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new Usnavi understudy?

steven22 Profile Photo
#1new Usnavi understudy?
Posted: 2/13/09 at 9:40pm

Since Javier is taking over for Lin...does anyone know if there is going to be a new Usnavi understudy?...The show still have Shaun Taylor Corbet..and Michael Balderama (who has yet to go on as Usnavi)

#2re: new Usnavi understudy?
Posted: 2/13/09 at 9:48pm

I don't see why they wouldn't just have whoever takes over Javier's track u/s the role. But they should be fine with just those two understudies.

Formerly SirNotAppearing - Joined 3/08

winter_sky Profile Photo
#2re: new Usnavi understudy?
Posted: 2/13/09 at 10:08pm

I think Shaun is getting bumped up to Javier's part.

#3re: new Usnavi understudy?
Posted: 2/13/09 at 10:14pm

^I agree

#4re: new Usnavi understudy?
Posted: 2/13/09 at 10:14pm

^I agree

Drunk Chita Rivera Profile Photo
Drunk Chita Rivera
#5re: new Usnavi understudy?
Posted: 2/13/09 at 10:48pm

I know for a fact Shaun is going to be the new "condom guy" aka Javi's part. Maybe they will bring in a new swing that can cover Usnavi.

#6re: new Usnavi understudy?
Posted: 2/13/09 at 11:23pm

Condom guy? LOL. What kind of a musical is this?


#7re: new Usnavi understudy?
Posted: 2/13/09 at 11:26pm

Chip, if you didn't know ITH, you certainly do now, seeing as its banner ads are plastered all over this very site.

It's a great show. Check it out.

Formerly SirNotAppearing - Joined 3/08

#8re: new Usnavi understudy?
Posted: 2/14/09 at 11:29am

Its an AMAZING show

jamoca5 Profile Photo
#9re: new Usnavi understudy?
Posted: 2/14/09 at 5:12pm

Yeah, I talked to Shaun at the stagedoor last week and he said that he's gonna be bumped up to Javier's part =)

Lin's last night is tomorrow, though! =((((

~Ash was here

Past 12 Months On Stage:

24 Hour Plays: Otawri (Other Black Woman, 9/11), Hairspray (Shayna, 11/18-21) Twelve Angry Men (5th Juror, 12/9-11), Wilson Winter One-Acts: Mannequins (Bloomingdales Salesperson, 2/11-12), Twelfth Night (Maria, 3/24-26), 30 Plays in 60 Minutes (Various Roles, 6/4), Ragtime (Sarah, 8/11-13)

Current Avatar: Me looking quite sleepy. This shot gives you a nice view of my various posters: ITH, Hair, The Lion King, the list goes on...

TimeSquare3 Profile Photo
#10re: new Usnavi understudy?
Posted: 2/14/09 at 5:16pm

I think I'm going to like Jonas girl around here.

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