re: costumes on ebay Nov 27
2005, 09:16:04 PM
adam pascal's pants *faints*
re: costumes on ebay Nov 27
2005, 09:13:24 PM
i want the bike too but its pick up only =(
re: the new yorker - clips of shows Nov 27
2005, 09:01:12 PM
re: the new yorker - clips of shows Nov 27
2005, 08:51:20 PM
i thought it was a great discovery but apparently not
re: Mini Pop Kids sing Seasons of Love Nov 27
2005, 08:44:39 PM
the new yorker - clips of shows Nov 27
2005, 08:41:33 PM
for those of you who read the new yorker magazine here is a little heads up - in this weeks issue there is a cd rom in a commercial for american express - it says win tickets to see rent so naturally i put it in - it turns out that it has interviews and clips from a bunch of diffrent shows on the disc, LOTS of back stage footage as well..... lots of info and scenes from shows... lots of info on backgrounds of shows etc... so even if you dont like rent (if your crazy) (jk) it is still good...
re: Today's Birthdays 11/26 Nov 25
2005, 11:07:01 PM
what is idina menzels b-day? where did you find this info?
re: Adam Pascal in School of Rock Nov 25
2005, 11:03:26 PM
adam pascal is so gorgeous.... i saw school of rock just because he was in it- it actually is a really good movie though besides him...
re: rent! Nov 25
2005, 10:57:55 PM
i like your poem=)
re: favorite broadway memory Nov 25
2005, 10:56:16 PM
the first time i saw rent.... god im sucha rent head! sorry i know its very annoying...
average Nov 25
2005, 10:49:16 PM
about how many shows does the average main actor/actress perform in before moving on? do they rehearse for others while performing in other shows? sorry just wondering...
re: Kristy Cates as Elphaba Nov 25
2005, 10:44:15 PM
could she be the next idina?
re: there's no such 'Cat Scratch Club' in NYC Nov 25
2005, 10:42:45 PM
in my opinion mimi was supposed to work in a **** hole and live in a **** hole.... although all of her pillows were pretty....
re: rent! Nov 25
2005, 10:37:14 PM
let me specify... rent= my life... better?
re: 'Broadway: The Golden Age' Film Nov 25
2005, 10:36:41 PM
BUY it you wont regret...
rent! Nov 25
2005, 10:32:23 PM
re: An Idea Nov 24
2005, 11:11:19 PM
that sounds REALLY good- and all your harry potter lyrics show you can write - you should try it!! you could be like the next andrew lloyd weber....
oklahoma float Nov 24
2005, 12:22:56 PM
what was the oklahoma float (that chenowitz sang on) in the thanksgiving parade representing? or in honor of or whatever? like the purpose? i love chenowitz and am happy she was there but why?...... HAPPY THANKSGIVING!
your bway name Nov 23
2005, 11:46:06 PM
what does that thing under your name mean? how many replys you have made- how long youve had an account? the thing that says like broadway lgend, chorus member, etc)
re: Love Heals? Nov 23
2005, 11:32:47 PM
is there some place to send what we want on the dvd in? lol there so should be like a request hot line!!