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What should I see?
 Jul 2 2013, 11:32:59 AM
Thanks everyone!

Lot's of great recommendations.

I've already seen Murder Ballad (loved it) and Alan Cummings in Macbeth. Great ideas.

Think I will be checking out Natasha, Here Lies Love and a few this board!

Cheers -


What should I see?
 Jul 1 2013, 01:54:05 PM
Coming into town the weekend of July 12th and have time to catch 3 shows. Thinking Matilda but after that not sure....any suggestions?

I tend to lean towards off-Broadway before Broadway. Last time I was there I saw Tribes, Bare and 27th Man and loved them all. Didn't love Giant. Awhile back saw Cock and loved that one as well. Obviously, I lean towards the dramas and rock musicals.

Would love any thoughts you all have.

Thanks in advance.


Hugh and Russell sing The Confrontation at Joe's Pub concert
 Dec 10 2012, 11:03:06 PM
Bless you Fan2 for your list of appearances. We made it to the Today Show this morning and had a grand time getting some autographs. Wouldn’t have happened without you! Cheers!
Hugh and Russell sing The Confrontation at Joe's Pub concert
 Dec 9 2012, 10:06:19 AM
Anyone know if they are doing any other appearances while in town this weekend?
Where do I get rush/discounted tickets to these shows
 Dec 5 2012, 07:57:45 PM
Coming into the city this weekend. Here are the shows I'd like to see. Does anyone know what types of discount/rush options are out there for each?

27th Man
Murder Ballad

Thanks -

I'm Looking for Off-Broadway Recommendations
 Nov 27 2012, 11:54:05 AM
Wow! You guys are amazing. I know I can always count on you! Thank you so much!


I'm Looking for Off-Broadway Recommendations
 Nov 26 2012, 02:43:29 PM
Headed to NY Dec 7-10 to see Bare. Looking for a few other Off-Broadway shows and find that you all tend to know what’s up. Last time I was there I saw Cock and loved it. Standby looked good but I missed it. Love the dramas/musical dramas. Kinda looking at Twenty Seventh Man, Traces and Murder Ballad. Thoughts? Recommendations?

Do actors stage door on opening night?
 Jun 23 2012, 09:45:38 PM
Coming to town and thinking of seeing a show on opening night. I typically stage door but I have never been on opening night. Just wondering...



Other Desert Cities Discounts??
 Nov 8 2011, 12:14:46 AM
They have the 25-35 year old ticket price. I picked up my ticket last week for $30. Check out


What should I see - Other Desert Cities or Son of a Prophet?
 Nov 1 2011, 11:04:15 AM
You all have been most helpful. I think Other Desert Cities is the winner! THANKS!
What should I see - Other Desert Cities or Son of a Prophet?
 Nov 1 2011, 12:45:23 AM
In town for 2 days - too many shows to pick from. Help!

I tend to lean towards the dramas -

If you could relate either of these shows to another play, book or tv show - what would it be?

And go....


What to see?
 Oct 28 2011, 07:16:16 PM
What to see? Can see 3 shows only…

Adam Pascal in Memphis – not a huge fan of Memphis but love Pascal
War Horse – coming on tour a few hours from home town – see in NY or home
Bonnie and Clyde – I didn’t love Wonderland but like most of his stuff.
Other Desert Cities – getting great reviews
Follies – don’t love the show, but love the cast

Such hard decisions!

I need a show suggestion for 4/18 - off Broadway?????
 Apr 12 2011, 10:47:13 PM
Great - thanks. I think Black Angels Over Tuskegee it is. Would have never tried this one without the recommendation!
I need a show suggestion for 4/18 - off Broadway?????
 Apr 12 2011, 12:45:49 PM
I am looking for an off-Broadway dramatic play/musical on Monday 4/18 (I know, mostly dark) that has cheap or rush tickets available. Any suggestions?



Any insider tips on how to see a show before previews?
 Mar 26 2011, 12:54:10 AM
I will be in NY for a few days and booked my trip before the announcement of The Normal Heart. I would love love love to see this but am leaving the day Previews start. Have any of you ever heard of previews before the previews - a dress rehearsal or something? Is this ever done and if so - how do I score tickets?

Thanks -


Intelligent Homosexual's Guide or Starcatcher?
 Mar 18 2011, 01:24:00 AM
I am coming to NY in April and already have my tickets to iHo. I have heard mixed reviews on Starcatcher. From what I have heard about both - if you are interested in Drama go with iHo. Comedy and lighter - Starcatcher.
Discount tickets Spiderman and Kushner's new play
 Mar 14 2011, 02:16:05 AM
I know - with all the hub-bub - who actually still wants to see Spider Man? I do! I just can't help it. However, I really don't want to pay full price.

I am headed to NY in April (before the show closes)and along with a few other shows, would like to pick up tickets to Spiderman and Kushner's new play. I have checked and Playbill and can't seem to find discount tickets for either of these shows. Any ideas?



Rush, Lotto, TKTS Booth?
 Feb 21 2011, 02:16:55 AM
Thank you so much for your help. This gave me just what I needed.



Rush, Lotto, TKTS Booth?
 Feb 20 2011, 02:25:25 AM
Coming to NY in April (14-19) on a very tight ($500ish for shows) budget.

Must See:
Catch Me If You Can
Book of Mormon
Kushner's new play

Importance of Being Earnest
War Horse

Open to more if anyone has any great recommendations. : )

My question is - how to get the best priced tickets? I want to get the most bang for my buck but I do wa

The Creepiness Never Stops
 Jan 28 2011, 12:55:32 AM
I am a little disheartened by this post and the responses. I am not an actor and I am not in the business in any way. I simply find great joy in the theater. From attending several $5-10 shows a month locally (Utah) to working hard to make a journey to NY every year – it is something that I have found brings me great happiness. I donate when I can and spend as much as I can afford on theater of any kind…I believe in the arts.

My first real “Broadway Blowout” was last year and I mana

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