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Member Name: iwannabearenthead21
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re: TV/VCR alert for Adam Pascal fans.....
 Jan 8 2005, 08:38:14 AM
wow, 3 songs!! that just made my weekend! AAAAh im so excited now!!!
re: Fav Character EVER
 Jan 5 2005, 12:35:12 PM
Roger and Angel (rent)
Elphaba (wicked)

re: TV/VCR alert for Adam Pascal fans.....
 Jan 5 2005, 12:00:14 PM
yay, they mentioned him! and showed his pic the hour was worth it.. still NOT a loser
re: TV/VCR alert for Adam Pascal fans.....
 Jan 5 2005, 11:38:58 AM
Haha, yea... Its okay theres nothing else on.....
re: TV/VCR alert for Adam Pascal fans.....
 Jan 5 2005, 11:35:37 AM
Yay! Im watching the view right now, to see if they mention him
re: My Fan Photos (i want everyone to look at them)
 Jan 5 2005, 09:43:53 AM
Nice pictures, Im weird but I like the dragon from wicked one! I was fascinated by it during the show!
re: What show do you most regret not seeing?
 Jan 5 2005, 09:38:35 AM
-Cabaret (esp. with Adam)

 Jan 5 2005, 09:32:18 AM
Thanks! Now I'm even more excited for March!
re: Fav Get-up-in-the-morning Showtunes
 Jan 5 2005, 09:29:25 AM
What You Own really wakes me up!
re: What's in YOUR player?
 Jan 5 2005, 09:28:36 AM
room- Civilian and Model Prisoner (playlist from iPod)
computer- all my itunes stuff
car- civillian

i do listen to other stuff.. just not this week!

re: Bklyn
 Jan 4 2005, 05:46:27 PM
Thanks! I think we may have found a discount for 60... is it funny cuz its bad or supposed to be funny?
 Jan 4 2005, 05:41:11 PM
Im thinking of getting tickets to go see Brooklyn. My favorite shows are Rent and Wicked. Is it worth the 90 dollars?
re: TV/VCR alert for Adam Pascal fans.....
 Jan 4 2005, 05:15:41 PM
I think hes playing a song, they also have footage from his gig on Dec. 29th! Im sooo excited, any chance to see more adam!
re: SPAMALOT on February 17th!!!
 Jan 4 2005, 04:44:01 PM
Im seeing it March 4th! And am also really excited!
 Dec 31 2004, 12:27:19 PM
hah, i guess it was, it was awesome! I could talk about how exciting it was for hours!


 Dec 31 2004, 12:26:44 PM
hah, i guess it was, it was awesome! I could talk about how exciting it was for hours!
 Dec 31 2004, 12:22:09 PM
Yea, he was so nice, it was my first time meeting him
 Dec 31 2004, 11:59:33 AM
They werent really rude, they didnt say too much either. I didnt care, Adam was really nice and thats all that mattered to me
re: Favorite male diva?
 Dec 30 2004, 11:42:30 PM
re: Urinetown
 Dec 30 2004, 11:27:12 PM
My boyfriend's neighbor is Jeff McCarthy, the original Officer Lockstock in Urinetown. He eats dinner at my bf's house all the time. Word
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