediately thought it would make an incredible stage musical. It's the most adult friendly Disney film. Not too cheesy. They kept the story pretty dark, which would explain all the crying children at the movie theatre. On second thought that's probably why Disney's holding off. It's extremely operatic in terms of style though. It almost seems like they would need to do it at MetOpera to pull it off right, and that would never happen. Could you imagine Quasimodo singing 'Out There' while scaling the Bell Tower of Notre Dame as the Met's massive stage descended to reveal the top of the Bell Tower at the very end. I'd piss myself.
I say let Disney do their thing. They cleaned up Times Square. They've brought families and tourism back to Manhattan again, and this is not JUST good for Disney, it's good for ALL theatre.
And let's be real, with the exception of TARZAN (IMHO), they're not just throwing crap up on the stage. I may not love the Disney shows like I do some of the more moving theatre in NYC. But I've always had an enjoyable evening in the theatre, on the FIRST viewing. Disney musicals are like magic tricks. Pretty cool the first time, by the second time you've figured out how it's done, and by the third time you're just bored.
On that note.
Hunch - BACK! Hunch - BACK! Hunch - BACK!
Broadway Legend Joined: 10/13/05
Disney really isn't all that bad on the surface. Fortunately for Mary Poppins, it has two producers, one being CamMac who KNOWS about theatre, and thus will liekly protect MP from becomming too much of a factory (every show does it an extent, however, some of the factories stink, others do not) in the long run.
Disney is overbearing a little unhelpful with their actors. Actors in their shows say that the only way they can deal with working with Disney is by understanding that Disney is only there for the mighty dollar bill. Disney will not give their actors more time off than they've earned, they will not reserve seats for your friends if you're understudying a role...they're very by the corporate Disney books.
However, because of their tactics, I think four of their shows on Broadway is too much of a crowd. They do not produce shows the same way others do, and because of this, they seem to be cluttering not only Broadway, but THEMSELVES. I think they need to calm down and stop pumping out a show a season because they're starting to make themselves seem more like a gimmick than they did in the past, unfortunately.
Broadway Legend Joined: 8/10/06
Cameron Makintosh said it best.
"They know nothing about theatre."
For me Disney is lazy theatre, it's taking a hit movie and porting it to the stage for the sake of marketing the property, not making good or memorable theatre.
I anxiously await Mel Brooks next show, Spaceballs
On the other hand, some people look at CamMack and think his stuff is overproduced melodramatic schlock; and could argue that the body wasn't even cold yet on LesMiz before he resurrected it to put out a 75 percent effort that's been saved from disaster by calling in a favor to a Tony award winning friend, if you believe the reviews.
So to each their own :)
<< They underpay their actors.
Having once worked for Disney, I can tell you they underpay just about everyone !!!
Broadway Legend Joined: 1/21/07
What I meant by my statement earlier was just that do you Les Miserables and Cats lasted so long because of people seeing it just for the actors in it...No, they went to see it because the shows itself are unique in their own way; after a show has been running 10+ years do you think people really care to see the show for the actors?...Now Grey Gardens IS a show where it's being seen for the actors because I think that Christine Ebersole is the one who is holding the show together...
The most successful restaurant chain on Earth is McDonalds.
But their food sucks.
So why are they so successful? It sure aint because of the quality of their product.
Broadway Legend Joined: 1/21/07
Because there are a lot of fat people in the world ( Mostly America)who eat their in "Supersize me"