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From Costume Designer to Playwright
 May 20 2014, 09:38:45 PM
Songs for Boys around 10 years old
 Dec 28 2010, 06:35:55 PM
Listen to Jason Robert Brown's musical '13" There are some songs in that show that are in that age group. Billy Elliot, Oliver as well. Good luck and hooray to new talent!
SCOTTSBORO BOYS closing December 12?
 Dec 4 2010, 04:06:31 PM
Yes, I thoroughly understood what they were aiming to do, but the mere fact that they choose to present the story as a toe-tapping/stomping 'intelligent' thought provoking musical, as opposed to a play perhaps, limited them (dare I say it) to high kicks, big grins, blackface, lots of teeth, and ball-changes.

All wrapped up with accusatory glares, furrowed brows, poking fun of Caucasian women, Jews, and African American Kids, not to mention during the holiday touristy season, in orde

SCOTTSBORO BOYS closing December 12?
 Dec 4 2010, 03:33:56 PM
The overall feel of musical theatre sugar-coatedness of this really rather serious piece with the minstrel show framing device seemed extremely gimmicky to me- the ending (Rosa P) (without completely spoiling it for those who plan to see it/are reading this thread), and the biggest thing for me was the feeling that the show was tepidly presenting the 'BOYS' story, and yet, trying to be ironic. How can you tell their story and NOT go there. I've mentioned the 'props-tambourines'.


SCOTTSBORO BOYS closing December 12?
 Dec 4 2010, 03:19:51 PM
That's a fair statement. The artist in me found the minstrel show framing device gimmicky, and to be fair, yes, at times quite effective.
SCOTTSBORO BOYS closing December 12?
 Dec 4 2010, 03:05:01 PM
Yes, I saw the show at the Vineyard Theatre, and on broadway.
SCOTTSBORO BOYS closing December 12?
 Dec 4 2010, 02:53:57 PM
I can't speak for most 'AUDIENCES" and for that matter, neither can you. I can only speak for myself, I firmly stand by my comments. And for the record, 1970's-style/Walk Him Up the Stairs (Purlie) tambourines are quite a cliche.
SCOTTSBORO BOYS closing December 12?
 Dec 4 2010, 02:27:39 PM
There is a lesson to be learned from SCOTTSBORO BOYS: Black history deserves something better than musical comedy cliches.

Why didn't PARADE, about injustice done to a Jew, resort to Yiddish theater mannerisms? Because Hal Prince and Jason Robert Brown wanted the story to be done with dramatic integrity. The creators of BOYS sold history down the river with dated, outmoded, staging and writing cliches posing as "irony." Unfortunately, the show's potential audience saw through it...and r

SCOTTSBORO BOYS closing December 12?
 Dec 4 2010, 02:27:39 PM
There is a lesson to be learned from SCOTTSBORO BOYS: Black history deserves something better than musical comedy cliches.

Why didn't PARADE, about injustice done to a Jew, resort to Yiddish theater mannerisms? Because Hal Prince and Jason Robert Brown wanted the story to be done with dramatic integrity. The creators of BOYS sold history down the river with dated, outmoded, staging and writing cliches posing as "irony." Unfortunately, the show's potential audience saw through it...and r

SCOTTSBORO BOYS closing December 12?
 Dec 1 2010, 11:54:45 AM
This is very interesting read from the NY Post. I had no idea that the Rev Calvin Butts (who has a TON of clout in the black community) got on board with the protesters. I'm sure that once the producers heard this information, The Scottsboro Boys were, yet again, shafted.

Protesting Scottsboro Boys Minstrel Show
 Nov 7 2010, 04:45:33 PM
My point is that I understand why they are protesting. The name calling of the protesters, the assumptions that the protesters haven't seen the show, the fact that the protesters don't 'get Stroman's/Kander/Ebb/Thompson's "The Scottsboro Boys" are just that, assumptions. I'm going to make an assumption and say that they didn't set out to piss anybody out for the sake of pissing anybody off. They have valid points and I get their point as much as I 'got' The Scottsboro Boys.

Protesting Scottsboro Boys Minstrel Show
 Nov 7 2010, 02:49:02 PM
In my humble opinion, it's not about feeling uncomfortable, it's about good art, and even yet, great storytelling. Not tricks.

