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Profile for actress_06

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Member Name: actress_06
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Gender: Female
Occupation: Student/Actor
Profile: I'm a 20 year old theatre major from Minnesota. I've only ever wanted to be a performer, so that's my pursuit.

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re: Pirate Queen Poll
 Mar 27 2007, 02:45:50 PM
A-, I didn't pay full price for an Orchestra Seat
Musical Heroes
 Mar 20 2007, 09:57:56 PM
Stephanie J. Block
Sutton Foster
Brian Stokes Mitchell
Audra MacDonald

re: Songs for a funeral/memorial?
 Nov 28 2006, 09:46:30 AM
Flying Home - Songs for a New World

Terribly sorry for the loss.

re: Peter Pan Musical Production License
 Oct 5 2006, 10:27:40 AM
I would have to go with the original. I'm doing a production of Pan right now, and I think Mysterious Lady has got to be one of the funniest songs in the show, especially if it's blocked right. Sure Ugg-a-Wugg is a little shorter, but as an "indian" I'm ok with that. The show isn't about indians. It's about never growing old.
re: Broadway Singers who Smoke......
 Aug 1 2005, 11:00:50 PM
Wow this thread is really interesting. The only thing I really know is that for some people smoking and second hand smoke are horrible things for the voice. If I am even around smokers for 5 minutes I cough for at least 2 hours. I have no allergies or asthma. It just happens to work that way for me. I have never, and hopefully will never, thought about trying to smoke because I am scared to death of what it might do to my voice.


re: Theater Pictures
 Jul 31 2005, 06:45:53 PM
This is a theater in my hometown that my family is working (with a non-profit) on renovating.
It will cost around $3.5 million. And that is also the stage curtin that could fund it all, but no way are we selling it. That's the only original piece left. We're going to have it restored.

re: Videos
 Jul 29 2005, 06:05:32 PM
If you get Jesus Christ Superstar be careful there are two diiferent versions. One is the classic 70s version. The other is newer, but I compare it to Hardcore S&M...the costumes anyway. It seems to be a European stage version.

re: Original casts more than once...
 Jul 1 2005, 11:31:48 PM
Kristin Chenoweth-Wicked and Steel Pier
re: I'm stupid...Help me...
 Jul 1 2005, 10:03:10 PM
it's by number of can find all that stuff in the guidlines section. Hope that helps
re: musicals only you seem to dislike
 Jul 1 2005, 01:25:55 AM
Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat

Those happen to be the only two cast recordings my old roommate had and she would play them constantly!!! I wanted to die!

re: Saycon in Wicked
 Jun 30 2005, 12:39:56 PM
I don't really understand the whole 'gospel/soul' thing. I know that a lot of black singers have that , but then when you think about other performers it's hard to tell. As many people said Shoshana is white, but has a 'soulful' voice. The is also Brian Stokes Mitchell and Audra McDonald. If you didn't know they were black and listened to a recording they could be white how would you know. Plus there are a heck of a lot of black (and people of other nationalities) that sing opera. The voice does
re: Performers who should have websites, but don't
 Jun 30 2005, 12:47:04 AM
Audra least I'm pretty sure she doesn't have one.
Cowgirls the Musical: Have you seen it??
 Jun 30 2005, 12:45:48 AM
I'm doing the show right now and I was wondering if anyone had seen it and if so what they thought of it. So you know I'm playing Mary Lou the violinist with the stick shoved a little high up her bum.

P.S. I'm not a huge fan of country music, but it was an opportunity to perform so I was in.

re: Bloopers and stuff
 Jun 29 2005, 03:53:12 PM
So This isn't quite a blooper, but last night my brother(who is our lighting designer) and I got to the theater and found out that one of the lighting trees had fallen. Luckily only one of the ligths shattered, so we were able to revamp the design and fix it.

That and we have a scrim and as some of the girls were changing behind it the light accidently came up a little bit so there they were practically naked infront of the audience, but they didn't realize it so they just kept on chan

 Jun 29 2005, 12:23:04 PM
Strongest Suit and I know the Truth
re: Question about having a vibratto
 Jun 28 2005, 04:42:21 PM
Vibratto is generally when your voice jumps in and out of tune. If you're singing choral music it generally isn't a good thing becuse all the vibrattos will blend causing one very "ugly" sound. Again it all depends on what type of music you're singing and generally you don'y want it to be there all the time if singing a solo.
re: Cheyenne Jackson
 Jun 27 2005, 10:19:14 AM

re: song for competition
 Jun 27 2005, 12:40:28 AM
Musetta's Waltz from La Boheme is extremely impressive if you can do it. It's in Italian though.
re: Indiscrepancies on Musical Recordings.
 Jun 26 2005, 03:51:47 PM
Speaking of accuracy not trying to be rude but I believe the word you are looking for is discrepancies. "Indiscrepancies" is not actually a word.
re: Why is theatre important to you?
 Jun 25 2005, 09:23:58 PM
Theater and the arts have been a part of my life since the day I was born. I was lucky enough to be born into a musical family. My father a former professional opera singer who plays multiple instruments, my mother an artist who also plays multiple instruments. My oldest brother a performer and Jack of all trades. My other brother is our family techie and also plays a few instruments. With all of that working for me it was just inevitable that I be involved in the arts somehow, and it just seeme
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