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how many Union Jobs are affected by the strike of 355 stage hand jobs ? guess more than 75,000- Page 2

how many Union Jobs are affected by the strike of 355 stage hand jobs ? guess more than 75,000

billynj Profile Photo
#26re: how many Union Jobs are affected by the strike of 355 stage hand jobs ?
Posted: 11/25/07 at 11:19am

billy: I don't see anything anywhere where it says that members don't want to be striking. You just posted a memo about when to picket. Either I missed something or you've found the secret message.

Local_One2: Clearly you're just some sock puppet account trying to make Local One look bad with your foolish statements.

Tkt2Ride Profile Photo
#27re: how many Union Jobs are affected by the strike of 355 stage hand jobs ?
Posted: 11/25/07 at 11:18pm

Those at the top though are struggling! Just reading here I can imagine beads of sweat pouring down their faces or is that because of billynj new avatar? Honestly I cannot say?

I just know if the trickle down theory worked there wouldn't be a strike right now. I also know that even though the very wealthy were given very lucrative tax breaks, they still don't want to pay their fair share to those who really earned it.

So billynj is just getting the heat from the rest of us who wonder how much is really enough to these people? In times of plenty, they ask for more, in times of woe they ask for more.

billynj, who is going to give your friends $1000's of dollars to see their shows if all they can Produce are low budget B rated performances? More of us and much less of them. They too will only pay so much to see a Broadway show.

What Actors will show up to work on your stages for the kind of money you want to pay them? I know I won't. Neither will many others who can afford to be so picky.

It's an uncommon belief that everyone here in America only come because they want a show. Looking at posts here on this Mssg.Board, many can honestly prove that is true. Yet many more here have also said they will not support an industry that is below standards.

Hire unqualified stagehands and your Theater could burn to the ground. Nothing worse than underpaid help that have a grudge and all the electrical cable in the World at their fingertips.

Me personally, I want to walk in there knowing I can safely spend an couple of hours in a crowded Theatre with only a couple of exits available to me.

For some reason, I think billynj is too cheap to see Broadway shows. He is strictly an off-Broadway type who has his principals to live by. If not anything else.

So appropriate to see Scrooge show up at this Message Board. Especially at this time of the year. No wonder I refuse to see that show anymore.

#28re: how many Union Jobs are affected by the strike of 355 stage hand jobs ?
Posted: 11/26/07 at 3:11am


Glad to see you still have no clue about what is going on. 35 guys never get OT while 3 are fixing a problem. all the stagehands that are hired for a load in DO NOT stay and run the show. please billy go to a load in and see what happens. educate yourself before you b*tch and moan about things you have NO CLUE ABOUT!!!

"glad to see your drinking the union cool-aid

bunch of sheep being led to the slaughter by 355 pairs of greedy hands.

what could the producers really ask from equity ? a small little cost saving, they need the actors ...they don’t need $45.00 per hour floor sweepers or 35 guys getting overtime while 3 guys fix a problem that deserve the OT ..or guys hired to load in a show that then do next to nothing for the entire run of the show

actors fear of them being next on the chopping block is misguided

get real, wake up and start asking the right questions of your union reps

ps the economy is in the tank nationwide and these 355 stage hands want to keep featherbedding the workplace

time to do my part to help the ring in sales at retail"