Protesting Scottsboro Boys Minstrel Show
 Nov 7 2010, 02:38:32 PM
I'm also an African American theatrego'er who has followed The Scottsboro Boys from the Vineyard to The Guthrie, to Great White Way(no pun intended). I"ve seen Caroline, or Change (loved it loved it loved it), and even sat through all of the latest August Wilson revivals, Regina Taylor plays, Stew's Passing Strange, and the revival of Raisin, Phylicia in August, Osage County, Cat on a hot tin roof, Memphis, the lion king, and you get the picture. I understand what Kander and Ebb, Stroman, Thom
Marcy Harriel as Mimi in Rent
 Nov 6 2010, 04:33:42 AM
Marcy was absolute fabulous in RENT,,,something about her sunken dark eyes and curly hair and vulnerability. By far one of the better Mimi's in RENT. Now, as much as I LOVED Tamyra Grey in the role, Marcy was simply outstanding....

That said, Tamrya Gray STAMPED THIS ROLE!...TAKE A LOOK
and esp

 Oct 31 2010, 09:39:22 PM
I think he was trying to make a valid point,,,what's with all the hoopla in Scottsboro Boys? If you're going to tell this story, why muck it up,,,I think it would be so much better as a play.

"...It's interesting to note that the dialogue scenes showing the nine Scottsboro boys behind bars, which are played straight, pack a greater dramatic punch than any of the musical numbers. I had no trouble imagining a play by Mr. Thompson about the Scottsboro trials that could have introduced a

Fantasia records her version of 'I'm Here'
 Aug 26 2010, 05:28:22 PM
Actually, God fearing people sleep with other people spouses, commit crimes, attempt suicide, etc on a daily basis. The fact that she recorded "LUCKY" and then it was cut, (perhaps starting to realize the mistakes she made) very well could've been the start on her road to recovery from all the drama, rather she is at fault or not. No one's perfect.

My point was/is that she is 26 years young and learning to deal with lifes' lessons. Again, no one's perfect, even the famous people (hello Lindsey Lohan). The thread was talking about her newest cd and reviewing the MUSIC, not her morals. If you want to talk about morals in the music, musical theatre industry, start a thread about it. Name calling is an easy thing to retort to, I'm not perfect, Fantasia isn't perfect. But she is attempting to pick herself up and learning life's lessons after attempting suicide and/or having an affair with a married man-kudos to her for doing so.

Watch her Behind the music and show a little compassion:

Fantasia records her version of 'I'm Here'
 Aug 25 2010, 01:57:28 PM
I bought the album and LOVE IT! Fantasia is a talent and force to reckoned with. The album was only $10 on ITunes (pre-ordered), and this 'critic' very unfairly failed to mention that Fantasia's core audience eat this kind of material up. She's an extremely diverse performer with the ability to sink into a lyric, bend it, stretch it like no other singer today (IMHO).

It doesn't cater to everyone, but Fantasia is continuously making her mark in a very unstable, commercial indust

Any news about Rent?
 Aug 24 2010, 12:02:01 AM
A RECENT REVIEW OF THE SHOW...highlighting some of the things I mentioned in depth...enjoy!

It was a fairly quick and easy train ride from the city on the metro north(grand central station to TARRYTOWN) and a short taxi ride to the theatre. If you don't want to do dinner, you can go for the show alone, but the experience of the dinner/show was worth it (in my opinion)

Any news about Rent?
 Aug 22 2010, 11:44:41 PM
They really did an amazing job, and I don't know how the community will embrace the show because it's pretty much in tact with the original script without too much editing.

My absolute fav dynamic is between the Angel/Collins (Justine Senese and Angelo Rios are STARS in their respected roles (acting and vocally). Vocally, the cast is extremely strong. The ensemble is just outstanding. Joanne/Maureen are great. Mark is great. Season of Love Soloist is JUST INCREDIBLE, and little sta

Actors that deserved Tonys and weren't even nominated
 Aug 22 2010, 02:28:09 PM
Less we forget Ann Harada in Avenue Q...such a blatant absences from the 2004 Tony Season!
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