I don't know what happened to "latecomers will not be seated until an appropriate break in the performance." Back when we had livent presenting Phantom here that was during overture...then intermission. Now every show presented in Toronto by the Mirvishes we have this mass entrance of people during the first 5 numbers of the show.
If you can't get there ontime then you stand in the lobby and watch on tv or at the back of the orchestra. Letting people in to saunter down and obstruct entire rows of patrons is stupid. Lets see 1950 people got there on time....but sure lets disrupt them for the 30 people that can't time manage themselves.
Stand-by Joined: 5/29/10
Dude, or Dudette, Its just as well they were making noise, that's all the kids do on the stage but its probably worse than what you experienced so consider your self Lucky
Broadway Legend Joined: 6/25/14
I do think that sometimes though, when it comes to kids, school groups or not adults can be dumber than the kids at times. For example, I took my cousin to see Mary Poppins awhile back, she was close to ten at that point in time. There was a mother seated behind us with a son that looked maybe a year or so younger than my cousin. The mom was whispering, rather loudly might I add, into the kids ear. Giving the kid a play by play of what was happening onstage as if it were a sporting event.